Crow (🎯 Trivia)



This is for random meta-related info that is fun to talk about but has zero bearing on the story or him as a character. 

  • He was pretty much the first ever lgbt character I ever made and has helped a lot with discovering my own identity.
    Due to the influence of the roleplay communities I later joined (when I was like 12/13) I was one of those people who decided 'you can't make your supernatural emo wolves gay that's unrealistic!', I have since realised that that is a really stupid argument. Crow's bisexuality helped me break out of those ideas.
  • All of the early ideas and development of him happened on car journeys to visit my gran, where I daydreamed while listening to music. The CDs we had were mostly random pop music and so...
  • The reason Crow has poison powers is probably because of Toxic by Britney Spears giving me the idea lmao 
  • I relate to Crow somewhat, while literally nothing that happens to him relates to anything irl whatsoever the exploration of his shitty life helps me deal with the bad parts of mine. I am relating to him less so as I get more confident with myself, which is a good thing because he literally never has good mental health for the entirety of the story.
  • I first came up with him in 2014, when I was ~10?
  • The reason there is a train in his soul realm is partly because of this really, really angsty one-shot lol, I liked the idea of it but it couldn't be canon obviously so I adapted the idea.
  • The colour of his nose and his facial markings are references to the design of my first fursona 
  • I would die for him