


3 years, 10 months ago


andrew griffin north
cis gay boy
he / him

17 / black / mar 4 / pisces / creation (sire)

andrew griffin north

"Well," He said, taking a breath. "Here's to hoping today's my kind of day!"

Andrew has spirit-powers and super strength. He can phase through solid objects, and detatch his limbs from his joints, and can control them up to about 50 feet. He likes drawing and art, and he loves playing music, especially guitar. He is unintentionally trendy and loves joining clubs at the school.

He's a little shy, but once he gets to know people, he opens up quickly. His boyfriend, Jesse, met him in freshman year, and it was love at first sight. He also met Kara and Jade, who he immediately became very close with. Andrew wants a quiet life, but he is ready to put it on hold if it means he can save people and his community.


  • sunflowers
  • overalls
  • comfy clothes
  • sunny days
  • photography
  • writing letters


  • earthy flavors
  • reality tv
  • spring allergies
  • his room being messy
  • bending pages in books
  • gambling


  • fave bo staff is named aang
  • fave piece of clothing is his maroon overalls
  • uses a lot of emojis
  • has dyslexia


"Wait -- play that again, I think I know that chord..."

Andrew is an incredibly creative person. He's constantly doodling, playing music, or humming. He is also very interested in flowers and botany. Generally, he is a bubbly person, and very sweet and friendly, but Andrew keeps to himself often. Acts of Service is his love language, so he enjoys helping people. He can be a bit timid, and sometimes his anxiety overwhelms him. But, he is great hero, and overcomes his anxieties to be save his school and his friends.


  • INFP-A
  • kind
  • unselfish
  • patient
  • level-headed
  • creative


  • indecisive
  • anxious
  • timid
  • dependent
  • gullible
  • overemotional


  • playing guitar, bass, and piano
  • drawing
  • model un
  • track team
  • volunteering
  • botany


  • vintage instruments
  • iced coffee
  • teddy bears
  • baby's breath flowers
  • polaroids
  • oil pastels
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Sensor
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent


  • HAIR COLOR dark brown
  • EYE COLOR brown
  • SKIN COLOR brown
  • HEIGHT 5'6
  • CLOTHING STYLE cute/comfortable
  • WEAPON OF CHOICE strength
  • Skinny Large
  • Short Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"Oh this one's my favorite!" He picked up a cream colored sweater with a sunflower pattern.

He is lithe and limber. Andrew does a lot of stretches to help him with his limbs detatching. He's not visibly strong, but he has incredible super strength. His resting race is a slight smile, making him look very approachable and friendly. He doesn't really sit still, he'll tap his foot or drum his fingers lightly.

His hair has been roughly the same for a while, he likes it short and quickly styled. Andrew's regular clothes are comfortable and soft, like sweaters, hoodies, sweatpants, and t-shirts. For training, he'll wear more athletic clothes, similar to Jade. His style isn't exactly put-together, but his clothes are loose and free so it's hard to tell when he is feeling messy.

design notes

  • round, gold-framed glasses
  • a few freckles
  • side of head is shaved
  • eyes glow amber when he uses his powers
  • cute eyelashes
  • can detatch limbs from joints
  • occasionally paints nails
  • large nose
  • walks slowly
  • talks quiet
  • good posture



art by starsailor

jesse: boyfriend

They met in their freshman year and Andrew didn't realize it at first, but he was very in love with him. Jesse's chaos can seem like a lot to people, but Andrew interprets it as the way he expresses himself, and admires him for being himself. They are great at caring for each other and good at reading each other's needs and emotions. After college, they become heroes with Jade and Kara, and after the retire, they own a nice house in the city with their adopted daughter.


kara: best friend

Andrew and Kara have similar energies and interests, so they naturally became very close. They are both very emotionally in-tune with each other and the group, and both very creative. They love going to art museums and having brunch together, and always go to each other for advice. When they grow up, they work very well together and both become the brains of the team.


