
"Oh, um, hello. I'm--My name is Fantasia. And uh... Sorry, I'm not very good at things like that. I'm a Hybrid Seldnac, my father is Grimalkin and my mother is Vargkin. And uh... Other than that... Well, as you can tell, I'm... Not very good at conversations. Sorry. I promise I get less awkward over time, but... Well... That... Takes time."
  • Name: Fantasia
  • Nickname: Patches
  • Age: 21
  • Pronouns: Any
  • Species: Hybrid Seldnac
  • Level: 241
  • Fur Color: Sandy brown with white and black spots
  • Flame Color: Red
  • Eye Color: Green

  • Magics

  • Barriers (Level 5): Fantasia's first magic, and the one they know best. They can shield themself from attacks - both physical and magical - and can make the barrier big enough to cover a few more Seldnacs.
  • Dreamweaver (Level 1): If Fantasia is with someone she knows very well and the other person goes to sleep, Fantasia can join them in their dreams. Fantasia has very limited power over the dream, but can make small alterations.
  • Illusions (Level 1): Fantasia rarely uses illusion magic, as it tired them out. He can only alter small things, like making himself look like his eyes are closed when they're open, and only on himself.
  • Earth (Level 1): Fantasia can widen (or make smaller) holes that already exist. Useful if he or someone else gets stuck, or if he finds a den and wants to make sure no one follows.
  • Plants (Level 1): Fantasia can manipulate plants that are already there, like making a tree lower its branch an inch or two.
  • Strength (Level 1): Fantasia can be a little stronger by using magic.
  • Healing (Level 1): Fantasia can heal smaller cuts and bruises by licking the wounds.
  • Skin Changer (Liquidize) (Level 1): If she focuses, Fantasia can turn parts of her skin liquid, to e.g. get out of a place she got her paw or head stuck in
  • Shadows (Level 1): Fantasia can pull existing shadows a little bit around her, to provide a bit more hiding space
  • Immortality: Fantasia cannot die of old age.

Wish the Ground could Swallow Me

Fantasia is, to put it simply, very, very timid. Even around good friends, she has a rather quiet voice and won't object if others talk over her, but among strangers? Chances are, he won't manage to open his mouth at all. And if he does, he probably trips over his words a lot, one of the main reason why Fantasia usually just... Doesn't. There's just something scary about being perceived by others; while Fantasia is reasonably dexterous and has no issues walking normally when they're alone or with friends, the moment she feels like strangers are watching, she tends to trip over her own paws and land snout-first on the ground. Which does absolutely nothing to make them feel more at ease around the stranger. It may have something to do with his tendency to try and duck low enough that he's not taller than other Seldnacs around, which, considering his rather long limbs, is kind of hard to do.

Try Something New

Despite that, Fantasia does actually more or less enjoy leaving their comfort zone. They are, of course, absolutely terrified when they do, but they are thankful to Sky for encouraging them anyway. And, well, after a few times, it ends up being not quite as scary anymore (aside from talking to strangers. That will always be terrifying). Though Fantasia, for obvious reasons, prefers when the new things Sky pushes him to try are something away from other Seldnacs, he also accepts trying out things that will give him attention, like participating in competitions.

Those Dear To Me

Fantasia is very shy, but she does care deeply about her - admittedly rather few - friends and her family. Luckily for Fantasia, Sky really does not need her help when it comes to anything related to social interaction, but if Fantasia had a friend who does, they might manage to step up and take care of that. Might. Some of the time at least. But that's more than what he'd manage for himself.

Clumsy Kit

As a kit - or pup? hard to tell - Fantasia was rather clumsy. She'd inherited the long legs, alongside the fur coloring, from her mother, and together with her father's large paws, she had trouble figuring out how to get around without getting all that tangled up. By the time other Seldnacs her age were already practicing climbing and running, she'd just barely mastered walking. By now, Fantasia most grew out of this, but back then, quite a few other Seldnacs made fun of him for it.
It also didn't take them long to realize that Fantasia really didn't do well with spooky things. Of course, that also meant that they found his reactions to anything horror-themed especially funny, so Fantasia has, as far as she's concerned, heard enough spooky stories for several lifetimes.

