


3 years, 10 months ago


kara violet xavier
trans girl lesbian
she / her

17 / white / sept 14 / virgo / plan (pert)

kara violet xavier

"I'm glad I got to spend the day with you."

Kara has storm-control powers, she can summon lightning, thunder, and rain. She likes studying at the school and practicing her art skills, as well as practicing to control her powers. She is a very kind person, and cares a lot for the ones she loves.

She is very smart and good at school, and she's great with making new friends. Kara runs the school's art zine, and is in various other art clubs. She is incredibly in love with her girlfriend, Jade, who she met in freshman year. Her best friends are Andrew and Jesse, they have always been there for her. At the end of the day, Kara loves to spend quietly time with her friends, do her art, and protect people.


  • floral patterns
  • storms and rainy days
  • old architecture
  • cats and sheep
  • cable-knit sweaters
  • sunsets


  • losing control of her powers
  • subway trains
  • deserts
  • swimming
  • tight-fitting clothes
  • citrus


  • her dad is deaf, so she knows ASL
  • loves watching jeopardy
  • her nails are almost always painted light pink or blue


Kara rushed over, smiling. "Let me help you with that!"

She is very kind and intelligent. Kara is a very creative person and she sees beauty in everything. Her shyness can discourage her from trying new things, but she's trying to push past it. Her kindness is one of her defining features, but she is not hesitant to cut someone off if they have wronged her. She can get pretty anxious if things don't go perfect according to plan, but Kara relies on her friends as a support system.


  • INTJ-T
  • kindhearted
  • organized
  • intelligent
  • loving
  • resourceful


  • self-isolating
  • anxious
  • timid
  • squeamish
  • soft-hearted
  • perfectionist


  • sewing and embroidery
  • school art zine
  • reading poetry
  • painting
  • drawing
  • collecting trinkets


  • old tv shows
  • little antiques/trinkets
  • baby blue and pale pink
  • fingerless gloves
  • picnics
  • overalls
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Sensor
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent


  • HAIR COLOR blonde
  • EYE COLOR blue
  • SKIN COLOR pale
  • HEIGHT 5'7
  • CLOTHING STYLE casual/comfortable
  • WEAPON OF CHOICE storm powers
  • Skinny Large
  • Short Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"Do you have anything in pink?" She asked, thumbing through the clothes racks.

Kara is strong, but not visibly muscular. Her resting face is quiet and contemplative, and her demeanor is relaxed and almost carefree. If she's nervous, the only visual cue she'll give is fidgeting with her hands.

She likes her hair flowing free, and doesn't mind when it gets long. She'll often change her haircut. Her wardrobe is feminine and soft, Kara likes fluffy sweaters and flowing dresses. Her appearance is well-kept, and she often looks very elegant.

design notes

  • hair is wavy, medium length
  • likes wearing jewelry
  • blush
  • freckles
  • walks at a medium rate
  • great posture
  • talks calmly
  • when using powers, her black claws come out
  • gets nosebleeds if uses powers too much
  • fave color combo is blue and pink



jade: girlfriend

She and Jade met in freshman year and quickly caught feelings for each other. They spend lots of their time together, and are both really good at cheering the other one on. Their relationship is very stable and they communicate effectively a lot. After college, they grow up to be heroes with Jesse and Andrew. When they retire, they get married and spend the rest of their days in a lovely little farmhouse together.


andrew: best friend

Kara and Andrew have similar energies and interests, so they naturally became very close. They are both very emotionally in-tune with each other and the group, and both very creative. They love going to art museums and having brunch together, and always go to each other for advice. When they grow up, they work very well together and both become the brains of the team.


jesse: best friend

At first, she was a little intimidated by Jesse, but she got used to his chaos easily. She feels like she has to watch over or protect him, like a younger brother. Jesse helps bring her out her shell and be less shy, and she helps him get a little more control over his life. Kara gets a bit nervous doing the thrill-seeking stuff Jesse likes, so when they hang out, he tunes his energy down and they do something calm and creative. She really appreciates how kind he can be.


