Basic Info

Full Name:


Responds to:






Age(As Coaster(At Time Of Closure)):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Viviana Tatsumi



Height(As Humanoid):




Date Of Birth/Opening:

June 1st, 1995

Date Of Death/Closure:

September 4th, 2004(SBNO thru the entire 2001 season and from closure until May 2005)

Location In Park:

Frontier Adventures



Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Six Flags, Six Flags Great Adventure, and TOGO


Viper is the most infamous of Great Adventure’s defunct coasters, and was probably disliked more than Green Lantern is today. Not only was the coaster itself rough and unappealing, Viper herself quickly built up a reputation as being unpleasant to be around. She was intentionally malicious towards others and knew where to hit someone where it hurt. She didn’t like to be told what to do up to the point of refusing to speak. Viper saw the world as cruel and unforgiving, a philosophy she followed to the T. Physically, she’d suffer from chronic joint issues her entire life, far worse than Ultra Twister‘s issues. Viper would use her neighbor, Rolling Thunder, as a physical and emotional punching bag. She was annoyed by his incessant attempts at befriending her, so she got a kick out of making him suffer. Viper was basically alone, as she had zero friends due to her actions. She did have a few real Vipers as pets (how she got them is a mystery), but they were not magical or special in any way. However, underneath all her cruelty was someone with a massive inferiority complex, someone who struggled with poor self-esteem and depression. Viper never told anyone about her true feelings; she took them to the grave. To everyone else, she was mean because she enjoyed making others suffer (which was true to a degree). Viper’s powers were limited to having venom, which was quite poisonous. Other than that, she did damage via weapons and brute strength. One could say that she took her “role” as an outlaw quite seriously. Viper was a person with a bite to match her bark, and wasn’t afraid to do anything to make someone feel as worthless as she did. To all the Coasterdroids she hurt and the people her coaster gave headaches to, Viper was truly unforgiving.