


3 years, 11 months ago


"Hey there! My name's Mikki, and I bet yours is just as beautiful as you. Sorry - That one was a bit cliché, but I'm sure your name is very pretty! As you can see, I'm a Seldnac'Rae. I grew up in another world though, Seldnacs may all be from Arbalednac but my parents are some of the few that opted to switch worlds, so I've grown up in a clan of hyenas. Considering I look like one, no wonder, huh? I've gone back to Arbalednac when I grew up, since more Seldnac-company there, though. As for anything else... Well, maybe we can chat a little more over dinner, or perhaps during a nice moonlight stroll?"
  • Name: Mikki
  • Age: 26
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Species: Vargkin Seldnac'Rae
  • Level: 110
  • Fur Color: Dark brown with darker spots
  • Flame Color: Rosegold
  • Eye Color: Brown, and the whites of his eyes are part of his flame markings (thus, also rosegold)
  • Accessories: Two ear study, an earring, and a tail ring, all made by himself

  • Magics

  • Metalworking (Level 5): Mikki's first magic; he originally was only able to manipulate gold, but over time, he honed his skills and by now can do almost anything. He still prefers making accessories, though, and all the ones he wears he crafted himself..
  • Language (Level 1): Mikki is able to exchange the simplest words in any language - things like "City where?" or "Help". It's not enough for a full conversation, though, and if the other person or people isn't trying to speak in incredibly simple terms, Mikki can't understand them.
  • Psychic (Level 1): ??? (tbd)
  • Portals (Level 1): ??? (tbd)
  • Dreamweaver (Level 1): ??? (tbd)
  • Immortality: Mikki cannot die of old age.


Since Mikki was born in the human world, he sometimes forgets whether he's Vargkin or Grimalkin - Hyena Seldnacs are Vargkin as they look physically very much like dogs, but human world hyenas are very distant cat cousins. He doesn't care much about it, so not knowing doesn't bother him too much, even if it sometimes confuses him. He does like to nap in cardboard boxes, though.

Incorrigible Flirt

Mikki likes other Seldnacs. And occasionally other sapient species if he runs into some, though Seldnacs are the one he meets most frequently. He more than once ended up putting his paw in his mouth so to speak, by trying to hit on someone who was already with their partner or just plain not interested. He doesn't mean anything bad by it, but he can get on some people's nerves, especially since his tongue tends to be quicker than his brain, so it occasionally happens that he'd drop some flirting or a pick-up line when it's not really called for. If he actually upsets someone with it, he apologizes, since he doesn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable and would never go further than words without a go-ahead, but it has gotten him chased off once or twice.
















A description of their relationship can go here




A description of their relationship can go here

What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary?

Mikki has medium to high pitched voice. He knows and uses some slang, and has a decent vocabulary in general. His voice is very melodic, so it sometimes sounds a little sing-songy, especially when he’s currently flirting with someone (which he does often.)

Which OC likes surprising others? Are the surprises typically negative or positive?

Mikki likes to do it when he’s trying to woo someone, and yes, positive ones like small gifts.

If your characters could be stuck in any video game or tv show, what would it be? Why, and would they survive?

He’d love a dating game, but he’d probably end up in like, a western movie/show (transformed into a human I assume). He’d do pretty decently, though there is a chance he’d mess up and die.

Did you know that...
  • ... all his jewelry is stuff he made himself?
  • Stories Mikki features in:
  • Diplomat: There are many different species in the universe that Seldnacs could end up meeting during their travels. Mayhap it even be that another original species ends up visiting the Seldnac world. Show your Seldnac meeting another original species or original character. How would it go? Would they be friend or foe? Would different languages or customs make it harder for them to understand each other or easier?
  • A Portal Mix-up: When some young Seldnacs ask Sky to help find some volunteers for their potaling-practice, she quickly agrees - But the practice itself takes an unexpected turn...