


3 years, 9 months ago




"...Luna, please leave the patron to their latte."
Basic Info

Name Cypress
Age 24
Gender Male
BirthdayAugust 13th
Height 6'0" / 183 cm
Weight 177 lbs / 80 kg
Ear Type Lupine
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Cafe Manager / Waiter
S.O. Teddy
Species Dainty / Werewolf
Dictionary # MYO 4711
Value $44 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • His painted nails are optional.
  • He has upward curved creme / tan horns!
  • His hair is always up in a ponytail.
  • The scar on his face isn't optional!
  • Pocket items are preferred, but optional.
  • Please color-pick off his reference!

  • Goes camping once a month in a remote location, both to ensure the safety of others when he transforms as well as his identity's safety.
  • On the night of a harvest moon, he transforms into a large, unnatural looking wolf. On the night of a blue moon, he transforms into more of a monster than a wolf.
  • His cat's name is Luna. She followed him home one night, and he's kept her around ever since. She even comes to work with him!
  • He's pretty much always got a stuffed mouse filled with catnip on him for the purpose of appeasing Luna.

Cypress is distant, blunt, and abrasive at first glance, but at heart he's a complete softie. As long as you don't bother him, he won't bother you. While he comes off as uncaring, if one were to read into their interactions with him they'd most likely find traces of compassion in the way he speaks. Though he tends to be secretive, he's very good at small talk, presumably due to many late-night shifts spent chatting to pass the time. He's rather intelligent and calculating, but he isn't keen on showing it off. While he mostly keeps to himself, he enjoys lending a helping hand whenever necessary. To those he likes, he's inclined to be protective over them, and doesn't mind getting a little aggressive with stubborn customers. All in all, Cypress keeps to his own space, but shows impressions of care towards others.


  • Cats, especially Luna.
  • Repeat customers, he likes the stability they bring.
  • Forests, for their tranquility.
  • Coffee, he can't get through a day without it in the morning!

  • Not being in control / losing control of his environment.
  • Customers who kick up a fuss, they're a waste of time.
  • Dogs, he feels threatened by them.

Cypress has been a bit of a loner all of his life. Without parents and without much help from anyone else, he's forged his own path in the world. He's kept to himself, kept his head down, and not done much of anything to call any attention to himself. Others who knew him would describe him as distant, but not unpleasant. Overall, he's done his best not to draw any notice of himself from others, as he guards his secret identity with every fiber of his being - he's a werewolf, and in his world, werewolves are nothing more than fairytales.

He found out about his lycanthropy as a teenager, on his way home from a night full of running errands. He felt his skin start to prickle, as though he'd had pins and needles all over, but far more intense than any sensation he'd ever felt. Before he knew it, his hands became paws, his limbs became furred, and his face stretched to accommodate a muzzle. He couldn't remember anything passed that until the following morning, when he'd awoken deep within the dark recesses of a cave. After a few minutes of searching, he found the exit, and found himself deeper within a nearby forest than he'd ever been to on his own.

Burdened by his newfound revelations, he fled to his apartment, locking himself in his room as soon as he was able. Panicked, he started researching, desperate for some kind of explanation for all of this that wasn't as outlandish as being a werewolf. However, in his search, he only found more and more evidence to back his suspicions. The previous night had been a full moon, and he was pretty sure he'd become some kind of beast, so lycanthropy was really the only explanation he could come up with. He devised a plan to figure out if this truly was the case, and got to work on gathering materials.

On the night of the next full moon, he set up a camera to record in a forest clearing and waited. He'd told any interested parties that he was going camping, and this time of year wasn't exactly popular for camping, so he didn't expect any kind of intrusion. Upon checking the video the following morning, his hypothesis was proven, and Cypress had absolutely no idea where to go from there. If anyone got wind of this, he'd surely be subjected to some kind of science experiment, and that was the last thing he wanted. He just wanted to live a quiet, solitary life, and he was determined to do anything to have that.

Thus, Cypress began adding a monthly camping trip in the woods as a part of his routine. He'd never really been the camping type, but he soon fell in love with it. It was quiet, calm, and listening to the wildlife around him put him at ease. As he got older, he got a job at a cafe, and began saving up money for both his current expenses, as well as an emergency fund for if he ever needed to skip town. His life carried on with a steady routine that soothed him, because at least for now he could live the kind of life he'd always wanted. His neighbors and coworkers weren't nosey, his secret was well kept, and he lived with the peace and quiet he craved.

World Info

Cypress resides in a world very similar to our own, where dainties aren't a rarity but aren't incredibly common either. He lives in a city that, while developed, isn't too loud or crowded as far as cities go, making it a nice choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. The city isn't completely crime-free, but it's decently safe to be out alone at night. The weather is usually sunny, so a nice rainy day is a change of pace. Cypress lives in a quiet apartment on the outer fringe of the city, and enjoys his short commute to work.




Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
He cares quite a bit about Cameron, and has taken him under his wing at work. He keeps a sharp eye on him whenever certain troublesome customers come around, as Cam doesn't have the best track record of good decisions.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.