


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Ken Grassier


Red Lightning




February 4th






Dark red






Super hearing








"I'm no hero. I'm not doing it for praise. I'm only doing it because I am selfish."                         --Kinka to the Low-Class Zone's orphans

Ken Grassier, or Kinka, is a character from THE TRASHERS series.

She is a mutant who lives in the Trash Zone and part of Hrid's gang. She is known to be a informator and a former car rider. She was part of the former SUPER TRIO along with Peterson and Sasuke.

PERSONALITY: Kinka is a really quiet, severe and mistrustful young woman.

She shows to have a very high level of self-control when it comes to emotions. She always appears to be stone-faced and exemetrely quiet. In general, she uses a very harsh tone of voice whenever she is talking and shows a very cold and selfish behavior. Due to that, she is often mistaken to be heartless by strangers and by her surroundings. However, she has a very sensible heart and does care a lot about her most loved ones.

With her friends, she acts more herself, being a little more honest with her own feelings. She likes to listen to the others because that makes her feel like she is closer to them, as she would understand their thoughts and feelings better. When she really feels safe to someone, she acts a bit clingy and doesn't hesitate to openly tell them she appreciates them or to touch them, such as hugs or holding hands.


  • She is the ears of the SUPER TRIO.
  • She doesn't use guns because they are too loud for her.
  • Since she's been told before she's a bad kisser, she is really unconfident about it.
  • She hates taking risks and likes things to be planned and organized.
  • She likes alcohol.
  • She has a good instinct of danger.
  • She has a good aim.
  • She doesn't have much strength, so she always carries a taser and a flamethrower both given by Peterson in case she gets attacked.
  • She has a small appetite.
  • She likes cakes, especially fruit cakes.
  • She likes money and earning money, but she is not materialist at all and often gives it away.
  • She doesn't like to admit it, but she likes perfume.
  • She likes flowers. As stated by Peterson, her favourite flowers are snowdrops.
  • After Sasuke's death, she started to develop a fear of explosions and explosive devices.

BACKGROUND: Kinka Krecier was born on February 4th from unknown parents. Abandoned at birth, she is found by a bunch of teenagers living in the Trash Zone.

She goes from group to group and at the age of 6, she finally sticks to one who consists of 10 children, Maestro (6 years her elder), Christien (5 years her elder), Rouge (6 years his elder), Blanche (2 years her elder), Stephen (2 years her elder), Huveja (2 years her elder), Sobre (2 years her junior), Terence (2 years her elder) and Kington (3 years her elder). They live as thieves, switching between the Low-Class Zone and the Middle-Class Zone.

She develops a really good friendship with Maestro and Christien, two of the elders of the group. Maestro teaches her how to fight and to steal, saving her many times, and Christien teaches her the mechanic.

When she is 9, she overhears the conversations of Maestro and Christien talking about her, and she tells them. They are embarrassed but also surprised she could hear them. The same thing occurs again and again, more and more precise, and at the age of 10, after many experiments on it, Christien tells her she is probably a mutant. He fabricates special earplugs for her.

When she is 12, she nearly dies from an infected wound due to a deep knife cut in the arm, but Christien takes her to the Langlois Clinic and Cisse manages to save her.

When she is 13, she steps in the middle of Stephen raping Huveja, and stops him with extreme violence, beating him with her fists. This causes a massive tension between the group, and Christien decide to definitely ban him from the group. Some weeks later, Rouge and Blanche declare they want to leave the group and they will start living in the Middle-Class Zone from now on. The elders get in a fight, and Christien impulsively decide to leave the group as well, taking Kinka with him. Christien and Kinka leave together and start living on their own.

That same year, Christien introduces Kinka to car races and tells her about his dream to become a car racer. A month after they left the group, Christien suddenly diseappear one night and is nowhere to be found. Kinka is left alone and cries, thinking she was abandoned. When she goes back to her former group, hoping she would find Maestro and the others, she discovers the corpses of Sobre, Terence and Kington. Further, she finds Huveja's body, naked, legs opened, seemingly raped and beaten, and dead from blood loss. Completely shaken and bewildered, she runs to the Low-Class Zone hoping to find Maestro, and to the Middle-Class Zone to find Rouge. She doesn't find any of her friends, and goes back to the Trash Zone. After that turn of events, she becomes a full-time assassin and thief. She spends most of her time in the Low-Class Zone to kill and steal, but also helps the orphans she encounters.

When she is 14, she meets Continum in the Low-Class Zone. They befriend each other and Continum helps her to become a mercenary. Kinka works 4 months as a mercenary, then switches to being an informator, a more successful carreer for her. She discovers Rouge had become a mercenary and Blanche a mortician, but doesn't want to dig into the info.

When she is 15, she meets Sasuke and Peterson at Cisse's clinic, when she is back from a mission and needs to treat her wounds. She recognizes Continum's description of Sasuke and lets him befriend her. When she lets slip that she built a motorbike by herself in Christien's memory, Peterson gets interested in her and the three of them start hanging out together. They quickly become best friends and call themselves the SUPER TRIO, in reference of their mutations that are super increasements.

