Rozsda Forgat



3 years, 9 months ago



bldclr Ruby #bd1919
workOdd jobs

created 07/28/2020
ufs/t/o never
worth The Entire Library of Alexandria
designer Minto


    SpeeDcuboiDing has become somewhat oF a depReciated aRt, so they need aLL the competitoRs they can get!    

Name Rozsda Forgat Age 6.8 sweeps
gender Cis female pronouns She/her
orientation Pansexual screen name clockworkRotation
moon Prospit classpect Sylph of Mind

typing quirk You speak in a CLeaR anD easiLy UnDeRstanDabLe manneR.
> Proper punctuation and grammar!
> Capitalizes F, R, U, L, D and B.
> Types a ' after the above letters (F', R', U', L', D', B') in a question
> Adds bracket horns to her smileys. [:-)
A knife with several other implements, very handy in different situations and for self-defense!
fetchmodus Puzzle
Predictably. It gives her a random puzzle to solve if she wants to take something out. It has four settings! Novice, which quickly lets you move items, but gently ejects them and isn't very engaging; Medium, which is a bit harder, can take out larger items and could possibly be weaponized if you were in the right position; Advanced, which is very difficult but has a large carrying capacity and a good amount of damage- it'd be great for combat if it didn't take her so long to prepare; and finally... the coveted G O D M O D E. She keeps it on Medium, which takes her about a minute. She does not know what benefits G O D M O D E gives her. She has never, ever tried G O D M O D E ever since the first time because it frankly scares her. She prefers not to think about G O D M O D E. .
powers Weak Psionics
Like most rusts, Rozsda can use psionic energy! Hers manifests in squares of red and is pretty weak, so she can only pick up milk-carton sized objects with it... But in an emergency, she could carry a troll for 30 minutes, at the expense of her energy and a nasty migraine.


    I apoLogize iF I am oveRstepping and hUmBLy ask yoU to not cULL me iF I am    

appearance Rozsda is 5'2 and petite, wearing her hair in a bob, with square horns and square glasses. She usually wears rust-red and black, plaid patterns, and skirts with pockets. She LOVES skirts with pockets.
personality She's sweet, intelligent and loves any and all puzzles! Rozsda tries her best to be empathetic and a good listener when she can. Almost like a hobby therapist. She wants to help you if you'll let her. Because she tries so hard, Rozsda easily overwhelms herself with stress.
Rozsda is very polite to highbloods. She has a strong sense of self-preservation; she'll do what it takes to live. She knows what position she hatched into, and she knows the dangers of Alternia, and she intends to stay as long as possible. She'll hardly ever rush into anything without an excessive amount of consideration- be it a speedcubing event or a game that starts the apocalypse. With friends, however, she lightens up, and she's much more likely to act with reckless bravery. .
backstory Rozsda has had a fairly quiet life so far, but things are heating up. She's overjoyed to meet so many new trolls, though!

Young Rozsda never had very many friends. She spent most of her time on her interests; reading, speed-cubing and such. She did know Mujina and Eliock however; Mujina always ticked her off, but Eliock was withdrawn like her, so she kept in touch with them, wanting to help. At 5.5 sweeps old, she was robbed by a stranger- leaving a scar on her shoulder and inspiring her to improve her self-defense.

After being taken by a drone and nearly culled for no reason but practice, she's started really resenting drones, with the exception of Pommyk, who happened to save her! She meets Zholih through Pommyk, a purple-blackblood who she actually quite likes and respects, and through Zholih she meets Eiknuh, a young whiteblood, who she lowkey adopts. Her lusus leads her to an ancient temple near her hive, full of frog-based runes. In her dreams of a golden city, she meets Odyiva Preime. And soon, everything will come together to start their Session...


name "Mum"
species Owl
bldcaste Rust
personality Loving


LAYOUT BY: teratoma
IMG BY: source


features Muddy ground, green sky, pink trees
consorts Anxious red Donkeys
denizen Arcas
quest Bring healing order to the land


interests Speed Rubick's Conundrum Cuboid
Rozsda always carries a Rubix's Cube in her pocket, she's very fast at solving it and has been considering joining some competitions. She'll usually take it out and fidget with it when she's nervous.

To her own surprise, Rozsda really enjoys acrobatics and dance, and would love to do more!

She also loves wordplay and playing the piano- although she doesn't own a piano, so she hasn't gotten to practice much. She's very good at managing her finances, but she's still rustblood-poor.

Helpful skills
Roz is an avid reader and has at the very least touched on a variety of topics; self-defense, botany, medicine, gun history, lusus identification, economics, encryption, chess, alternian law, lucid dreaming, et cetera. She does this partly out of genuine interest, and partly out of the crushing fear of coming across a situation she wouldn't know how to handle. What then?
trivia Ancestry
Rozsda's ancestor's name is The Factotum! She may or may not be involved in all this SGRUB fuckery...

Rozsda Forgat's name means "RUST" and "ROTATION" in Hungarian, which happens to be the language of the creator of the Rubix Cube!

Rozsda is in TEAM RED, lead by Walina, which is one of the four teams playing their version of SGRUB. Her teammates include Zealil, Eliock and Mujina. Team Red is arguably the most broken team, constantly making progress, killing bosses and searching for loopholes and lore. It has some of the strongest members, with Rozsda and Zealils intellect and intuition, Eliock and Walinas feral strength, and Mujinas enterprising nature.