1. Ebonry Region (Traits)



3 years, 4 months ago



There are various traits to describe the genotype and phenotype of the pokemon of Ebonry.


These pokemon are indistinguishable from their brethren in other regions. They can still have personality differences and small phenotype differences like weight and fur styles but are still obviously what species they are.


Similar to standard in that they remain the same type as their species and retain the same move pool but though recognizable as a member of their species they have some significant variation from the standard appearance of their brethren.


These normally are comprised of a single species of pokemon but display an additional typing or a switched typing. This normally causes a significant change in appearance when compared to their standard brethren and a change in their move pool and occasionally their special abilities.

There are two types of Deltas.

Delta Add which adds a typing to a previously monotype pokemon.

Delta Swap which switches a previous typing with a new typing.


These pokemon are a mixture of two or more species of pokemon. They display physical traits of all their component pokemon in some way or form.


Variant, Delta, and Hybrid pokemon are not mutually exclusive. Generally all delta and hybrid pokemon are also variant pokemon and on the rare occasion a Hybrid pokemon can also be a Delta pokemon and display a typing that’s not within its species pool.

As with all other regions the pokemon born here can display no more then two typings at a time.

As of this time it is believed that pokemon of the same evolution line are unable to hybrid. A second or third stage evolution may show traits of previous evolutions or an early stage evolution may even show signs of future traits but never has there been a true hybrid within the same line. If two members of the same species produce a child, that child will be of the same species and not a hybrid.

It has been shown through experiments and studies about Mew that magnetic waves can have a significant effect on a Pokémon’s structure. It is through a special magnetic frequency which pokemon are able to be captured in poke balls, stored in computers, and transferred via WiFi. It should be of no surprise that a massive and chaotic eruption of magnetic waves could significantly alter the genetic inheritance of pokemon.

It has also been discovered through the study of regional forms, dittos, and moves and abilities that all pokemon have access to the genes of all typings but for some undiscovered reason can only display, or have active, two types at a time. It is thought that the magnetic impact of the meteor scrambled the standard type restrictions of the regions pokemon, allowing their offspring to display typings not standard within their species. 


Within Variant,  Delta, and Hybrid there are three categories of origin.

Natural: Most all pokemon are born the way they are naturally. An estimated 95% are created naturally. A mommy and daddy pokemon get together and make a baby and the baby is born the way it’s going to be for life, excluding the natural process of evolution though it’s evolution line is still marked at birth for life.

Artificial: These pokemon are created through significant human tampering. This can happen prehatch or post hatch. It occurs when a human tampers with a Pokémon’s genetics in a significant way. This does not include selective breeding, that still falls under Natural.

Blessed: Blessed is incredibly rare. Though rare it is like shiny pokemon, they may be way more rare but they are no more powerful then a Natural of the same elk. Blessed pokemon are those significantly changed by a True Legendary. The most famous account of a Blessed pokemon was Ho-Ohs creation of the three legendary beasts though those three attained True Legendaryship while all other accounts place Blessed on the same power level as Naturals. Blessing normally occurs after birth.