Elijah Emeragold



3 years, 10 months ago



Stoic and usually antisocial, Eli tends to stray away from parties and gatherings; he'd much rather prefer sitting in silence and enjoying a good book or hanging out with only a few friends. There's only a selective few with whom he puts his guard even partially down for. In a fight, he tends to hang back and take a more cautious, defensive approach, helping his allies from the side with his forcefields, shields, and pinpoint accuracy with a long-range weapon. His talent with a firearm or bow and arrows is near second to none, but his talents with social sensibilities need work.

A man of his word and a responsible person, he runs a bar called The Phoenix with his brother, and works alongside a half-demon and a shapeshifter in a mercenary trio as a side gig. The job has given him an eye for gold, and only strengthened his distrust of strangers.


5' 6", 16 years old, asexual and aromantic & cisgender, he/him

Attack: ☆☆☆

Defense: ☆☆☆☆☆

Magic: ☆☆☆☆

Agility: ☆☆

Smarts: ☆☆☆☆

Morality: ☆☆


- usually just called 'Eli' for short

- has daily crises on morality and his identity as a bad/good guy 

- Is sex-repulsed and romance-repulsed due to witnessing his brother's bad experiences

- somewhat touch-averse with exceptions for Elliot, Amy, and other family/close friends; gradually getting better with exposure (thanks to said family and friends)

- Cheapskate

- Feels the need to always have his guard up and hide his emotions 

- has subpar magic stamina and physical strength; is a bit of a glass cannon

- can play the violin, some other string instruments, and piano

- Owns the car that formerly belonged to that man that is The Phoenix's now deceased owner & his adopted granddad

- values cleanliness

- signature colors: green and gold/yellow

- Theme songs: "Taste for Gold" by Jaxson Gamble, "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" by Set It Off and "Hot Girl Bummer" by Blackbear

- last name is a blend of "emerald" and "gold", reflecting Eli's signature colors as well as his greed. It doesn't work as well with Elliot, admittedly, but they're brothers so he's still stuck with it.

- Did you want to play a scratch game with him?

- Did you want to see his playlist?