


2 years, 11 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Fred La Enojada
Pronunciation: Fred
Nicknames: Fred
Age: 23
Birthday: October 8th
Birthplace: ?
Species: Stickhuman
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ?
Height: 6'3

.:Distinguishing features:.

A scar on his eye as well as a dark raccoon face. He also has a ponytail and usually has a notebook with him.

Current residence: Blackwatch
Occupation: He works as the head of Project Mayhem in the Orion Precept...being a liquidator in the process.
Relationship status: Single

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Southern Accent
Languages: Common/English, CSL/ASL
Style of speaking: A very slow and chill voice

.: Personality :.

A very dull and dry person who really only shows his happiness when he is around Mayhem and sometimes the old guards that he worked with formerly.

Likes: Doodling, Coffee, Reading
Dislikes: Ophthalmology appointments, Loud Noises.
Hobbies/past times: Doodling in his book for "Notes"
Guilty pleasures: Eating Ice Cream on the job because he wants to.

Personal goals: He wants to support himself and his sister as much as he can...but he is torn between the possible future success of his sister and himself and the well-being of them.
General intelligence: Advanced
General sociability: Below Average

.: Relationships :.


Mayhem - Mayhem is Fred's sister, an experimental at the Orion Precept. Fred runs her experimental program.



Friends (currently)

Karla - The other liquidator of Mayhem, they used to date but they had split apart after Fred became head of the experimental program...They are still pretty good friends though!

Wryke - Another liquidator in the Orion Precept that Fred has taken a liking to.

This is a work in progress....I still have to develop a few things with Fred's relations.

Love interest

Used to date Karla....but no longer does
No love interest presently

.: Combat :.

Hand to Hand Combat

He does have abilities...but that I need to develop

General Skills: Helping out his sister when she is having a tantrum, Calming people down, Emotional Support.
Peaceful or violent? Leans towards peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: ...All of them

.: Abilities :.

Fred can channel his anger/rage into pure power...he can apply this power as a boost to any weapon he weilds

Lets say he is doing hand to hand combat: Punches are fucking powerful, Blocks and dodges are more accurate, etc.
Lets say he is wielding a sword: The sword is better at piercing through objects, Sword cuts deeper, sword becomes faster, etc.
Lets say he is wielding a gun: Better accuracy, quicker bullet, etc.

This all depends on the amount of anger/rage he has....the more angry he is...the more powerful the effects.

If he becomes too of two things can happen:
1. He loses grip on his ability and loses his boosts
2. His abilities skyrocket and get a massive boost if he is still able to contain grip on his ability...even through his boiling rage

The odds are in favor of the first one

.: Fears :.

Iatrophobia: Fear of Doctors....Eye doctors specifically in his case.

.: Health :.

Pretty much in good health, but he has that scar on his eye that gives him eyesight problems

.: History :.

Lived peacefully with his sister...but after his sis entered Orion, he joined in as well as a guard and worked as a guard for a few years.


He works as the head of Mayhems experimental program.

Base Stats
Physical Attack███████7
Special Attack███████8
Physical Defense███3
Special Defense█████████
Precept Stats
Fire Power██████6
Success Rate█████████10
Threat Level████4