Sekisetsu (Pre-Dark Signer Sekisetsu)



1 year, 5 months ago


seki at the start of 5Ds, aka before the character development kicks in. profile still a wip

Name: Sekisetsu

Nicknames: Seki (by friends only)

Gender: Female

Profession: Duelist

Personality: In the beginning, before everything happens, Seki is pretty stuck-up and conceited. She genuinely believes herself to be better than everyone else (only furthered by being raised in the Tops), and no amount of trying can convince her otherwise. If anyone else were to call her out on this, she would argue them and truly believe that they were just deluding themselves. She always felt like she had to be the center of attention and absolutely despised anyone stealing her thunder. She was still stubborn as always, only here she has the psychological backing of being a top duel champion and member of the Tops. At this point, she was still capable of putting genuine effort into things, but hardly did so without taking a blow to her ego first.

Deck: Blue (I made this archetype up)

Story: wip but generally i think Seki grew up in the Tops of New Domino City and later worked for Goodwin as one of his top duelists, along with being well acquainted with Jack Atlas

Romantic Partner: --

Friends: --

Enemies: --


-She likes snow

-She would never dream of eating instant ramen at this point in her life, and if it were offered to her, she would find it insulting

Design notes:

-Hair always goes down to at least her waist

-The blue in her hair is not the same as the blue on her clothes