Alex Raneri (Personality)



Alex can best be described as active. Of course various other terms could also describe her both in the positive and negative. "Hyper","Loud", "Annoying", and all manner of similar descriptors that even Alex herself would admit have more than some basis in truth. However? She doesn't let that get her down. Fair from it, while she isn't the type to do anything antagonistically, she actively goes out of her way to be seen as a friendly presence in the lives of others. Something that's more than easy to achieve with the seemingly boundless levels on energy she could put out there. The type to always be seen with a smile on her face and a pep in her step? Alex refuses to be anything but an optimist. Wanting to do whatever she can to be the silver lining to someone in need. 

Which is to say she isn't entirely focused on the good of the others. As much as she enjoys being around people by sheer merit of being around them she is also incredibly inquisitive.  To Alex the pursuit of knowledge is a great thing even if the only thing you learn in your efforts is the name of a person and if they tolerate you or not. The type to ask a hundred questions unless told to stop or get the answer she likes, Alex loves to learn about anything. People, places, events, no matter how seemingly minor are of interest to her. That said, even curious mind can get bored from time to time and Alex is no exception to that rule. In fact she might be a rather avid follower. While she is bound to ask a boatload of question on a moments notice she can seemingly flip gears just as easily and seem bored out of her skull. It isn't meant as an insult in any way, shape, or form but what can one do? Alex's attention can be a bit fleeting at times although she is certainly the type to apologize if she gets distracted. After all she was more than taught over the years to be polite and kind and that she is. So much so that it would be an extremely rare thing to ever hear a curse slip past her lips or admit a situation is hopeless.