


4 years, 3 months ago


Quentin Peters
Q, Quen
Varies, usually 19+
Date of Birth
13th October.
Male, (he/him)
Master Programmer and Coder.
Creation Year


Quentin Peters is a genius programmer, developer and hacker - with a few decent skills in hardware tinkering. An anxious mess, suffering many physical and mental ailments - he likes to keep himself to himself away in his room in front of a complex PC rig where he works on his projects and work.

Despite all his setbacks, he does produce products of extremely high quality and proficitiency.

Quentin is based off of an unseen character from the AU Death Note Film/Novel, L; Change the WorLd. In this side story, an unknown Wammy's attendee known only as 'Q' who is shown on the student mailing list - but also mentioned in the novel as being behind the security system developed and gifted for use from Watari.


  • Programming.
  • Tinkering with spare parts.
  • Upgrading parts to his PC (and others').
  • Playing Video Games.


  • Social Interaction.
  • Going Outside.
  • Being Centre of any Attention.


Quentin grew up without much of an ideal life. He lost his father at an early age, and only had his mother left - who was ill-equipped to deal with a young son while also dealing with grief. Things became harder on them both as Quentin was diagnosed with a great deal of illnesses that took a toll on them both - eventually leading to neglect and alcoholism. After some years, she tragically passed leaving Quentin all on his own - where he would soon after be taken in by an orphanage, and later transferred to Wammy's House where it was felt he was better suited to. Not held back by the situation he came from, it was soon known Quentin excelled greatly in programming - and he soon began to specialise solely in pursing this for use to L and the Orphanage over succession to L. From here he was granted the best resources to allow him to continue, developing intricate and personalised security systems of high enough calibar for use by the World's Greatest Detective and his information - as well as storage and space to securely and safely store physical hardware close by and remotely.

Of course, as time passed, Quentin became more and more of a shut-in - and few other students could say they really knew him well at all. Despite that many of them are aware of him, or know him to a surface level degree - and generally respect him for his work and knowledge of how smart he is.

Those that he does allow into his secure space know him, truly, as a social disaster. Shy, awkward and clumsy - the dictionary could use a photo of him beside the definitions of 'Dorky' and 'Nerdy'. Accident prone, Quentin is often not seen without many plasters, bandages and bruises - as well as from various other sources.


• Quentin has messy and curly brown hair that's never really tidy.

• He has large rectangular glasses, though the design of them tends to change between art... (Rectangular is the most consistent).

• He has bandages on both arms that go from wrist to elbow, and may occasionally be seen with other plasters/bandages on his character.

• Most commonly wears a purple shirt, green sweater vest, jeans and trainers.

• Generally he really likes shirts and 'smart casual' wear - he does not deviate too much towards fully formal, but will wear more casual hoodies and comfy clothes.


• Quentin can actually ride a motorbike. He keeps it in a shed on the premises, but due to rarely going out during the day or being seen - not many students are aware it belongs to him.

• Some of Quentin's ailments include heart issues, anxiety and severe depression - which contributes to his social isolation.

• Quentin speaks extremely formally, which sometimes catches those around him off-guard when he does venture out or speak.

• Despite having some shared visual similarities with Teddy, another OC, the two are wholly unconnected and set over 100 years apart. I am just unoriginal.



Ayato Mizu.

Ayato is Quentin's closest friend in the whole world. The two like to hang out together, albeit in comfortable silence, where they might work on their individual work with each other's company. The two often confide in each other with utmost secrecy, such as Ayato only voicing his suspicions about Yuuto to Quentin first and finding out what he thought of it.


Dylan Wiseman.

Quentin and Dylan initially have a shaky relationship. Dylan, at first, is haughty and uptight - looking down on most others and finding easy pickings on Quentin. However as Dylan finally mellows out and matures, he apologises to Quentin greatly and the two begin to get along a little.

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