jade: best friend

Andrew met Jade freshman year, and they quickly became great friends. He really loves how brave and loyal Jade is, and supports her, knowing she'll have his back always. Andrew considers her to be a sister to him, and they both encourage each other to do the things they love.


stacy: protégé

Andrew takes his time training with Stacy. Even though he's kind of immune to his powers, he's very patient with Stacy and never pushes him past his limits. He's proud to see him make any sort of breakthrough with his powers, no matter how small. Andrew wants only the best for him, and is happy to be an emotional anchor for him when times get rough.


klaus: enemy

He was scared of Klaus and The VKR at first, but as they started fighting, he saw that they were just reckless kids. Andrew never really hated them, but he thought they were still a huge annoyance. After Klaus really hurt him, he felt resentment towards him, but it only solidified his opinions to stop fighting. During Dark Days, Andrew doesn't like having Klaus on the same team, but he treats him with respect nonetheless.


valerie: enemy

Andrew doesn't fear Valerie like everyone else does. He sees past her angry facade and can tell she lashes out when she's hurt, and she's had a rough past. He knows she has strong powers and fighting skills, much stronger than his, so he stays out of her way. In Dark Days, he comes to admire her tough will-power.


rome: enemy

They are both considered sort of the "brains" of their teams, they are the best at brainstorming and being logical about things. Andrew tries hard to combat her plans during their battles, and she's an even match for him. During Dark Days, they put their heads together and help save the day with their masterful combined plans.


eli: father

He really loves his dad a lot. They spend a lot of quality time together, practicing music or going out to explore the city together. They are very open and both put a lot of trust in each other.


adrian: father

Andrew appreciates everything his dad does for him. He loves learning about cooking with him and spending a lot of time just chilling. Andrew goes to him for advice and help for a lot of things.


laura: sister

He has a great relationship with her. Sometimes she gets annoying when people act like she and her twin are the same person, so she really appreciates it when he just treats her like a sister.


diana: sister

They have a ton of fun together, and she adores him. They both thry to be peacekeepers, and have a similar energy. Andrew and Diana both like music stuff, so occasionally they'll geek out to each other on music theory or new songs they've found.

the paragon four

Andrew Griffin North was born to Adrian and Eli North, on March 4. He's creative and a happy kid, and his powers manifest at around age 9, when he lifts a car while playing with his friends.

He has a few close friends in middle school, and is neighbors with Jeremy, walking together to school everyday. In his freshman year at Paragon High, he meets Kara, Jade, and Jesse! He becomes close with Jesse, and then realizes he has a major crush on him. Jesse asks him out pretty quickly, and they start dating. He continues to be close acquaintances with Jeremy, as they sign up for a lot of the same classes and are in a few clubs together.

He doesn't often use his powers, so he decides to train with them more so he can get used to them. In their sophomore year, they all meet The VKR. Andrew is studying with Kara when they hear a large explosion outside, and immediately rush out to help, with no hesitation. They find Jade and Jesse already fighting with The VKR, and they jump into action. They use what the learning training together, and become a really strong group, and scare The VKR off. After the fight, it becomes big news, and they start getting recognition. Jade officially starts calling them “The Paragon Four.”

Andrew takes a lot of pride in their win, he feels like they have only just begun to develop their powers. But, a second battle with The VKR comes out of nowhere and the team isn’t prepared, and they lose. This is an embarrassment for the team and Andrew is disappointed. Now he wants more than ever to get a grip on his powers so he can protect people. They train harder, and try to figure out when and where The VKR will strike next. He tries to investigate more about their pasts, and learns they've all had rough origins.

In their junior year, The Paragon Four figure where The VKR will strike next: back at the school. They build up their defense and The VKR arrive, and this time it’s an almost equal battle. Towards the end, Klaus unexpectedly throws Andrew into a wall, actually hurting him pretty bad. He knows he'll be okay, but this is a big set back for his fighting and power skills for the time being. He isn't overly furious at Klaus, he knows it was an accident and Klaus couldn't see him, but he's rightfully angry that he could be that reckless. Kara quickly tends to Andrew while Jesse flies into a blind rage and defeats The VKR in this battle singlehandedly. While Andrew recovers, Jade and Kara have to talk down Jesse from killing Klaus. Jade decides she doesn’t want to fight them if they don’t have to, but the rest of the group disagrees, Jesse is hellbent for revenge and Kara just wants to end this. So, they let Andrew decide, and he sides with Jade. He wants the fighting to stop, and he recovers his strength.