New Place, Old Me

The other Seldnacs never got physical, but after a while, Fantasia's parents still noticed that something was often weighing on their mind. And since Fantasia didn't seem to have many friends, they decided to move, hoping that Fantasia would thrive better somewhere else. A lot of problems did stop - The Seldnacs Fantasia's age at the new place never mocked her, though whether that's because Fantasia just wasn't as clumsy anymore or whether they were just nicer, Fantasia couldn't say. But after her experiences, she hesitated a lot to make the first step in talking to others, so friends were hard to come by. He did make some, though, and still cherishes them deeply.

Even the Most Timid Grow Up

Naturally, Fantasia eventually grew up. As the Seldnac equivalent of a teenager, they took the first trip to the Floating Isles, a popular spot in Arbalednac. The trip... Did not start out too great, since the first thing Fantasia did was get himself trapped in mid-air by accidentally stepping into one of the currents blowing upwards. However, while they waited for help, a young Fennec Seldnac named Sky decided to keep them company, and would eventually become their closest friend.
A few years later, Fantasia moved from his parents' place to his own, situated near a wooded area. She and her parents still visit each other every now and then and are on good terms, and aside from still being very shy and timid, adulthood has been treating Fantasia decently.



Best Friend

Sky is the polar opposite of Fantasia, and their best friend. She tends to push Fantasia to try out new things, and while that is scary, he's also kind of thankful; on her own, Fantasia would seriously struggle with leaving her comfort zone.




Fantasia met Seraph by chance. Fantasia was trying to pick a tree flower, and failed; Seraph offered to use her flying magic to get the flower.

Broken Blackwell


Scary Stranger

Fantasia met Broken Blackwell during an unfortunate event when some young Seldnacs were practicing their portal magic. The two ended up fused for a day, and as far as Fantasia is concerned, Broken is absolutely terrifying.

What is your character's voice in terms of speed, pitch, and/or inflection? Do they have an accent or use slang? Do they have an extensive vocabulary?

Fantasia tends to mumble a lot, and their pitch often changes; that’s more when talking to strangers though, he’s just VERY shy and gets flustered around them. With friends, she’s usually fairly soft-spoken, but not so quiet you’d have trouble understanding what she says.

If your characters could be stuck in any video game or tv show, what would it be? Why, and would they survive?

Hm, I’d say a Shonen Anime. Something that starts somewhat lighthearted and then slowly gets darker. They’d probably be in mortal danger at least once, and there’s like a 50/50 chance of survival.

Do they believe in love at first sight?

Fantasia has never really thought about it, but yes, they do, though it's not something they think about too much.

Did you know that...
  • ... Fantasia could be a pretty quick sprinter - if they could manage to not stumble over their paws as soon as someone's watching?
  • Stories Fantasia features in:
  • The Floating Isles: Fantasia is out on their own more or less for the first time. Her destination: The Floating Isles, a place of wind magic blowing from the earth and up towards the sky. The magic has blown big chunks of the ground up, forming the Floating Isles. Fantasia accidentally stumbles into the air stream - and soon finds herself stuck in mid-air.
  • Flowers for the Royal Garden: “There is a yearly competition starting that your Seldnac can participate in, if they so choose, that will have two winners. Each winner is picked separately by the royal leaders of the Grimalkim and the Vargkin. The competition is to find and bring back or even create the most beautiful and/ or unique flower that will be taken and used as the main center piece of the royal gardens. Plant magic caretakers will keep it alive for at least the rest of the year, until the next competition. Many Seldnac even venture out into other worlds to find new and unique flowers to bring back in an effort to win. What flower does your Seldnac chose to enter the competition with and how did they obtain it?”
  • Pocket Watch: Fantasia is taking a walk, as she comes across a strange item - a pocket watch. Curious, she picks it up, unaware of its powers…
  • A Portal Mix-up: When some young Seldnacs ask Sky to help find some volunteers for their potaling-practice, she quickly agrees - But the practice itself takes an unexpected turn...
  • Down Below: Fantasia and Sky are out on a morning walk when something wraps around Fantasia’s paws and sends them falling far, far below.