ressa: protégé

When Ressa has struggles with her powers, Kara is very supportive and patient. Throughout her mentorship, she guides Ressa to the best of her ability, and Ressa is forever grateful. Kara teaches her ways of channeling her powers and using them defensively for herself and her team, rather than always using them offensively against an enemy.


klaus: enemy

Kara hated how Klaus caused trouble with no real motives. She just wanted to go to school in peace, and having The VKR disrupt that really left a lasting impact on her. Kara sided with Jesse in his disgust of Klaus, but eventually knew the fighting had to stop, so she wasn't angry when The Paragon Four and The VKR became allies. After Dark Days, she didn't hate him anymore, but still felt a bit neutral towards him.


valerie: enemy

She feared Valerie from the start. They were evenly matched with their powers, and Valerie was an incredibly tough fighter. During their battles, Kara was the only one powerful enough to take her one-on-one. After Dark Days, she worked well alongside Valerie, treating her with respect and reverance, but still a little scared of her.


rome: enemy

Rome was a dark horse to Kara, she didn't expect her to be so strong. In their intial battles, Rome kept low, avoiding using her powers, and Kara thought she didn't have any. But when she unleashed them, Kara was in awe of the spectacle. After Dark Days, she got to know Rome, and learned she could be a very calm and kind person.


cyrus: twin brother

She is incredibly close to him. They came out as trans to each other on the same day, and they have felt connected ever since. They have a similar style and interests, and they like to go window shopping around the mall or take weekend road trips often. They can get into small arguments often, but at the end of the day, they support each other through everything.


hope: mother

Kara appreciates what her mother has provided for her in her life. She loves her, but feels like her mother doesn't feel the same about her, like she is missing out on a different life. Kara isn't very open with her mother, and ignores her when she gets frustrated with her.


buck: father

She is close with her dad. He is laidback and fun-loving, but still emotionally available. She feels like it's easier to naturally share things with him, and they like doing fun activities like mini golf or spending the day seeing movies together.

the paragon four

Kara Violet Xavier was born to Buck and Hope Xavier, on Sept 14, along with her twin brother Cyrus. She is a very creative, but shy child. Her powers manifest at around age 12, when she was playing out in a thunderstorm. She loved playing in the rain, and got so excited she struck a tree with lightning.

She doesn't make many friends until high school. When she meets Jade, Jesse, and Andrew, she's so happy to finally have close friends, and spends a ton of time with them. Kara quickly falls for Jade, and the feeling is mutual. After months of pining, she bravely announces her feelings towards her, and they start dating. Kara also meets Mags and has a great friendship with her. They have a lot of similar interests and are in a lot of the same classes, so they become study buddies.

Her powers can be a little overwhelming, so she studies magic a lot, and does a lot of physical training to control them. In the team's sophomore year, they meet The VKR. Kara is studying with Andrew when they hear a large explosion outside, and immediately rush out to help, with no hesitation. They find Jade and Jesse already fighting with The VKR, and they jump into action. The group uses what the know from their training and win the battle. After the fight, it becomes big news, and they start getting recognition. Jade officially starts calling them “The Paragon Four.”

Kara is really surprised they won the fight. She keeps her training steady though, making it a learning opportunity to do better next time. A second battle with The VKR comes out of nowhere, and Kara tries her best to lead the team, but they just aren't prepared and they lose. This is an embarrassment for the team and Kara is hard on herself for losing. The team trains harder, and she tries to analyze The VKR from their past two battle to see where they will strike next.

In their junior year, The Paragon Four figure where The VKR will strike next: back at the school. They build up their defense and The VKR arrive, and this time it’s an almost equal battle. Towards the end, Klaus unexpectedly throws Andrew into a wall, actually hurting him pretty bad. Jesse and Kara rush to help him. Kara tends to him, thankful his injuries are surface level, leaving Jesse to fly into a blind rage and singlehandedly defeats The VKR in this battle. While Andrew recovers, Jade and Kara have to talk down Jesse from killing Klaus. Kara just wants this to be over, and she knows that has to be done in a final fight, taking them down for good. Jesse is hellbent for revenge, and Jade wants to become allies with The VKR, so, they let Andrew break the tie, and he sides with Jade. It’s hard for Jesse and Kara to understand, but they ultimately trust each other’s judgement.

