/misc/ (group/4Csons)





A popular JPop band

Although the name is "4Csons" it's pronounced "Four Seasons". Sometimes shortened to "4Cs"


  • 旾 (Hajime) - the front man of 4Cs. He's an affable all-rounder who's greatest joy is to make his fellow bandmates laugh
  • 愛 (Aya) - resident ice queen, cold and mysterious
  • 夏 (Pain) - resident guitarist and flirt
  • 旻 (Akira) - team mom

Band is something like 4 seasons (song ideas - 逢 || 各 || 唆 || 凌 || 烙 || 疼 || 終 || 螽)


  • 旾 == 一一 (Marcus), who's pretty affable and quick to bring the others into the spotlight.
    A sun who warms all the other suns with its optimism.
  • 愛 == 柊愛 ( Aya), who appears cold, but is actually a huge dork who gets flustered easily.
    A sun who's cold but caring.
  • 夏 == 夏丘滝次 (pain), who's friendly, flirty, and constantly kind.
    A sun who teases other suns into being bright.
  • 旻 == 眩眸彬 (akira), who although blind, sees a lot more than he lets on.
    A sun who wants to be everyone else's sun, even when skies are gray.