


3 years, 8 months ago


Basic information:

Name: Pedro Lee Aguilar Pérez

Nicknames: East (Most common alias), 1/2 of "those thieving bastards"

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Birthday: January 23rd, 1858

Place of birth: Guanajuato, Mexico

Nationality: Mexican

Occupation: Gunslinging outlaws, snake oilers, conmen

Likes: Felipe, annoying Snow, guns, shooting practice, whiskey, gambling and betting, swindling people, outrunning the law, practical jokes, immature jokes, horses, roughhousing, singing, campfires and starry skies, parties, being the source of entertainment

Dislikes: Being separated from Filipe, Locke being disappointed or angry, snakes, cold weather, busy work, waking up early, walking long distances, racist folks


Physical description:

• Shoulder-length black hair pulled into a ponytail

• Brown eyes

• Olive skin

• Square face

• Wide mouth with large upper lip

• Scruffy short beard

• 5'8"

• Lean, muscular build (Though he appears rather average)



• Black gambler hat with silver meddalions around the side and red and black pheasant feather in the band (Pedro has the feather in the right side of his hat)

• White collared button up shirt

• Silver and Turquoise bolo tie

• Blue pattered poncho

• Black trousers

• Dual pistol holster belts

• Black embroidered cowboy boots



Pedro is the wilder of the two siblings. He's much less cautious and careful than Filipe, and if usually the one to get in trouble and nearly misses a bullet in his head. He is silver tongued, and his remarkably friendly nature makes others easily trust him. He's very happy, easy-going and excitable, and is always the first to speak (and the last to shut up). This lad is remarkably funny, and can make even the grumpiest of folks bust a gut laughing with his natural talent for improv and impromptu songs. Though Filipe is also quite funny, he simply just doesn't quite compare.

Pedro is always up for a good bit of gambling, tequila, and good fun, be that in the form of practical jokes or just a nice, fun party. Pedro tends to be much more easy-going than his brother, though he can have quite the temper and does have his moments of angry outbursts and impulsiveness. Pedro is fiercely loyal, and friends are everything to him. He will risk life and limb for family, be that by blood or not.

The twins are both very extroverted and fun loving. This dynamic duo loves fun and games, and they live life to the fullest as much as they possibly can. They're constantly cracking jokes,  planning pranks, and starting scams. (like rigged cards tricks, unwinnable bets, etc.)  The lads are remarkable masters of deception and what you'd call shady at the best of times. They're kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs, and can be likened to cats that push glasses off countertops for the fun of it.

They use their identical looks to dupe people, be that in a gun fight or persuading a lone traveler to invest in some 'miracle water'. Pedro uses his smooth talking and charm to lull people in to a false sense of trust, while Filipe swiftly strips them of all their valuables. In a gunfight, one will pretend to get shot and play up the theatrics, convincing the shooter that he's killed his target. However, within moments, the other has a gun to the attacker's head.

The twins have a very friendly rivalry going between them regarding their shooting. Both are extremely accurate shots and great at a quick draw, but, they're constantly competing to one up the other's best shot (and insults, but that's another story).



Pedro's backstory is closely guarded, however, it's apparent that him and Felipe have always had each other and not much else at times.