Their final battle happens, showcasing everything both The Paragon Four and The VKR have been training for. Kara puts everything she has into keeping Valerie at bay while Andrew deals with Rome and Jade and Jesse go after Klaus. Finally, The Paragon Four defeats them with mercy, and in the midst of rubble and wreckage, Jade stoops down and reaches out her arm. She lifts Klaus out of the mess and shakes his hand, inviting The VKR to come to school and use their powers for protecting people. Kara is taken aback a little. Klaus and Valerie decline, but Rome decides to enroll. Kara is thankful their messy feud has come to an end.

the paragon four return

During her senior year, Kara works a lot on harnessing her powers to their fullest potential, and studying hard at school. She trains everyday with The Paragon Four, and will occasionally check in with Valerie to keep things civil between their groups. Still, Kara keeps her distance from them. Klaus and Jade are known as the vague leaders of each group, so they try to blend the groups well, but it’s hard for everyone to get along perfectly. It takes some time, but towards the end of the year, they are somewhat close friends. And then Klaus dies.

His death is very ambiguous and sudden, and his body can’t be found. Their groups have finally started to become friends, and this event shoves them apart, and stirs up old emotions. Kara tries to settle the situation and keep things calm, but everything gets worse when Jesse is accused of killing Klaus. The Paragon Four stand by him unwaiveringly, and fight the claims put on Jesse. This changes the public view on The Paragon Four, the way the media covers it makes Kara frustrated how they can't control their image in a time of loss. A lot of people still believe Klaus is evil, but others think this was The Paragon Four’s plan all along. Kara feels so confused and betrayed by a lot of people.

Kara supports Jade, because she can see that she's going through a lot from losing Klaus, and Valerie and Rome leave Chicago. She attempt to cheer the team up and keep spirits high as they finish their year. She meets Saturn and helps him out around the school, and introduce him to Mags, Butcher, and Jeremy, who would later form The Six Saviors with Rhys and Dawn. Kara finishes high school a little bittersweet, wishing that things had gone differently.

Even though she attempts to be the team's cheerleader, they are all a bit tired and want to move on. They get ready for college, as all of them attend the university together, and it makes Kara excited for her future.

And then, Klaus comes back to Chicago.

dark days


golden years

The Paragon Four, The Six Saviors, and Rome graduate college. Andrew and Jesse quickly get married, having a lovely service in the woods. Once everyone settles into their regular lives, they realize there are still big threats to face. As villains pop up around town, they get to work on being professional heroes.

The Paragon Four’s “headquarters” is a shared apartment, but they quickly learn that all four of them aren’t very good roommates, so they rent out a little obscure office. Kara focuses on making contacts and managing The Paragon Four's image in the media.

All four of them have fully developed their powers, and Kara is finally relieved she can fully control hers. Everyone sees them as idols for defeating Zurazoth, and Kara is okay with that. She doesn't particularly want to be "worshipped," but she feels like they need some sort of compensation for having to fight for so much that young. Kara pushes through it, and just wants to focus on her future. But deep down she is just missing something. She tries to hide it from the others, but they feel the same way.

Eventually, they decide they can’t be full-time heroes anymore. They are proud to pass on their legacy to The Six Saviors, who have been trying to be recognized as heroes for a while. Kara and Jade, finally able to relax, buy an old and obscure farmhouse. They realize they never had time to get married, so they go all out and have an incredible wedding at the farm. They renovate the farmhouse and make it look like the home they’ve always imagined having, but they are still unfulfilled. Kara feels like she's run of out purpose, and is a bit lost.

