





Name Oscar
Species Darter
Age Nineteen
Gender Male
Job Inventor
Sexuality Disaster Bi
Trade? Fuck no.



Oscar never knew his parents, he was given up to the orphanage not very long after he hatched so in truth, he doesn't remember them or if they're even still alive. He lived there for a few years before being adopted by a gay couple. They doted on Oscar and encouraged his wacky inventions and potions, even if some did explode and cause damage to the house. They were a very happy family. As he got older he got into the research hive and started to dabble in more dangerous ingredients and creations. Thankfully nothing major backfired. He met Lilith and fell head over hooves for her though she didn't return his affections. Still, he kept his emotions under wraps and became her apprentice, eventually his crush turned into admiration for her skill and knowledge. But one day she just.. left. He hunted her down but when he found her she just pushed him away. He had to respect her space, so he left. Eventually he moved to his own little workshop, making it a rough makeshift home, just so he would stop blowing up his parents house and do it to his own instead.


Toady, Oscar still lives in his now cluttered home, working on his "crazy" inventions and potions. He's made more friends and still tries to visit Lilith though even now she barely talks to him. He works in the Research Hive still but prefers to stay home and work on his own personal projects. He goes out on some wild adventures from time to time, putting his creations to the test. Hasn't died yet so.. win? His adopted dads are still alive, he'll visit them from time to time. Most of the time he can be found at home or out looking for new items and ingredients.


  • The boy has no proper sleep schedule. He never gets a solid 8 hours, it's always just a quick nap then back to work.
  • His goggles were a gift from his parents after he almost blinded himself with a potion at a young age.
  • He has no regard for his own personal safety and rarely the safety of others, they should know the danger of going into his workspace.
  • He seems to work nonstop after getting a new idea, refusing to stop until he gets something somewhat functional.
  • His hair is always a mess. Roxie will brush it from time to time. Oddly the feeling calms him down.
  • He has been called 'crazy' more than once, usually when something he made goes haywire.
  • "It's not failure if you learn something." While some might disagree because they "almost died", he does see it as a chance to improve!


Zoelle is one he considers a best friend, she's adventurous and likes to discover lost items under water which he then uses in his inventions or experiments. The two tend to get into trouble a lot.
Trained under her before she left. He still attempts to reach out to her but it doesn't seem to work. When he was younger he had a major crush on her, though over time his affections faded. Now he just considers her a friend. He was one of two that got away with calling her Lily.
Even though she's 4 years older, they get along pretty well. Like Zoe, she has a knack for finding unique items but they usually end up bickering about who gets to keep it. Roxies creative spirit helps him find new angles on inventions that aren't quite working yet.
A few words about them.


Traits & Details

  • Feathered Ears (Uncommon)
    • Ears face backwards and take on the appearance of a feathered wing.
  • The boy has a lot of freckles, sprayed across his nose and cheeks as well as across his shoulders, down his back, onto his flanks, and tail.
  • Always always ALWAYS has his goggles. They.. kind of help keep his messy hair in order.

He can occasionally be seen with a staff, the hooked end makes grabbing things ideal. He also sometimes has sturdy saddlebags that have little vial holders, the other side usually has a large book hooked to it.