


4 years, 3 months ago


Earl Theodore Orsini
Date of Birth
10th July [1872].
Male, (he/him)
Crime Analyst.
Creation Year


Theodore 'Teddy' Orsini is the eldest child of his late parents, and the older sibling to his brother Arthur. Teddy is warm and a friend to just about anyone he meets, regardless of where they come from or who they might be.

He is the head of the Orsini Household, a noble house in England in the late 19th Century, a house that he unexpectedly inherited following the death of his father's estranged brother. Teddy works initally as a crime analyst, using the job mostly as a means to investigate into a mysterious incident that caused him both physical and psychological harm- he eventually decides to instead focus on the future and pursue his dream to open a bakery.


  • Baking
  • Sweeties
  • His Younger Brother
  • Toy Train Sets
  • Puzzles


  • His Physical Limitations
  • Large Crowds of Strangers
  • High Society Events
  • Brushing His Hair


Following the untimely death of their parents to illness, Teddy attempted to take care of himself and Arthur for a time - however being barely 13 he was unable to provide for them in any meaningful way and the two were facing being sent to children's homes. Just before this could happen the unexpected happened, when a letter arrived informing them that they were in fact the nephews and sole inheritors to a fortune and estate from an Uncle they had never met. Their father had, unbeknownst to them, been an estranged son from a noble family - with his brother having died without children, the title of inheritance was to be passed down to Teddy. Though Arthur didn't seem particularly thrilled at the idea, Teddy jumped at it so that they could live without worry.

Soon their life became filled with Officials making a great deal of fuss over Teddy, perfecting him into the look of a little noble and making sure he was fully ready for his duties. He was completely unaware of the growing resentment from Arthur, coupled with inconsolable grief - which was soon to reach its peak.

On the night the two were journeying to London, Arthur would attack Teddy violently. Causing incredible (and lasting) damage to his side, the younger sibling robbed him of all his personal belongings before fleeing into the night - leaving Teddy to die on the floor. His plan, likely to remain in hiding before re-emerging with a false story once the news of his death hit newspapers.

However, as if by miracle, Teddy did not die. He was found by a passer-by, who rushed him to the closest hospital where he clung onto life by the smallest of threads. After many long and intense procedures, he somehow had survived and yet... when Teddy awoke, he had lost all of his memories. From his name, birthplace or age - in his mind it was all completely gone. Both boy and staff were at a complete loss for what to do until a surprise inquiry turned up for him one day. The inquiry came from the Palace, having strong reason to believe he was their missing noble who had vanished on his way to London. He was, indeed, Theodore Orsini, soon to be Earl of House Orsini and inheritor.

With Teddy found, he was instead quietly made Earl. Instead of a grandiose ceremony, most had to be done on a very low-key scale due to his injuries. This meant he could however move into the residence to recover more comfortably once he was no longer completely bed-bound. Unfortunately, he still couldn't do too much on his own. He didn't seem to be interested in hiring any staff, and instead through stubbornness persisted on his own. Keeping to himself and having little to no public presence.

As a couple years passed, he came out of his shell a little more. He mostly liked going along to Charity events, even if just to hang around near the back and eat cake, they were quieter and far less rigid than those fancy events with Nobles and Royalty. At one particular event he seemed to run into a strange, blonde lad... he named himself as Edward Thornton and denied having ever met Teddy. Though... they had the same eyes...


• Teddy has a messy mop of brown hair. It was shorter prior to the accident, however following it he did not cut it, so it grew to the length it currently is. The lack of care is also why it's always so... unkempt.

• Teddy and Arthur lack a lot of similar features, however how some of their hair falls, a smattering of freckles and bright green eyes are the few they do share.

• Teddy's favourite attire is nice shirts, shorts, long coats and nice boots.

• In the months after the accident, he didn't wear a lot of bright colours and his clothing was very plain. In recent times he has been commissioning a lot more brighter custom coats and purchasing matching clothes.

• The top hat is DEFINITELY not to make up for lack of height ! (That's what the heels on his boots is for... ha ha).


• As a result of the attack, Teddy relies on a cane for his walking. He holds it in his left hand and struggles to walk steadily without it.

• Teddy's amnesia stems from trauma from the incident. In such events, amnesia to traumatic events is possible, in rare cases full memory loss is possible too.

• Over time, he regains the tiniest of crumbs to his memory. However for most of his applicable and planned life, he never mostly/fully regains his memory... perhaps it's for the best.

• Teddy is an OC originally created as a self-insert in RP. He was later revised and given full characterisation. However this is why he is typically my most common stand-in as opposed to any other sona or myself.



Arthur Orsini

Arthur is Teddy's younger, and only, sibling. Teddy adores Arthur, while Arthur finds his brother nothing but a nuisance. Despite Arthur's (very obvious) dislike of Teddy, he simply doesn't care and believes his hating is only surface deep... and that his brother would never do wrong, or hurt him...

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