When she is 16, Sasuke decides to take his chance in becoming a car driver and wants to be hired. Kinka and Peterson cheers him up, but Sasuke gets automatically fired during the test after he unfortunately broke a device due to his super strength. Kinka gives the idea to pressure the whole organisation by scaring them, so they would still hire Sasuke, and she asks Albin to scare them with his mutation. Albin and Sasuke get along very badly, and Sasuke decides to pressure the organisation on his own, not telling Kinka and Peterson. He detonates explosives in the middle of the race, killing 2 race drivers in the process, and asks the organisation to hire them or he will do it again. The organisation hires Sasuke, Kinka and Peterson as professional car riders.

(in progress)

PLOT: (in progress)


CHRISTIEN: Christien is Kinka's childhood friend. He took care of her since she joined the group and taught her lots of things, such as the mechanic. Due to his selfless and joyful attitude, Kinka used to crush a little on him and really admired him. On the other hand, he only viewed her as a little sister, and never noticed these ambiguous feelings. They were really close and left Maetro's group together when the conflit occurred. Kinka couldn't forgive him for abandoning her when she was 13, but after she learned he was murdered by the Crimson Horns, she felt extremely regretful and mourned over his death.

MAESTRO: Maestro is Kinka's childhood friend. He took care of her since she joined the group and taught her lots of things, such as fighting. They always teamed together whenever they were on a mission to steal things or money. He saved her many times throughout their time together. She lost contact with him after she left his group, and to this day she still doesn't know what he became.

ROUGE ACROBERG: Rouge is Kinka's childhood acquaintance. 

BLANCHE ACROBERG: Blanche is Kinka's childhood acquaintance.

STEPHEN: Stephen is Kinka's childhood acquaintance. They never went along with each other and rarely teamed up as kids when they were on a mission together. She started despising him and hating him after she interrupted him raping Huveja. After he got banned from Maestro's group, she lost contact with him, even though she could easily find info about him.

CONTINUM MONCLEAR: Continum is Kinka's friend.

SASUKE DESLANCES: Sasuke is Kinka's best friend. They are really close and often challenge each other. Sasuke is the only person able to make Kinka burst onto laughing. They were very honest and always told the other if something was bothering them. Kinka used to crush a little on Sasuke at the beginning of their friendship before being disgusted by his behavior toward women. Despite that, they relied and trusted each other a lot. Kinka started to feel more and more doubtful about their relationship as Sasuke grew more violent and impulsive. When he died, Kinka felt relieved to see his friend freed from his debts and reputation and not becoming a genuine bad person. Although she thought that, she still silently mourned over his death despite not showing it, recalling the good times together.

PETERSON VRATURN: Peterson is Kinka's best friend. They are really close, and their personality resemblance grew them closer. They rely and trust each other a lot, and knows where to draw the line between friendship and professionalism when needed. Peterson fabricates her a lot of weapons and outfits. They often do not communicate much their feelings to the other whenever they are down or sad, or do not know how to express them at all, which sometimes make the both of them quite uneasy because they both need physical and emotional comfort.

ALBIN ELDEGARDE: Albin is Kinka's acquaintance. Very curious about Albin, Kinka used to observe him a lot when she first met him. She got interested in his mutation and asked him to help them when the SUPER TRIO was trying to get hired as professional car drivers. As she noticed his social troubles, whenever she encounters him, she makes sure to greet him and talk to him so he gets attention. He is unaware of her mutation, and talks to her pretty normally. He likes to listen to her, and potentially asks her questions.

GWENAELLE BUGIDJA: Gwenaelle is Kinka's friend. She met him through Peterson's friendship with Arcus, but also because she encountered her many times at the market. They get along well, having an alike personality.

ARCUS SEMEMBURG: Arcus is Kinka's acquaintance. He was introduced to her by Peterson. They don't really like each other but tolerate the other's presence due to their friendship toward Peterson.

CISSE LANGLOIS: Cisse is Kinka's acquaintance. She met him in the beginning of his career and often visited him whenever she got wounded. She used to hang out a lot in his clinic, which made her meet many of her acquaintances, such as Anémone, Sasuke, Peterson and Albin. Despite not being close to him, she always admired his job and his devotion to save the trashers. She is grateful to him from saving her a couple of times.

ANÉMONE SILICIUM: Anémone is Kinka's friend.

PELLE LANDMER: Pelle is Kinka's acquaintance. As she is always following Peterson and Albin around, Kinka got to meet her a couple of times. She always acts really cheerful and energic around Kinka, which tires her most of the time. Nonetheless, Kinka knows Pelle's potential and reputation among the Trash Zone and acknowledges her more than an annoying brat.

HRID RAII: Hrid is Kinka's colleague and hierarchical boss. He was introduced to her by Gwenaelle

SERGUEI: Serguei is Kinka's colleague and current crush. When she first met him, she found him quite odd but quickly changed her opinion about him. At first, she disliked his malicious and always smiling attitude, but she rapidly got into it. As he is an informator, she tends to show some rivalry at times. In front of the others, she always acts indifferent to him, but when they are alone, she lets her emotions slip and act more comfortable. When he provoked her and they started to challenge each other on a information race, she got really interested in Serguei and discovered a need to competitiveness against him. Overall, she is really admirative of his work as an informator. She likes to tease him with a glamorous behavior. After she once has been trying to tease him by holding him very seductively, he kissed her and that flustered her because she wanted him to be uneasy. Since then, she started to grow a crush on him.

EAMON CEMENSTONE: Eamon is Kinka's colleague. By elimination, she decided to stick with him to get included in Hrid's gang. She works with him and joins him on missions even if he doesn't ask to. They have a love-hate relationship, as they can get along very well but they can fight really severely.