Elisha Leleu (Phantasmagoria)



3 years, 10 months ago


Name Elisha Lunasen
Age 26
Gender Male
Race Changeling
Height 5'9"
Build Ectomorph
Class Cleric
Domain Blood

Elisha Lunasen

We're all a little familiar with the feeling of dying alone.

Elisha was a member of the White Lamb House at Mercaid Academy.

One quickly becomes acquainted with Elisha's morbid sense of humor and lack of respect for boundaries. A cleric of blood, he is not put off by gore or and seems fascinated by the body, in both life and after death.

He knows that his mannerisms can be distressing, and takes a great interest in observing people, their feelings, and their motivations. It makes him good at making arguments and attempting persuasion, but he has a difficult time truly empathizing. This frustrates him to no end, as it's the only thing that seems to get in the way of him always getting the results that he wants among those he actually cares about.

Character Sheet, party height chart, Four Humors


  • candles
  • blood
  • roasted quail
  • grave humor


  • being ignored
  • being dismissed
  • abandonment



Elisha is outwardly amiable and pleasant, friendly to almost anyone and eager to overshare. He is not shy in the slightest, even overstepping boundaries and pushing too hard with questions. He's curious and likely to invade others' personal space.

Despite his worship of human life, his attitude in research and lack of empathy has led him to dehumanize everyone around him. He would heal someone against their will, or harm them for the sake of research without a second thought.

More than anything, he hates when he can't get a reaction. This is one of the few things that pokes holes in his normal demeanor.


His father, Merrick, is a mortician and his mother, Aurelie, is an apothecary.

Elisha was a gentle if not timid and sometimes sulky young boy, preferring the company of his mother to that of his much more serious father. His father had wanted an assistant out of his son, to instill respect, solemnity, and an unfaltering stomach in him. His frustration with his son pushed him to be distant and sometimes unnecessarily cold, and he would force Elisha into confronting anything that caused him discomfort or fear. Elisha learned early on to disassociate himself from his feelings of fear, discomfort, or nausea, leaving him in the end with a fascination for the macabre.

This was exacerbated when his mother 'died'- something she was working left her in a near-death state, and believing her to be truly dead, Elisha's father made him prepare his own mother's body for funeral. He was 14 and had never actually done the work himself, and his father used his guilt, saying that if he didn't then he didn't love his mother.

Partway through, Elisha realized that his mother was alive (he says that her blood whispered to him). It was also the moment that he gained his appreciation for the strength of life and the force of blood.

Brain damage left her despondent and the easiest way for him to get a reaction out of her was by disturbing her with gore (starting with pulling apart insects, and working his way up to larger creatures).

His father turned a blind eye to this behavior, as Elisha had become the a capable and willing assistant to his father's craft that he'd wanted-- but also slowly became more and more fearful of his distant and morbid son. He tried to have Elisha sent to become a missionary, but it didn't work out-- after, he suggested Elisha go to Mercaid to further his studies.

Elisha developed a strong intimacy with the human body, and decided that life itself was magic, one worth worshiping, and pursued further education to unravel the mysteries of the body. Literally.



Adaptability 75%
Temperament 40%
Morality 10%
Optimism 90%
Ambition 20%
Conscientiousness 50%


STR +2
DEX +0
CON +1
INT +0
WIS +5
CHA +2


Common 100%
French 85%
Undercommon 30%

Armor Light, Medium, Shields

Weapons Simple, Martial

Alchemist Tools Doubled as Alou





Elisha's true form is also the truest to himself. In a sense, Elisha himself could be viewed as a Persona when compared to his changeling form.

In this form, his emotions are clearer to himself, and it's more difficult to suppress the discomfort, anger, hurt, and fear that he's taught himself to disassociate from. At the same time, this makes it easiest to empathize with others, think about the mindspace of others, and create new personas.



Alou Agneau

Alou is the first persona which came naturally to Elisha. Pieces of him are taken from observations made around his time spent in the White Lamb House and at Mercaid watching others make friends. Influence is taken from individuals like Emil, Lisa, and Keon, as well as their closest friends and how they interact with them. Elisha applied only the gentlest parts of his own childhood to Alou's experiences, and models much of his appearance and mannerisms after his mother.

Alou can be considered the phlegmatic humor of Venn's being, while Elisha is the sanguine. He is not very perceptive of Venn's mindset on his own, being too different from Elisha-- but he's not in any hurry to correct this. Venn becomes Alou when he's tired of being Elisha.



