


3 years, 11 months ago


Edmond Bunker
Date of Birth
30th August.
Male, (he/him)
Human, (reanimated).
Cafe Barister and Manager.
Creation Year


Once an ordinary guy, living an extremely ordinary life. The few things Edmond had to look forward to was going home early, new video game releases and frequent nights out living the bachelor life…

Alas, following his untimely demise that all came to a screeching halt.

Getting caught up in the affairs of Heaven, Edmond was unexpectedly reanimated by the man who fell from Heaven - and had to learn a new 'normal' as he tip-toes the line between life and death.


  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Video Games


  • His Body
  • When his scrap-heap of a Bike falls apart for the 5th time this week and he has work in half an hour.
  • Having to lie about himself for the 20th time that day.


The earlier years of Edmond's life are… increasingly normal. The middle child, with an over-achiever older brother being the pride of the family, and his darling and (quite frankly adorable) younger sister - Edmond just liked living it chill and never setting his hopes or others' expectations high. He lived and breathed... average.

Following secondary school, Edmond immediately chose employment and also moved out fairly quickly, usually cycling through flatmates and living arrangements. He eventually held a pretty secure job as manager at a cafe and life was decent.

However, it would be one particular morning, with the sun about to rise and his shift to soon start - that Edmond never showed up for work. In fact, it wasn’t even certain he had never made it home.

All the while searches were being made to find what might've happened to him, he had actually been killed. Inadvertently.

When Will, following his creation of a Forbidden Smoke Being known as Fumus, had been forcibly kicked from Heaven, his body fell and landed square on Edmond as he walked home from work the previous night. Edmond, tragically, had been killed on impact and never stood a chance.

The impact stirred Will from a crazed state, and he fled to hiding in an abandoned building with Edmond's body - where the two remained undiscovered. After testing his powers out some, Will turned to Edmond as his next experiment, though not expecting to actually succeed. He patched his body up using his Smoke, tidying all his wounds back together with crude black stitches and then using the Smoke to replicate Edmond's internal body functions - coupled with a shock of lightning straight out of a horror novel and..... somehow, Edmond returned to life.

Though he wasn't immediately awake, it also took a couple weeks for him to really come to and be coherent. Will presented him with two choices: continue living this unconventional existence, or Will would put him to sleep and would allow him to peacefully pass on. Edmond, fearing death as many would, chose the former. So thus, the two would strike up a strange agreement: Edmond allowed Will to move into his flat and live with him, giving him shelter and a place to live; while Will would allow Edmond to live for as long as he wanted, and patchwork body would hold out. Will also agreed he would find some means of repayment to Edmond, in the months following Will would take up odd, temporary and cash-in-hand jobs to help pay out for expenses (as well as occasionally make use of his abilities and... acquire stuff like food through theft).

In the time following the accident, Edmond became understandably more subdued. He gained a rather unhealthy relationship to coping mechanisms such as smoking or alcohol, though being undead they didn't have much effect on him - positive or negative. He could drink a bar dry and not even stumble his steps on the way out for his 20th smoke break.

Still, in an unlikely turn of events... his new flatmate caused him to lead the most un-average life he could've ever thought of... and maybe Will wasn't such a bad guy.


• Edmond has a big ole mess of curly and fluffy blonde hair. He is usually seen with his bike goggles perched somewhere up on his head too.

• Noticeably, Edmond has scars littering his whole body. The most prominent ones are across his face from where his face smashed into the ground, as a result he often has facemasks on hand for when he feels self-conscious about them. The rest are in various places around his body, such as his arms, some on his legs then one across his chest and another down the length of his back.

• While Edmond isn't averse to painting his nails black, they are permanently now black due to... being dead.

• Funnily enough Edmond's rough design was done in a cheapy, flash-esque character designer. The outline of his colour scheme and design were put through it, then the basic design outline was translated into a new design in my style. Since then he hasn't recieved any major design overhaul.


• While in theory Will could control Edmond as easily as a puppet, he simply has no desire to do so. The most he would do with the level of control over Edmond's body is move him out of danger.

• Edmond and Will's cover story on his death is as follows: Edmond was caught under a falling object, and the company responsible paid out a ridicuous amount to keep Edmond quiet and out of court. Edmond accepted this. Will was also the person whom found Edmond, and took care of him as best he could. As thanks, Edmond allowed him to move in as Will needed a place to stay.

• Edmond was originally created to be a character subservient to Will, when Will was originally a more villainous character - however after redo-overs they were redesigned to stand on equal footing to one another, with differences that compliment.

• When alive, Edmond hooked up quite a lot. He only ever had short flings or one-night-stands, and never seemed to want to hold a lasting relationship. If asked, he would state it was never something that really interested him. Even knowing this it didn't stop many colleagues or regular customers trying their luck.

• Following his death, Edmond stopped pursuing any kind of romance altogether. A mix of his unsteady mental and physical state, as well as his insecurities over his body's appearance now - he simply turns down any pursuits.




Will is Edmond's flatmate. While he was technically the cause of Edmond's death, Edmond doesn't take it too personally since Will wasn't the one to fling him off the edge of Heaven. Will keeps Edmond alive and pays him expenses, naps most hours of the day, as well as makes great food - surprisingly. So Edmond isn't too torn about their new living arrangement.

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