Adari ♛



4 years, 2 months ago


Est value $100+


Name Adari
Called Adari
Age 41
Gender mare | she/her
Race kirin
RankVindicator | Keeper
Alignment chaotic good
Theme Song link

Be the necklace-fire of stars,

The cauterizing lightning.

Bewilder us with good


  • Freedom
  • Her children
  • Ignacio


  • Slavery
  • Prejudice
  • Heralds of Ash


My story starts in the sands of Serora. 

Long ago, my mother and father lived in freedom, in peace. My father was a born-and-bred Seroran, my mother a Vagabond. I was born on Sedo's sands, a Seroran citizen by birth. For the first year or two of my life, I lived as any other Seroran child would- on the move, learning about Alya and surviving in the desert.

That changed far too quickly.

My mother received word from family that they were needed in Onea. My father didn't like the idea of such a long journey, but my mother insisted. We left, carrying papers that marked us as Seroran citizens. But when the slavers found us, they burned our proof, bridling us and taking us to New Valore in chains. 

So began my life as a slave.


My father was separated from us upon arrival, sold to become a pit fighter. I never saw him again, and now I hardly remember his face. I heard he was killed in an unfortunate accident, where an enemy's hooves came down in the wrong place.

I think he put himself out of his misery.

Mama and I were sold to a noble, bearing a fancy title. Eminent Kaveh was a cruel old man, demanding perfection at every turn. I was trained to be a servile slave, not to know the fighting in the pits or the struggle of survival that labor slaves faced. I was too young to be separated from my mother, so I served by her side. 

When I was five, I caused my mother's death. I tripped carrying a tray of expensive china, and Kaveh beat my mother to the edge of death. They sent for a healer, but it was too late. I was locked away in the basement of a manor, and by the time I was freed, not even the stain of my mother's blood remained.

I never even got to say goodbye.

The rest of my years passed in a blur- I was bred to produce three pit-fighting children, which were taken from me far too young. I was given to Kaveh's daughter, and after years of slavery, I was freed in a Vindicator raid. Having nowhere else to go, and determined to find my children again, I joined the cause.


I trained as a spy within the ranks, risking life and limb in order to sneak into New Valore and find news. I mastered the art of acting, becoming someone else. I ran many missions, always getting out alive. I freed many equines, some of whom became my greatest friends.

I only ever had to kill once.

Now, after losing my leg, and realizing my age, I decided to retire from running missions. I run an inn in Sirith, creating revenue for the cause. I have found one of my children, and will not wait much longer to find the other two.

My worship and devotion to Ignacio rang true, as I was blessed twice- once with the power to create illusions, the second the power to mimic any blessing. It was a powerful gift, one that I use to protect myself and the ones I love. He made me one of his own, a kirin, so that I may venture into New Valore and save my children. 

I will find my children, I will bring them home.

Gods forbid someone try to stop me.



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Character  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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