🌊 Nate ☁️ (🌊 INVERSE AU)



2 years, 1 month ago



the au where everyone's personalities are opposite/inverted to what they originally are in canon, I'll write full profiles on all of em later so just know they're all huge assholes in this au LOL


ITS LATER im going to write about inverse Nate now

One of Nate’s biggest traits in canon is that although he puts up an emotional wall of sarcasm, does so in order to ensure the safety of his loved ones, usually at the cost of his own well being. In this au that's inverted, so this version of Nate is the opposite of that. Inverse Nate, instead of being outwardly "rude", is friendly, but those who know him closely know he quickly becomes quite toxically positive. He is also very careless, and additionally, INCREDIBLY selfish, rarely ever doing things for others and usually just trying to sustain himself. In this au, Nate was viewed as the golden child instead of Lia, and let his parents teachings get to his head. Instead of having the close knit relationship they do in canon, Inverse Lia and Nate rarely understand or look out for one another.