


7 years, 2 months ago


"Write a quote here....."

Naive, impulsive, driven, mischievous, spirited. Childishly selfish but cares more about other goulongs than they seem to.

Born into an aristrocratic Gang Feng family in Risheng Shi, they lived a cushy and pampered life. As their family was influential and involved in diplomatic matters, their parents pressured and conditioned them to be polite and socially appropriate, as well as conscious of their future responsibilities. After multiple meetings with aristrocratic Zi Dai families and speaking to the younger goulongs, they heard talk of the city of Saikong and the gangs of goulongs that run the streets- they were captivated by the fierce independence of this mentality and made their mind to run away from their family and travel to Saikong.
Shortly after arriving in Saikong- weary, dirty, and obviously out of place- they were approached by Akira, looking for an easy score. Instead he found an over-eager goulong hell-bent on joining his gang. He was surprised by the unusual reaction but, always looking for new members, took them on board. Chihiro followed their new idol relentlessly, pushing purposefully to fill the role of his right-hand man, and soon proved their worth with their drive and handy combat skills; as time passed and they grew more self-assured, they began to ocassionally voice their opinions whenever they disagreed with Akira's decisions, sometimes going so far as to actively disobey him. Even after dealing with Akira's angry backlash, they still remain loyal to him, and still currently live as a gang member under his leadership.
Though they fully intended to defect to Zi Dai when they arrived in Saikong, after a few months of living there, they actually decided to realign with Musu.

NAME: Chihiro
AGE: Young adult
PRONOUNS: she/he/they
SPECIES: Goulong


  • Peaches and cherries
  • Fighting
  • ...
  • Authoritative figures
  • High society
  • ...



[ boss and unfortunate role model ] Follows at his heels constantly, providing some of the physical threat behind Akira's bravado. Occasionally disagrees and bickers with him, but still likes him a lot and sees the good in him.


[ peach vendor and frequent target ] Chihiro enjoys annoying him and eating his wares, much to Peach's disdain, but eventually tries to befriend him once they notice how interested Akira is in him. They're the only one who knows about Akira's infatuation with Peach and teases him about it a little but still keeps the secret well.


[ teacher ] A medicine goulong living in Tao Hua village. As a pupling, Chihiro's parents would take them to Tao Hua for their annual Peach Blossom festival- after tasting Mei's festival peaches, Chihiro proclaimed them the tastiest of the whole competition, and bought as many as they could with their allowance. Their parents discovered later that Mei taught healing magic, and hired him to tutor Chihiro in the hope that a refined and sophisticated discipline such as healing would curb their troublesome tendencies. Mei's teaching style was strict, exact, and Chihiro behaved with their usual mischief- but eventually, they grew to respect and admire Mei and his craft.


[ troublemaker ] A lone vigilante that Chihiro occasionally runs into in Saikong. Chihiro finds his meddling and grumpy attitude amusing, but genuinely enjoys watching his firework weapons and sometimes likes to provoke him just to see them used.
