
This profile needs revision and may potentially not be considered up to date or representative of my current work.

Basic info

[Physical age]
[Actual age]

[Magic type]
[Magic skill]

Profile status: incomplete, up to date, last updated January 2018
Raeges Infiliren
RA•ay•guess, in•FILL•er•un
19th of May, 15.C.747.
25 years; adult
56 years
Livian Demon
Stay at home dad
Water; offensive
Untreated broken fingers on either hands, mutated tail

Quickstats and design notes

❖ This profile was written to reflect who Raeges was in 15.C.806, 23 years before the current year. His current day status can be read in the separate tab!
❖ Raeges lived most of his life as a foster parent by necessity
❖ After tax evasion his fingers were broken and when he was released he was unable to work, so he had to make use of the social benefits for adopted orphans to survive
❖ His life was harsh after prison, always living in poverty and barely getting by
❖ Raeges really isn't a good person or father, turned bitter by pains and a bleak future
❖ He knew water magic but his ability has been impaired badly after his fingers were  broken
❖ Over time, he was a foster parent to A, Kraye, Seares, Lyn, and Seranet


Raeges has been many things in his life - a water mage, a criminal, a prisoner, but to most people he knew he was a replacement father figure where a real one wasn't around anymore. That isn't to say he was a good one; in the wartorn village of Cheriot criminal orphans without economic skill were no rare sight, and Raeges took full advantage of their existence to escape a certain death.

Getting by well with the use of tax evasion in his younger years, the local authorities found out about his crime and broke many of his fingers in torture, leaving his right hand completely useless and his left weakened. He spent three years in a cold jail cell unable to carry out labour with his deformed hands before he was released with an increased tax rate. Unable to provide for himself and facing a slow death, his only option was to take in some of the orphans to work for him and to receive slight tax reduction benefits for taking them off the streets. The strategy worked well but he did not care for the children more than he cared about money making tools.

Even with the extra help, his life became a harsh hell of barely getting by from one summer to the next one. It was hard to care about other people when there was nothing but this for the rest of his life, or death to look forward to.

Physical description

Raeges is a slightly older adult Northerner standing 172cm or 5'8 tall and weighing 56kg or 123lbs. His poverty is clear in his looks; he's skin to bones with minimal muscle, his usually unkept hair and unwashed body, his simple clothing, and most notably the fingers of his right hand that are still stuck in their fractured position from past torture and the inability to pay someone to correct them. His skin tone is a fairly saturated red that leans towards orange. Instead of a regular tail tip, his is much more stretched out and only has the top side of the arrowhead. He also has a darker fleshy spike not far above the tip.

Through dark eye bags, a permanent scowl, and as unshaven beard on his chin Raeges' fatigue is clearly visible. He has a bit of a button nose and despite his financial situation still shows somewhat fatty cheeks and a smooth, round jawline. His amber eyes tend to be accompanied by thin blonde eyebrows, their colour matching his long hair well. His horns are a light brown in colour and are kept short, pointing backwards in a smooth curve. He wears a round wooden earring in both ears.

His clothes were made to protect against the harsher days where no fire could be made, consisting largely of materials such as fur insulation and wool pieces. No clothes are thrown away, so some of them are pretty battered. Dressing in layers, he wears a thick shirt, a green wool turtleneck sweater with long sleeves, a coat over this sweater kept closed by a black leather belt, and lastly a green-brown cloak with brown stripes over it, a hood, and fur by the neck area. He always wears warm green wool trousers and thick brown boots, and protects what's left of his hands with fur insulated leather gloves. He's often seen with a light green bag over his hip, a tool to help him carry as much as he can with one functional hand.

Colour palette

Art by HeyAnkey






Strengths and Advantages

❖ Despite everything, he's still a fighter. He will never stop looking for a way out of his debts
❖ He found a way to teach himself how to use water magic and became pretty good at it on his own; he has the intelligence to do great things but rarely uses it
❖ This water magic can also take over more macroscopic processes his broken fingers couldn't do on their own, since to create movement magic requires a mind, not muscle
❖ He knows how the world works and where to find administrative loopholes to ease his struggles
❖ He's street savvy and knows his way around markets

Weaknesses and Disadvantages

❖ His broken fingers never healed properly, taking away most of his fine motor skills from his hands
❖ The time he spent in jail being tortured put him in a weak state of mind prone to symptoms of PTSD
❖ If he weren't the adoptive guardian of several children, his personality would deter any and all social contact
❖ He was born in a disadvantaged situation, which made it that much harder for him to ever crawl out of poverty
❖ Chronic pains greatly reduces his willingness to be kind or to do much during a day
❖ The debts and taxes placed on him keep him stuck between starving to death and slaving away to barely pay them off
❖ So far he's been unable to learn any other magic schools that could help him replace his hands' functions



Raeges was born to a couple of criminals that wasn't all too eager to birth a son into a cruel poverty stricken world, but that also couldn't bear to give away or murder their newborn. He was raised with a moderate amount of love as his parents worked in dangerous conditions. They feared that creating a strong bond with someone who could realistically starve to death every day would only lead to misery, but they didn't deprive him of his basic needs or the attention a baby needs. Despite their initial intentions, they eventually grew to love their toddler and ended up prioritising Raeges above their own health, but this change came pretty late and had already left an impression on the child. 

His parents worked together with a small band of about eight other men and women who would plan out their movement and find ways to keep the entire group covered and out of sight of the law. In the past few years, they had been living off of a country-wide tax loophole for traders that yielded them enough money to survive with, but they regularly moved from town to town to avoid raising suspicion and to avoid discovery of the loophole. It was a dangerous line of work, but working legally under the corrupt government wouldn't put enough food on their tables and they loved their country enough to hope one day its old government would restore it to its former glory so they didn't want to emigrate.

The members of this group became parental figures to Raeges more than his parents, as the people enjoyed having a little one around to remind them of a life before misery. Baby Raeges had no way of knowing how bad their situation was, and it made the situation more bearable knowing there were other outlooks on life, goals that each and every one of them could eventually attain if they were lucky enough to escape this life. He was an inspiring presence and a strong reminder of hope.

Raeges grew into a toddler, then a child, then a teen. He grew up being taught valuable survival lessons by his group, many of which about dealing with cold, hunger, poverty, money, general famine, law evasion, tax evasion, laying low, and doing business on the street. He was a good asset, learning quickly how he could assist in gaining the group more money and comfort. The group wasn't very keen on outsiders outside of trade, and Raeges grew up with this idea as his world vision. As long as they had each other, things would be fine. 

He still felt the aftermath of his parent's care around getting attached to him, which persisted to a minor extent way into his teens. He had an okay relationship with them, but compared to the rest of the group it was a little mediocre, and Raeges was a grumpy teen over it for quite some time. He grew out of it as he became a young adult, but it did kickstart the early bitterness in his personality.

That the loophole could exist for so long was not just a testament of how hard it was to find, but also how incompetent the officials were. When the loophole was finally closed Raeges was 27 years old, and his group felt threatened by the idea of being persecuted for carrying out over thirty years of it. It having taken so long for a money obsessed government to close such a loophole, they must've been one of the only few who used it, and if they were found out the consequences wouldn't be light. On the other hand, by combining the loophole with their trade they managed to survive, how would they without that extra income?

The uncertainty shook the foundations of the group. There still wasn't much that went above family and community, but with the law breathing in their neck no one knew what to do next or how to handle the situation. Their grand scheme hoped that some heroes would've taken down the big corrupted officials by now and didn't account for this not happening.

[ ... ]