Gelly Star



7 years, 3 months ago


★ Gelly Star ★

Emotional ☆ Opinionated ☆ Loving

"Yo! I'm Gelly. Wanna hang out?"


Name || Gelly Star
Gender || Female
Age || 27
Nationality || English
Race || Human
Orientation || Heterosexual
Occupation || Bartender
Special Ability || Good at knife tricks
Favourite Food || Sub Sandwiches
Theme Song || [TBA]

★ ☆ ☆

☆ Physical Description

White skin tone, red eyes, somewhat rectangular face. Black straight hair with a single fringe that has a purple dyed streak on its left side. Wears a Gray t shirt, a plain dark blue hoodie, and navy blue trousers. Also wears white boots.

☆ ★ ☆

☆ Backstory

Grew up under abusive parents and became a street wise teenager mixing with undesirable people. Her parents died in a war, and as such she was left having to help her half brother Jay raise her younger half brother Neko. After the apparent death of one of her friends, she left Jay to raise Neko on his own in favour of soul searching and trying to rebuild her life to something more stable. Eventually, she becomes a bartender and reunites with Jay and Neko, and meets the newest family member Ditzy.

☆ ☆ ★

☆ Personality

Gelly is quite a stressed person, and deals with this by smoking weed a lot of the time. She is quite sociable and loves to go for nights out at with friends. She is still generally very unreliable, and can still get flustered and emotional if given the right argument starter, especially ones pertaining to her childhood. Being poorly raised and having spent a lot of time away from her family has had her developed a more selfish attitude, allowing her to rely on others comfortably.

★ ★ ★

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