

Basic info

Age 30
Gender Male
S.O. Pansexual
DoB May 5
Sign Taurus
Height 188cm

Feelings towards Tomi













Current relationship


Desired relationship

engaged couple



Tomi and Armin love to express their feelings for each other - both verbally and physically, preferably as often as possible. They spend most of their free time together going on a small adventures to abandoned places or just simply laying on the couch together, watching a movie or playing a game. Tomi often paints their boring, mundane life and makes sure that they both have something to do, and Armin makes sure that the thing they're about to do is safe and legal.

Fireflight - Wrapped in Your Arms

I feel like I always need somebody to take care of in my life. First it was Oliver, and now it's you. To be honest, I was sceptical about our relationship first, as I didn't know if you would like somebody this much older. I would do everything for you to make you happy, I will protect you and make sure you'ree safe. I can't imagine my life without your chaotic energy and spontaneous actions.

I owe you my life, not only you helped me recover from drugs addiction but also gave me love and shelter for the first time in my life. I am beyond grateful for having you by my side every day, I never got that much support from anyone. I know I'm jealous at times, even too much, but I'm working on that. Without you my life is like a pool without water, sure it exists but where is the fun?

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

First meeting

Tomi was many times in a psychiatric ward, they didn't have an easy life and their stays on the ward were like a moment to rest and eat enough food during the day. During one of their visits they met Oliver, who was visited by his guardian Armin every day. Tomi imediately felt in love with him by just observing him from a far. Tomi became closer friends with Oliver and they had a chance to see Armin more often even after leaving the psychiatric ward. They were too shy to confess to him though and sure that Armin is too old to even be interested in a relationship with them.

They didn't talk much, but that didn't stop Tomi from dreaming about Armin. They continued to watch Armin from a far, meanwhile Armin thought that they will be Olivers boyfriend one day.


Honestly, I never would have thought that we would end up together, but I'm glad we did.


I was watching you through the window every day, I knew we are going to end up together one day.

First overdose

One day Tomi suddenly cut off contact with their friends, stopped responding to texts, had their phone off and stopped coming to art classes they used to attend. Their friend, Miron was so worried about Tomi that he decided to go on a trip to where he lives to check up on him. He experienced intoxicated Tomi being abused by their father, after everything they were eft unconcious on the ground.

Miron quicky called Armin and Oliver and asked for help. He knew that they will know what to with an intoxicated person. Armin came imediately after his call, they took them to his car and came back home. Tomi suffered through the night and was barely hanging on. On the next day they confessed that they were forced to sell drugs and they are constantly abused by their father.

Armin decided that he won't let Tomi go back to their father, he let them stay at their flat to recover and find a flat for himself. After some time Armin also realised he might feel something towards Tomi.


If it wasn't for Miron's quick reaction, I don't even want to think what would have happened. I'm so glad you're still with us.


I don't even know what to say, you saved my life.


Tomi lived with Armin and Oliver for few months before they decided to confess love to Armin. It took them many weeks to prepare, but eventually they decided that they have nothing to lose. During Christmas Tomi felt like he is wanted and loved for the first time in their life. They felt safe like never before.

Between Christmas Eve and New Years, Armin took Tomi to do their favourite activity together - urban exploring. Tomi decided that this is going to be the time they confess. During exploring Tomi was thinking about it a lot, finally they started talking about more serious and relationships topics. Tomi thought that there wont be a better moment.

Armin was shocked. He would never suspect that Tomi has feelings for him as well. Tomi cried from emotions but Armin kissed them to ensure them that he loves him back. They came back home as a couple, they only needed to announce it to Oliver.


I'm so glad you confessed, because I don't think I would gather the courage myself. I loved you so dearly for so long already.


I was scared as hell, I can't believe I decided to do it just like that. I'm glad you loved me back, and you didn't decide to be with Villiam.


  • They create a family with Armin's protege - Oliver.
  • End up in bed more often than they should.
  • They often play games together to unwind after a long day.
  • Their personalities are complete opposites.
  • They like to listen to Korn together.

Basic info

Age 25
Gender Nonbinary (they/them)
S.O. Homosexual
DoB August 23
Sign Virgo
Height 181cm

Feelings towards Armin













Current relationship


Desired relationship
