Jay Master



7 years, 3 months ago


★ Jay Master ★

Stoic ☆ Closed off ☆ Secretly Caring

"Hey, kid. The name's Jay."


Name || Jay Master
Gender || Male
Age || 23
Nationality || English
Race || Neo-Human
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || Bounty Hunter
Special Ability || Has air sacs in his lungs like a bird
Favourite Food || Pepperoni Pizza
Theme Song || [TBA]

★ ☆ ☆

☆ Physical Description

White skin tone, honey coloured eyes. Black hair that spikes outwards in all directions (three main spikes to the left and right respectively, three up and out on the top.) Has a noticeably sharp and clear widow's peak, and thick eyebrows. Wears a red t shirt with black highlights on the neck, arms and hip opening rims, and plain black trousers. Also wears white gloves and white boots. Often seen with a sword that has a white hilt, and a neon green/yellow glowing blade that generally takes the shape of an upside down kite, though the blade can change shape as it is made of pure plasma, and reacts to its user's will alone.

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☆ Backstory

Grew up under abusive parents, but they died in a war, and so was left with his half sister Gelly to raise their younger brother Neko. Through this time Jay became friends with one of Gelly's friends, Mark, who helped teach him how to fight and, how to look after himself, and even gave him a sword, like an older brother figure. Midway through that process, Mark had apparently died and Gelly left to soul search and recover from her abuse, leaving Jay with Neko to look after and keep as company. They grew up together and eventually became bounty hunting partners together. One day, Neko discovered Ditzy, and Jay reluctantly allowed her to stay until she could get back on her feet, but soon warmed up to her kind presence, allowing her to become an adoptive sibling to himself and Neko.

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☆ Personality

Jay is a person plauged by a past of abuse and loss, and as such his general demeanor is rather somber and somewhat stoic. This doesn't mean he's incapable of feeling joy, just that he has a harder time expressing it. He is rather distrusting of strangers, but can warm up to people given enough exposure. Despite his aloof aura, he is very caring and protective of those he loves.

★ ★ ★

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