Their final battle happens, showcasing everything both The Paragon Four and The VKR have been training for. Andrew goes head-to-head with Rome, Kara fights off Valerie, and Jade and Jesse go after Klaus. Finally, The Paragon Four defeats them with mercy, and in the midst of rubble and wreckage, Jade stoops down and reaches out her arm. She lifts Klaus out of the mess and shakes his hand, inviting The VKR to come to school and use their powers for protecting people. Andrew isn't surprised, he knows Jade pretty well and expects this. Klaus and Valerie decline, but Rome decides to enroll. Andrew is glad their rivalry is finished, and the school is safe again.

the paragon four return

During her senior year, Andrew feels comfortable with his powers, so he focuses a lot on his schoolwork and his afterschool clubs. He still trains with The Paragon Four everyday, and keeps tabs on any possible threats around the city. Andrew keeps his distance from The VKR, and is careful never to push buttons or bring up their pasts with them. Klaus and Jade are known as the vague leaders of each group, so they try to blend the groups well, but it’s hard for everyone to get along perfectly. It takes some time, but towards the end of the year, they are close friends. And then Klaus dies.

His death is very ambiguous and sudden, and his body can’t be found. Their groups have finally started to become friends, and this event shoves them apart, and stirs up old emotions. Andrew tries to investigate his death, to figure out anything he can, but everything gets worse when Jesse is accused of killing Klaus. The Paragon Four stand by him unwaiveringly, and fight the claims put on Jesse. This changes the public view on The Paragon Four, the way the media covers it makes Andrew feel like he wished they had never gotten involved with The VKR. A lot of people still believe Klaus is evil, but others think this was The Paragon Four’s plan all along. Andrew just wants everything to go back to normal.

Andrew supports Jesse, trusting that he didn't kill Klaus, and Valerie and Rome leave Chicago. He returns to his schoolwork and training. He meets Rhys, Saturn, and Dawn, and gets to know Butcher and Mags (Jeremy's friends) better. Andrew finishes high school wanting to forgive and forget.

They are all a bit tired and want to move on. They get ready for college, as all of them attend the university together, and it makes Andrew excited for their group future.

And then, Klaus comes back to Chicago.

dark days


golden years

The Paragon Four, The Six Saviors, and Rome graduate college. Andrew and Jesse quickly get married, having a lovely service in the woods. Once everyone settles into their regular lives, they realize there are still big threats to face. As villains pop up around town, they get to work on being professional heroes.

The Paragon Four’s “headquarters” is a shared apartment, but they quickly learn that all four of them aren’t very good roommates, so they rent out a little obscure office. Andrew researches new villains popping up around plans and figures out their weaknesses, making strategy plans for battle.

All four of them have fully developed their powers, and Andrew is glad he can use them to his advantage instead of ignoring them. Everyone sees them as idols for defeating Zurazoth, and Andrew is mixed about it. He is glad they got recognition for it, but starting to get weary of being a hero. It's a lot to ask from them to constantly be saving people, but it's all they have even known. He tries to hide it from the others, but they feel the same way.

Eventually, they decide they can’t be full-time heroes anymore. They are proud to pass on their legacy to The Six Saviors, who have been trying to be recognized as heroes for a while. Andrew and Jesse talk about their future together, knowing they obviously want to be together, but they don't know where or what they'll be doing. They consider moving out of Chicago to somewhere quieter, but they can't stand the thought of being far away from Jade and Kara just yet. Andrew just feels stuck.

