Sekisetsu (Dark Signer Sekisetsu)



1 year, 5 months ago


wow i finally gave her profile more detail after over a year im impressed with myself

Name: Sekisetsu

Nicknames: Seki (by friends only)

Gender: Female

Personality: As a Dark Signer, Seki's personality differed the most from other times. Seki was quite reserved, spending much of her time in quest reflection over the events that had transpired. While on the outside, she would try to keep up a facade of still being the same, uncaring person, but on the inside, she was disappointed in herself. She knew that what the Dark Signers were doing was wrong, but she had still chosen to join them. She knew that they had to be stopped and regretted what they were doing, but was scared of what would happen if they were defeated. As a result, she tried to become cold and uncaring once more, acting insensitive to others. But she could only hold it up for so long.

Deck: Blue (I made this archetype up) and Earthbound Immortal

Story: wip but so far after a series of misunderstandings and secrets, Seki wound up falling to her death from the top of one of the buildings in the Tops(basically a big tall skyscraper), but her remaining feelings about all of those things caused an Earthbound Immortal to offer her the power to complete her unfinished business. Thus, she took it up on the offer and became a Dark Signer

Romantic Partner: Jack Atlas

Friends: -- (she could somewhat cooperate with the other Dark Signers, but they were not her friends)

Enermies: The Signers


-She likes snow

-Despite Jack being a Signer, who the Dark Signers are supposed to oppose, she can't bring herself to hate him

Design notes:

-Hair always goes down to at least her waist

-The blue in her hair is not the same as the blue on her clothes

-yes she has a duel runner/d-wheel as a Dark Signer and before/after she was one, I just kinda don't have a ref for it yet? If you wanna draw her with one please go right ahead and feel free to try and design one for her yourself (for the Dark Signer one please at least base it off of the other Dark Signer duel runners)

-The Dark Signer marks on her face (red lines) are symetrical, so it's the same on the side of her face you can't really see in the ref