Dax/Nuwon (Knife)



1 year, 27 days ago


33 moons
Resident of Nowhere

Knife and his sister, Dagger, were born in a two kit litter to Trash Compactor and Adara, two mollies seemingly very different cats who suited the age old "opposites attract". Adara enabled Trash Compactor's dumbassery while also being enough of the brains to keep her out of trouble. The mollies' histories from outside Nowhere plan to see in the more willowy, large-eared nature of their children. Trash being a more recent addition, while Adara was born there from outsider parents. Trash was loud and outspoken, bold in her stubborn, foolish bravery while Adara was a caretaker by nature, a soothing gentle presence with a soft voice that could lull many to sleep, a true storyteller.

Of the siblings Knife was the quiet one, timid and rarely wanting to be away from his mothers' side while Dagger wished to explore the wide open world. While Knife was intimidated by the Fables of Nowhere, it only deepened Dagger's drive for exploration a mirror to their parents, Dagger and Trash skeptics while Adara and Knife believed in them more. Notably however the thing Knife struggled with the most was death, crying over cats he didn't know long into the day's end, much to the confusion of his sister and mothers although his mothers were a tad more helpful in that regard in trying to help with what was the start of Knife's extreme amount of empathy. This was especially true of Adara, who Knife was always closer with due to her gentle and calm nature, who introduced Knife to art as a way of expressing himself, something that has lasted long into his adulthood.

One of the few friends Knife made in his youth was a cat named Dawn, a cat with a family line well established in Nowhere. The large fluffy ginger tabby captivated Knife from the start with his friendly, but calm personality and the two were practically inseparable. Between Dawn, Adara, Trash and Dagger Knife trailed them all like a shadow, silently following just the right amount behind them so he could hide if need be.

His seemingly happy life short lived as when he was ten moons old, his mothers both were killed. Already not able to cope well with death, Knife practically imploded becoming nearly inconsolable, cats better able to cope with grief who moved on taken as a personal slight instead of what it was, seeing it as them all moving on so quickly a simple tally on the barn far from enough for him, his sister Dagger included in this. Dawn was eventually able to start somewhere with Knife, however the gap that was made never seemed to fully mend and from then on Knife seemed to start talking more like Trash the once quiet cat now quite the foulmouthed one, although bitter and more sharp-tongued he never really reached the level of bold loudmouth his sister and Trash had.

Things seemed to stabilize until recently, Knife mainly keeping to Dawn and occasionally Dagger. He kept up his art and even started getting an interest in plants via the need for more medium to work with, he was a notable gift-giver with his artwork and teacher of crass words to the youth. However... Dagger left one night, without a goodbye or a trace of her left, which was shortly followed by the most recent flood stealing Dawn away, leaving Knife alone and to regress into himself becoming more like he was when he was ten moons old than the more stable one now. The grief of losing his sister, his best friend and... Well it wasn't a surprise that Knife and Dawn wanted to have a wedding, so their whole planned future was gone as well. While he may not have the Unseen Curse, he sure thinks he has some sort of curse.

Charisma 70%
Intelligence 80%
Creativity 100%
Patience 40%
Bravery 80%
Friendliness 30%
Sincerity 95%
Maturity 75%
Confidence 40%


Far from the shy kitten he once was, Knife is a sharp-tongued cat who'd prefer to be alone rather than with others. He puts on an irritable face to hopefully stay alone as he believes those he cares for will die for it. However once a cat has shown to be persistent enough he doesn't bother with such efforts... Just hope you can handle his crude tongue and swearing.

Born a timid, caring cat the Knife of today is a cold, bitter, pessimistic sort who always seems to be in a mood. He doesn't have hope for the future getting magically better instead seeing them all as locked in a loop that will keep on going forever, which to him is some of the worst misery one can experience. He has a deep hate for phrases like "It gets better with time" and "It'll all work out eventually" as well as the concept of fate in general, seeing the sayings as foolish when he believes nothing has ever worked out before and the concept as personally laughing at him, while he doesn't loudly and vocally hate these things, he never wishes to talk on them long if anyone does bring it up to him his expressions and tone more than enough to get the point across.

Knife mainly keeps to himself, finding interaction tiresome especially with more outgoing personalities. Part of the drain due to him actively avoiding attachments out of fear he'll lose them too, his front of hating others is remarkably flimsy and comes apart easily when a cat is persistent enough, as long as they aren't vocally full of themselves he give in easily. Those that persist finding that even still he's a cat that cares a lot about others (perhaps to the point of it being too much which further makes him exhausted), he's rather loyal and tends to stick by them even if he's a bit afraid of calling them friends out of that aforementioned fear they will be next. He has a dry sense of humor and the energy of someone who isn't being paid enough.

He is a rather artistic cat, enjoying the act of creating, carving with his claws being his favorite method although he enjoys other crafts as well, to the point he has gained an interest in plants for the purpose of his art. He's still a gift-giver by nature, but tends to be rather reserved about it nowadays.


  • Creative
  • Passionate
  • Resourceful


  • Blunt
  • Humoros
  • Outspoken


  • Grouchy
  • Pessimistic
  • Self-Depricating