But, every year back at Paragon High, The Paragon Four give a speech at the seniors’ graduation. Coming back to the high school and university always makes them feel at home, and when Dean Mesmira asks them to be mentors to a troubled group of students, they accept with no hesitation. Kara is so excited to pass what she knows to a bright, young student.

the new kids

The Paragon Four meet The New Kids. Kara is paired up with Ressa Chase, a gorgon who has troubling regulating her freezing powers. When The Paragon Four start to train their students separately, Kara immediately gets to work on making a plan to help Ressa be comfortable with her powers.

The mentors have two priorities when teaching: 1. teaching practical battlefield training, 2. and finding methods for healthy power regulation. Kara thinks its best to combine these two into something more constructive for Ressa: wand-work. She helps Ressa pick a wand and channel her magic through it. Kara also recommends she take a few magic-based classes to see how she can incorporate magic-use into her daily life. Ressa is eager to get her powers under control, so she works hard and tries her best to follow Kara's advice. Slowly, she manages to confine her powers to her wand, and channels them when she's comfortable using them.

Once everyone is ready to train together, Kara is happy Ressa can share her magic knowledge with her new teammates. But, there is immediately a lot of arguing and tension in the group, especially Nix and Seba’s ongoing rivalry. Kara really wants them to work together, but she fears that they just aren't compatible. After a team effort, The New Kids slowly and laboriously become a working superhero team. The Paragon Four are really proud of how far all of them have worked to get there. Kara is so proud to see Ressa graduate with her new best friends, and she flashes back to her own graduation.

The New Kids don’t really have a typical superhero career like their mentors, but they defeat a few small villains, and become best friends along the way. Ressa makes sure to stay in contact with Kara, and she naturally goes to Kara for advice. Kara is overyjoyed when Ressa starts her job as a magic-biology teacher at Paragon High.


After the mentorship ends, Jade and Kara come home, finally feeling fulfilled. They decide to start traveling the world, because they saved the earth, so they want to see it all. They take relaxed vacations to beaches and month-long sojourns to cabins in the mountains, and they backpack through vast cities and venture through forest and jungles. In between trips, they come back home and spend time with Andrew and Jesse, The VKR, and The Six Saviors. Kara makes sure to check in with Ressa often, and is thrilled to see how well she's doing as a teacher at Paragon High.

But, The VKR have been fighting a minor villain terrorizing small cities across the globe, and all three of them die in a self-sacrificing blaze of glory. Kara is much sadder than she ever thought she would be, as she grew eventually grew close with them. The New Kids come to support The Paragon Four, and it’s a really great reunion of the two groups. The VKR’s funeral is funny, beautiful, punk, and bittersweet, and after it’s over, the two groups decide to go get drinks to celebrate The VKR’s lives. Kara talks a ton with Ressa about her job and Io about her presidency. She is also super proud of Seba for starting their business (she's a big fan of their honey-cinnamon candles) and Stacy's research in chemistry. She's happy Nix is there and is acting civil with everyone. Kara spends a lot of the night just watching everyone talk, soaking up all the happiness she can.


The Paragon Four and The Six Saviors sit on the porch and front lawn of Jade and Kara’s farm house. It’s been a while since they’ve all gotten together, but they have abundant room for everyone. They play card games, drink wine, and laugh. From an outsider’s perspective, it would seem like not a day has passed between all of them hanging out, they are inseparable. Jade and Kara are more than happy to open their beautiful home to their friends, finally feeling satisfied with life. During the party, Jade runs in and out of the house to show everyone little trinkets and things she’s collected from their travels. Kara is overjoyed to cook a big meal with her friends and be a host to them.

Jade comes back from a trip inside the house, she's acting a little strange, like she's in a bit of a haze. Kara asks what's wrong, but Jade snaps out of it and just smiles at her, and says nothing is wrong, because she's with the ones she loves.

In the quiet hours of the night, The Paragon Four sit outside, stargazing in the dark, talking about nothing. They are connected, practically breathing deeply in unison. They are truly one person together, a family. When it all washes over them, they all let go, with no fear, together.


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songs about this character or songs i think they would like!

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clothing ideas for this character

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my general oc tag for art of all my ocs!

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