But, every year back at Paragon High, The Paragon Four give a speech at the seniors’ graduation. Coming back to the high school and university always makes them feel at home, and when Dean Mesmira asks them to be mentors to a troubled group of students, they accept with no hesitation. Andrew really looks forward to mentoring, and is curious to see where it will take him.

the new kids

The Paragon Four meet The New Kids. Andrew is paired up with Stacy Akiyama, a boy who has poisionous gas powers. When The Paragon Four start to train their students separately, Andrew starts slow with Stacy, talking out the best way to approach harnessing his powers.

The mentors have two priorities when teaching: 1. teaching practical battlefield training, 2. and finding methods for healthy power regulation. Andrew disregards the battlefield training at first, because he believes it's a lot more important that Stacy can control his powers first. He is immune to Stacy's fumes, since he is part spirit, so Stacy isn't scared about hurting him. Most of Stacy's problems dealt with his anxiety spiralling out of control, causing him to hyperventilate, making the gas even worse. But, Andrew helps him overcome his anxieties and only use his powers when he needs to. They are both really proud of the progress he's made.

Once everyone is ready to train together, Andrew is a bot wary of putting Stacy in a team. As he expected, there is immediately a lot of arguing and tension in the group, especially Nix and Seba’s ongoing rivalry. He really wants to pull Stacy out of the group, for his own and everyone else's safety, but he trusts Jade's instincts of keeping them a team. After a team effort, The New Kids slowly and laboriously become a working superhero team. The Paragon Four are really proud of how far all of them have worked to get there. Andrew is ecstatic to see Stacy have full control of his powers and socializing really well.

The New Kids don’t really have a typical superhero career like their mentors, but they defeat a few small villains, and become best friends along the way. Stacy stays close with Andrew, and keeps him updated on his life pretty regularly. Andrew, of course, goes to all of Stacy's award ceremonies for his chemistry research and happily goes to conventions where he unveils new tech he's developed.


After the mentorship ends, Andrew and Jesse come home, finally feeling fulfilled. They decide they want to start a family, so they get a big apartment in the city and adopt a little girl named Devi. Andrew has wanted to be a parent all his life, so he puts all his effort into taking care of her. He teaches her art and music, and Jesse teaches her about loyalty and friendship. She is adored by her aunts Jade and Kara, and she really looks up to the both of them. Andrew makes sure to check in with Stacy often, and is so proud to see how brave and outgoing he's become.

But, The VKR have been fighting a minor villain terrorizing small cities across the globe, and all three of them die in a self-sacrificing blaze of glory. Andrew is very sad, knowing that they had genuinely become great people. The New Kids come to support The Paragon Four, and it’s a really great reunion of the two groups. The VKR’s funeral is funny, beautiful, punk, and bittersweet, and after it’s over, the two groups decide to go get drinks to celebrate The VKR’s lives. Andrew is fascinated with Stacy's new research in chemistry, and wants to hear all about it, and wants to know everything about Seba's candle and pottery business. He loves hearing about Io's stories as president, and is more than happy to see that Nix has grown a lot and become more mature. He loves talking about Devi and shows everyone a million pictures of her with him and Jesse.


The Paragon Four and The Six Saviors sit on the porch and front lawn of Jade and Kara’s farm house. It’s been a while since they’ve all gotten together, but they have abundant room for everyone. They play card games, drink wine, and laugh. From an outsider’s perspective, it would seem like not a day has passed between all of them hanging out, they are inseparable. Andrew and Jesse are excited to hang out with old friends, finally feeling satisfied with life. Jesse tells his various amusing stories and Andrew can't help but to play some old nostalgic music on his guitar.

Andrew sits quietly with Jesse, realizing he has everything he needs right in front of him.

In the quiet hours of the night, The Paragon Four sit outside, stargazing in the dark, talking about nothing. They are connected, practically breathing deeply in unison. They are truly one person together, a family. When it all washes over them, they all let go, with no fear, together.


art fight: character

this character's page for art fight!

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songs about this character or songs i think they would like!

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general mood/vibe/energy of this character, or just things that remind me of them

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clothing ideas for this character

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tag for this character on my oc blog!

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my general oc tag for art of all my ocs!

profile html by Hukiolukio