Ezrae Keadi



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Ezrae Keadi





Place of Birth

Denerim, Ferelden


Female (She/Her)

Sexual Orientation







Stealing, Coercion, Lockpicking

DA Class





Ferelden Royal Family, the Friends of Red Jenny


Ezrae's parents were friends of the Tabris family, so when they died (her mother of sickness, her father as a casuality of a skirmish with bandits outside the city), they were more than happy to take her in. She's grown up with Yerion, Soris, and Shianni, and considers them to be like cousins. She was briefly shown how to fight by Adaia, though Yerion was the one who encouraged her to practice in secret once she passed away. They often practiced together, and though Yerion was initially more experienced, they learned one another's techniques and styles. They hid their swordplay from Yerion's father, who preferred to pretend like he didn't know what was going on. 

When she was old enough, she was able to find work as a maid for a minor noble in the city, though she often returned to the Alienage to visit family and celebrate holidays and other important events - like the wedding of her cousins Soris and Yerion to two lovely women. She was even involved in the wedding party and had a part in planning it. 

The day itself starts joyfully, but it sours when Vaughn Kendalls, son of the bann of Denerim, arrives and forces the women in the wedding party to his estate, where he keeps them hostage. Ezrae keeps the women as calm as possible, and when Yerion cuts his way into the part of the castle they're being held in, she takes up a sword he passes to her. Together, they fight their way out and get the women back to the Alienage. When the guards arrive, seeking out the killer, Yerion takes full responsibility and is taken away to Fort Drakon. Unable to just let her cousin be taken away, she infiltrates the fort and breaks him out, using her ability to blend into the elven workers and the lockpicking she picked up from stealing a few coins from the nobles who treated her poorly. Together, they quietly escape Denerim and make their way south, where they run into the last Grey Wardens in Ferelden. Yerion chooses to join them, and Ezrae agrees, though it takes time for her to warm up to most of the party. She lends her skills where needed, and even helps break Wesley and Alistair out of Fort Drakon when they're arrested before the Landsmeet. She may look small and timid, but she’s a skilled dual-wielding warrior who isn’t afraid to fight dirty in order to survive. 

After the defeat of the archdemon, Ezrae remains in Denerim, initially as a lady-in-waiting for Elizabeth, but she's quickly put in a position of spy work for the crown - a task that she rises to. She also assists Yerion where he needs it. After a time, she becomes a Friend of Red Jenny. When Elizabeth finds out about it, she gives Ezrae leave to do as she wishes, so long as it doesn't compromise the stability of Ferelden as a whole. Ezrae serves both the Crown and the Friends, balancing her interests carefully. She's often sent to parties both domestic and abroad as a representative of the Crown. Because of her meek appearance, she's often overlooked as a threat, which allows her to gather more information than most of her human counterparts. 

- Loyal - Generous - Impulsive - Skeptical - Competitive - 

Doesn’t believe in the Maker. If he was really all the Chantry cracked him up to be, she wouldn't have gone through what she did.