Basic Info



name meaning

white, fair, blessed


equivalent of a 40-year-old human




"has a little mini sun that always seems to be shining as if it was the sunrise - stars in the darker purple actually glow and twinkle like real stars" - design creator


"Darkness is when you can best see the light"

 Gwen is the light-seeker, meaning that wherever she goes she tries to find the best bit of everything - whether that be the light in a person, a situation, or actual light (life isn't always metaphors). She's completely mute, by her own choice. Once she saved a mysterious person and was given the opportunity to be able to help light the way for others, though she would have to sacrifice something of her own to do so. Gwen, realizing what an opportunity this was, agreed, and gave up her voice.

Now she has stars on her back and a sun above her head, and while it may seem like the deal only allowed her to light the world literally, she was also granted quite a large amount of wisdom. She's an excellent problem solver and does her best to help everyone she can.

Some people have remarked that with that sun up by her head so often, hasn't she gone blind? And yes, she has gotten a bit near-sighted as of late, but it's certainly not because of her sun. Rumors can be very strange. It's safe, of course. If it wasn't then everyone would certainly be in trouble, as she's probably accidentally start a fire or blind everyone she meets. Luckily, she doesn't have such problems. Smart frog. She supposes he anticipated the possibility of these things, and made sure they wouldn't happen.

Sometimes she has moments where she doubts her decision a bit. Was it ever really a good idea to give up so much for everyone else? But when it comes down to just the facts, it definitely was worth it. She's glad for her abilities almost every day.

Gwen often likes wearing fuzzy socks, for no reason other then they're comfortable. She borrows a lot of them from Dahlia, but she also has quite the collection of her own.