Unukalhai Armistead



7 years, 4 months ago


alkaid’s 20 minute older brother. before you ask, yes, he really lets that get to his head.
by all means, a smug asshole. unukalhai is full of smugness, and to anybody not patient enough to put up with him, can be absolutely insufferable. despite his academic success, he’s very lethargic, and only does the bare minimum to get by. he may have untreated depression that his ego repurposed into entitlement, but... y’know. he’d have to care for that to go anywhere.
though much more composed than his brother, really, he’s just as much of an emotional mess. he’s only really gotten his act together in the past few years. it’s not like he’s a bad person, really, he can be a genuinely great guy, he’s just... very frustrating. the most recent mess he’s gotten into however, forced him to be a lot more responsible than he’s used to, and he better get used to it quick.

when he was much younger, kamize was his babysitter. even in her teenage years, kamize was highly interested in the occult, and dragged the older armistead twin into it. though not nearly as skilled of a caster as she is, he doesn’t object to taking care of her sketchy chores every now and then. said sketchy chores lead him wandering where he should not. a simple task, to retrieve some material for a summoning, but no, unukalhai happened to use her credit card to buy a merman.

really, he couldn’t help it! obviously whoever bought the poor sod was going to end up killing him, and he felt like he had to do something. he’ll face the consequences later.
probably needs to buy a bigger bathtub for his new roommate, too.

little does he know, by setting this single man free, he’s gotten himself into a far bigger mess than he’d ever be prepared for.