Lightning Ridge Black Opal



7 years, 7 months ago


Name LR
Components Benitoite,
Height 15'
Weight 360 lbs
Pronouns He/Him
Scent Burning Electronics
Taste Poprocks
Weapon Spiked Heavyblade

Voice [info]
Theme [song]



To put it simply, Lighting Ridge is all kinds of asshole you can imagine. He's aggressive, arrogant, rude, and selfish. He doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone but himself and wouldn't hesitate to crush something if it got in his way. He's actually been known to break gems without a thought. Since his original creation he's only ever had one state of mind, destroy. Back in the day he was something of a menace, an unstoppable force that had the power to do anything he wanted. Luckily, now a days, he only makes an appearance if he absolutely has to. Though there are the protective instincts for those he truly cares for inside him, deep deep down, both of his components know how unstable he can become and how he may be more of a danger than he would be a help.


  • Thunderstorms
  • Music
  • yes
  • yes
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no


  • Able to crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight.
  • Able to create eathquakes through stomping on the ground.
  • Able to crush and constrict victims.
  • Able to throw things very far.
  • High level resistance to damage such as bullets, blades, and other certain weaponry.
  • Enhanced Speed, Perception, Agility, Balance, Dexterity, Reflexes, and Durability.
  • Difficult to gemstate or destabilize.
  • Immune to the effects of G-force.
  • Can avoid linear attacks such as bullets and lasers by simply quickly positioning self away from the path of the attack.
  • Limited power to use bursts of speed to move faster than the eye can track, making it appear like teleportation.
  • Can create, generate, increase, absorb, conduct, and manipulate electricity of various intensities.
  • Can charge objects with electricity, heat them, and/or make them conduct electricity
  • Able to use electric powers on victims to jolt induce, paralyze, or kill (or gemstate victim) via overcharging.
  • Able to be somewhat immune to electric attacks.
  • Able to generate a charge around self as an electric aura.
  • Can "summon thunderstorms" and use the lightning generated from the storm as ammo.
  • Able to generate low levels of heat when in good health.
  • Can generate moderate levels of light/glow along body.
  • Glow reacts intensely under UV lighting.
  • Can be used as a night light.
  • Still affected by balance, gravity, and mass.
  • May damage environment/other people without meaning or noticing.
  • Strength and energy is not unlimited and he can and will burn out fairly quickly if expending too much.
  • Can only take so much damage before it finally takes effect.
  • Physical state effects speed and endurance.
  • If not careful, or redirecting his Electicity properly, he can cause damage to himself.
  • Not weakened but at risk of hurting himself when wet.
  • Electricity can be insulated/prevented by non-conductive matter such as rubber or silicate.
  • Electricity may be redirected by certain materials.
  • Always will revert back into components if too much energy is expended.
  • May have problems using electronics.
  • Brightness of glow is effected by energy. Lower energy = paler light. Higher energy = vibrant light.
  • Easily overwhelmed by intense levels of darkness.
  • Glow power is not strong enough to use in battle (just for show)


  • LR seems to have the ability to summon thunderstorms but in reality it is because his electrical aura is so strong it effects the air and causes a reaction via rainstorms.
  • Though his components don't have much trust in him, LR is actually very loyal and would never, ever, hurt anyone either one of his components have good ties with, even if the feelings are conflicted between them. If one half likes them, they're safe.
Originally designed by Starshine on August 23, 2015.
Page coding by vomcodesstuff.