Noelle Lapineau

Noelle embodies much of the repressed frustration and desires that Elisha keeps bottled up and ignored. Many of her features are taken from Shiloh, Emory, and Leon, though she also seems to look similar to Elisha himself too.

Noelle is the most in tune with what all of them want and all of them fear. She is metaphorically the choleric humor of the personas.



Lorelie Grimm

Lorelie is the quietest of the personas, being serious, studious, and always seeming weary. There are no pretenses, no attempts to be friendly, and no expectations for anyone to be nice to her. She exists to take care of things and get things done.

Her personality seems to be the most influenced by The Wallace Sword itself, and indeed it seems to be the only thing she isn't annoyed by.

She is the embodiment of the Melancholic humor, and is the rarest of the four to appear. She doesn't care what anyone wants-- only what they need.


ARC I - Under Stars / Prelude to Midnight / Hunger

Shortly after arriving at Mercaid, Elisha and the other members of the White Lamb House became driven to uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of a student named Evelynn.

This investigation did not uncover much at first, and school life mostly moved forward as normal-- parties, studies, tests, and meeting new people. Elisha himself was interested in the investigation due to the involvement of death and speaking to the dead- but it helped to be a unifying goal that their housemates could work towards together.

Seeing his housemates willing to break the rules for the moral good was interesting and engaging, and the very real threat was a useful pressure in revealing many of their personal morals and motivations.

One of the biggest events of the semester was the Gala-- Elisha asked Hezekiah to the gala after being turned down by Shiloh, though they split shortly after arriving as the house made their rounds introducing themselves to various figures or talking with friends. Elisha himself was glad to see Rus come out of his shell, encouraged by Eiffel's shenanigans, if not a bit jealous.

The house discovered involvement in Darkling politics and Spoken Conspiracy, a grab for power made by the Headmistress and Keon's father, Korin. Keon's loyalty was called into question, but while the house's personalities and motivations differed, their goal remained the same.

Elisha helped Sabin with Rus to alter the contract binding Grimsby, their house steward, so that Grimsy could assist in breaking into the school's dungeons. Down there, they planned to find and rescue the Darkling Emperor-by-rights. They were chosen by Relics which were being experimented on by the school to remove their sentience and turn them into mindless tools- in a sense, Sabin and Rus had rescued the relics. Elisha bonded to The Wallace Sword, a sword bound and sheathed in human skin. On the way down, they were caught by Korin who killed them all, his own son included. They were only saved by a magic coin given to Keon by his childhood friend, which they used to pay their Charon back to the land of the living. They were able to see all the souls they put to rest by rescuing the Emperor.

Arc II - Parley

The party awoke in the Darkling kingdom, their bodies recovered by their agents. They had been in a 3 month coma while their souls travelled the realm of the unliving, though it only felt like a short time for them.

Over that time, their relics (and perhaps their deaths as well) altered their forms. Elisha found himself with the abilities of a changeling, with all its strengths and vulnerabilities. He and Emory grew closer together, through shared concerns and shared comforts, which helped to cement Elisha's determination to keep the group together and well.

They were sent to the Fae Kingdom on behalf of the Darkling kingdom to act as representatives for the inquisition. They and their party gathered favor with all of the fae courts. Though Venn found himself feeling at ease in the woods, Elisha struggled to navigate the currents of social etiquette among the fae.

The group reunited with Eiffel, and slowly gathered the favor of Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall courts. They were nearly killed by the king of the winter court, but intervention by his dead daughter gave them the window of opportunity to befriend him instead.

The fall court sent them to gain the favor of all of their 'lords'. They discovered the Keeper of Knowledge was assassinated, and none other by Leon's associate the Butcher. Elisha contacted Leon to intervene, where they discovered that Leon was also an assassin who was actually tasked with killing them all. He was also a sociopath who preferred to get to know his targets before killing them, and offered to continue assisting the party until they felt like killing them.

They failed to gain the favor of the Mother of Venom in the mountains, but the party had a lot of reflection time to talk to one another and try to resolve some long-standing hurdles in their character.

Lastly, they visited the Swamp Queen, who also almost killed them due to Keon's association with Korin, but eventually told the party about the rifts, the threat of the void, and how to counter it. They gave the party their dead child's egg (they're a dragon) and left to Windhaven.

The party returned and had audience with essentially the god of fae, who nearly denied any sort of association but was convinced by their consort to at least agree to attack Windhaven should it enter the fae territory. The consort only assisted due to some deal Keon made.

Task complete, they returned to the darkling kingdom, only to be sent out again to the Badlands to attempt to find the source of missing horses.