


3 years, 11 months ago


General profile of Seki, specific information will be held in the tabs when I finish them more(big wip rn)

Name: Sekisetsu

Nicknames: Seki (by friends only)

Gender: Female

Personality: Seki is overall a very confident and very proud individual. She's somewhat conceited due to her upbringing in the Tops of New Domino City, and will initially refuse to participate in anything she views as below her. However, if she can be convinced that it's worth her time or absolutely necessary, she can put aside her pride and do things she might not usually do. Initially, Seki is completely and utterly baffled by the concept of being in love, especially since there's no one she particularly cared about, but later learns to be more open about her affection towards others (namely Jack). Seki is willing to put in genuine effort to the things she does, but beyond dueling, lacks a lot of practical skills(once more due to her upbringing in the Tops). Seki has no problem being blunt with her words (especially when pointing out anyone's flaws), but with enough effort can hold her tongue, despite the fact she doesn't like doing it.

Deck: Blue (I made this archetype up)

Story: wip but generally i think Seki grew up in the Tops of New Domino City and later worked for Goodwin as one of his top duelists, along with being well acquainted with Jack Atlas. After a series of misunderstandings and lack of communication, Seki fell to her death from one of the skyscrapers in the city and was turned into a Dark Signer. Eventually, after being defeated in a duel by Jack, she was revived and began living with Jack, Yusei, and Crow.

Romantic Partner: Jack Atlas(during/after the Dark Signers arc)

Friends: Yusei Fudo(after the Dark Signers arc), Crow Hogan(after the Dark Signers arc), Leo (after the Dark Signers arc), Luna (after the Dark Signers arc)

Enermies: --


-Her favorite food is instant ramen, and she will hunt you down if you take her ramen

-She likes snow

Design notes:

-Hair always goes down to at least her waist

-The blue in her hair is not the same as the blue on her clothes