Florence Hoshino-Wells



3 years, 11 months ago


female (she/her)
29 yrs
5' 2" (157 cm)



Born while at sea to an astronomer and seascape artist, Florence claims allegiance to no nation. She felt the pull of cartography in her early childhood, learning to hold a quill at the age of three and tracing maps on her father's worn star charts instead of playing with her toys. She has spent more years navigating the ocean than treading solid ground and jokes she carries more seawater than blood in her veins.

One afternoon, Florence - arms full of navigational charts - collided with a hot-tempered tiefling named Darcy in a bustling port town. Darcy, a former pirate struggling to find excitement in her new life as a merchant, initially struck Florence as pretentious and callous. However, beneath Darcy's confident exterior lay a woman grappling with the monotony of her new career. Florence, uncharacteristically bold after seeing her maps tumble into the ocean, couldn't hold back her criticism when she witnessed Darcy's reckless spending at the docks, warning that such extravagance would doom her business. Expecting a harsh rebuke, Florence was surprised when the tiefling woman laughed, amused by Florence's audacity and honesty. Darcy offered Florence a position as navigator on her ship, and from that day on, the two formed an inseparable partnership.

The Camel Song - Clara C

personality. maritime perfectionist

Florence is adventurous and meticulous, with unwavering passion for her work. Her intelligence and thriftiness make her a valuable asset on any voyage, though her klutzy nature often leads to mishaps. Despite her tendency to be a crybaby, she is easy to befriend, as people find her kindness and vulnerability endearing - at least outside of the mahjong table.



travel , astronomy, shortbread, green tea, mahjong, calligraphy
insects , horses, dark clothes, formal parties, spending money

No, I'm not crying, there's just... seawater in my eyes.


  • well-traveled and multilingual. if she doesn't speak a language, she can pick up basic phrases quickly
  • excellent fine motor skills, horrible gross motor skills. huge klutz and crybaby but has the neatest cursive you've ever seen
  • major penny pincher. generally dislikes small talk with strangers and avoids confrontation, unless it involves bartering/haggling with shopkeepers
  • will beat you at mahjong

design notes.

  • nondescript fashion sense. tends to wear clothes cobbled together from multiple cultures (generally a mix of Asian/European). favors bright and floral prints
  • body type: lean, flat-chested
  • please omit the flowers on her back in some of her gallery images
  • note that she has freckles