


4 years, 5 days ago




Name: Vivette

Alias: Sister Vivette, Nurse Vivette, Daughter of Pestilence, Nun of Ezhi

Age: in her early 30's(?) although she doesn't look beyond her mid twenties

Species: Ezhir

Sex: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: ?

Occupation: Healer

"May devine mercy be bestowed unto you"

Not many People of Pestilence has travelled outside the large walls that surrounds Ezhi. It is typically a priviledge that you gain, once you are high enough in rank wihtin the church. Vivette is one of these lucky indivduals, who has permission to freely leave and enter the closed off nation. She travels the outside, although rarely strays too far away, and collects data, mainly on sicknesses and cures in the surrounding area, so that they can bring back any important information to Ezhi. This is in part due to the fact that the land within Ezhi's walls are different compared to the outside. She is quite easy to spot whe wearing her travel gear, the iconic Ezhish mask, which looks similar to a plague-doctor's mask, usually is quite out of place in it's surroundings. Despite many strange stares she may gain however, she continues to work dilignetly in the name of Pestilence.

Important to know for anyone who wants to draw them:

Blood color: Green


  • Go wild UvU)b


  • Please no NSFW (aside perhaps light gorey themes)!


Vivette is a very hard worker, although this isn't just born from a sense of duty, but also out of immense curiosity. While she doesn't show it too openly, her fascination for her job, and the surrounding world is quite large. The outside world is certainly different from the one that Vivette grew up in and despite being quite set in her ways and her belief, she is always interested in understanding how other individuals percieve the world, as she has learnt that perhaps her perspective is less common that she had initially thought. She's a rather charitable lady, and despite her duties mainly revolving about healing other Ezhi, she will gladly do her best to help those she meets on her way. In fact, it can be quite the task to convince her that some things just aren't her business. She also has a habit of nursing any wounded animal back to health, in particular, so handling different creatures, despite lack of clear verbal communication, is not something she's unused to.

Physical Abilities

  • Has a lot of medical knowledge memorized, even if her speciality is sickness. her instincts on when people are sick is quite good.
  • Ezhish are, despite their sickly appearance, quite tolerant for deceases and sicknesses, compared to the average humanoid. This means that Vivette can also eat types of plants that normally might upset the human body.
  • It is very rare that Church people aren't trained at least a little in being able to protect themselves. Since Vivette travels around, she knows how to do some basic selfdense (martial art and how to handle some simpler weapons)

Magical Abilities

  • Can heal people from sickness, by taking it away from them.
  • As a last sort defense, can also smitten people with sickness. It is however VERY taboo to use this recklessly, as it is seen as somewhat blasphemic to take on the duty of Pestilence.
  • ---


  • Studying medicine and healing
  • Gardening in a smaller scale (mainly herbs and smaller plants)
  • Singing (She doens't have strong voice by any means, but back home she used to sing a lot of lullabies - they hold a special place in her heart)
  • Candle light
  • Flowers


  • People percieving her as sickly, due to her appearance. She is in fact very healthy and more unlikely ot catch anything than any of you people, thank you.
  • Others 'treating' sickness by ignorant means that doesn't solve the cure the sickness itself (like banning or killing people who are smitten)
  • Large bodies of water


  • Vivette used to care for a lot of children and help take part in childbirth before she specialized in her particular field. Because of this, she has a particular soft spot for those physically vunderable. One day, she'd like to start a family of her own, however she isn't sure if it should be one with kids or perhaps snakes. Snakes are really neat.
  • Due to her culture, the concept of not helping poor people is bit foreign to her, so when she is outside of Ezhi and have the time, she spends it looking for ways to help those in need.
  • Vivette really isn't keen on removing her clothes, in particular her pendant and the 'flivaz'. The flivas is the piece of fabric that covers her nose, mouth and neck area. The article of cloth has significant culture significance, as it not only functions as a mask, but also symbolize the two black lungs and the green blood that Ezhish people have. It's a reminder of who they owe their lives to (Pestilence) and how tradition and faith runs in their veins and in every breath they take.

Significant Relationships

Loved one

On Vivette's most recent travel, she met Ballady, a gentle nature-lover like her, on the run from hunters. She very quickly sympathized with him and saw it as her duty to help him ot the best of her abilities. Watcihng him be so... kind, understanding and respectful despite their cultural differences. It had been so often that she had been met with impatience when she opened up about her heritage and traditions, but Ballady was... welcoming. He taught her that she could be open and honest, that she could present her own ideas and that she wouldn't be a bother for doing so - something Vivette had yet to learn. It let quite the impression on her and that, plus their hectic escape attempts from the hunters, made them grow close ver fast. In fact, Vivette soon realized she had fallen in love, but now she is unsure if she should pursue a relationship, being a nun of Ezhi.









html by Goldbeauti