Maline (Sollan!Maline)



2 years, 11 months ago


.: Overview :.

In this universe, Mali lives in Sollah as a full-fledged gladiator and is in the Midas Syndicate.

.: General Info :.

Name: Maline Edelsteen
Pronunciation: Ma-line Ed-el-steen
Nicknames: Mali, Furball, Mal
Age: 22
Birthday: August 22nd
Birthplace: Ceslora
Species: Sollan
Race: Sorian
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’2

.: Distinguishing features :.

Maline is a light purple, curvy figure with mountains amount of fur on her chest and body. She’s mostly seen wearing a light minty green scarf that covers her neck and her mouth.

Current residence: N/A
Current home: N/A
Occupation: Solaris Member
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: N/A

. :Personality :.

Mali is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. She's a sweetheart and cares about her friends deeply, and would do anything to protect them even if it means endangering her own life. However, with her power, she can seem very intimidating and sometimes scary to approach. She always tries to lighten the mood with her positive and cutesy attitude. On the other hand, in battle, Maline always stays focused on the task at hand and sometimes even pushes herself past her limit to help others. She's a very determined and motivated girl.

She gets teased constantly for acting too nice. She has issues where she lets people walk all over as if she's a doormat and doesn't do anything to try and stand up for herself. Making her seem like a punching bag of some sort. However, she would brush it off with a smile and keeps pushing forward. Mali refuses to let anyone see her upset, considering how upbeat and happy she is just about all the time. She rather not let people see her in a vulnerable and weak state. Especially during very dark times, she always tries to keep her head high, putting her emotions to the side to help those suffering.

.: Abilities and Powers :.


.: Weaknesses :.

Agate is extremely weak to fire and heat-based abilities.

Maline has a severe fear of not being able to touch anything due to an experience when she left home, because of this she has grown touch-starved. 

Maline has grown a fear of loneliness and being alone after leaving home.

.: Relationships :.


Agate - Older sister, hasn’t talked to her in years.
Amai - Younger brother, occasionally keeps contact with him to see how he and Agate is doing.


Ivory - While not one of Maline’s friends, she heavily adores Ivory for her combat skills and beauty due to their first fateful encounter.
Pei - One of her first friends when leaving home.
Jaybird - One of Mali’s friends in the Syndicate.
Ollie - Another friend of hers that's in the Syndicate
Tiki - Good friends
Rozah - Besties

Love Interest

S!Pyr - Loves him with all her fluffy heart.

.: History :.

Maline grew up with an overprotective older sister, and due to this, she ran away because she was desperate to be free. While traveling, she had a near-death experience, thankfully being saved by Ivory, thus giving Maline the inspiration and motivation to become a gladiator. At the age of 19, she spent 3 years of her life training to become a Gladiator. 

At the age of 22, she met Pei through the initiation and soon formed the Midas Syndicate after passing.

.: Other Details :.