Buddy Anderson (World Hopper - Lazarus)




Lazarus Interdimentional Traveler


NAME Lazarus Buddy Anderson

ETHNICITY Afro American (Cabo-Verde)

GENDER Male (trans)

RACE Originaly Human

AGE 34ish (Interdimentional distorion)

ORIENTATION Unclear, like men most

ORIGIN Modern Earth America

STATUS Interdimensional Vagabond


OCCUPATION Depends/Usually nonen

Full Name: On paper he's Buddy Lazarus Anderson but Currently go by Lazarus Buddy Anderson instead.

Reason/Origin for his name: Buddy was a placeholder name that stuck through-out his transition, Lazarus was added as a middle name by his mother (Proserpine Hectate Anderson) as it’s what she would have named him if he had been born a cis-man.

Nicknames (with reasons):

  • B, Bee, Bud > Shortened versions of Buddy
  • Laz, Lazzy > Shortened versions of Lazarus
  • Manbeast > Based on his claw-like hands, feral demeanor and overall beast-like behavior.

He once was soft and sweet but the constant changes to his body, feeling forever out of place and the harsh world he landed in many times forced him to develop a tougher persona. Lazarus is very cold, distrustful and outright aggressive toward people even if they try to help. Nowadays he’s a more Cunning, confident and selfish man but deep down he’s still capable of being kind and helpful to people, just in a more “tsundere way” (he would hate being called that tho!)

  • Peace and quiet (relaxing
  • Having a Bipedal bodies
  • Meat (raw or cooked)
  • Forest environments
  • Pomegranates
  • Complete silence (stressful)
  • Having an Avian bodies
  • Nuts
  • Snowy Mountains
  • His Hands

Strengths: Agile, Flexible, Fast, Knows how to put up a fight.
Weakness: Tires easily, rather fragile, easy to anger/emotionally destabilise.
Skills: While his body is relatively fragile he has learned to better tolerate pain. He also like to say that between getting hurt so often and the interdimensional travel, his body trained itself to heal faster

Hobbies: Woodcarving
Habits: Purrs in his sleep (especially after stressful days). Fidget with Knives a lot. Used to pluck his eyelashes a lot.
Fears: Getting stuck in a world he doesn’t like or getting stuck in a void between worlds.
Goal: Finding his homeworld and/or his mother.
STORY & Ability

Childhood Discovery

At age 8 Lazarus discovered that he could create small portals he could put his hand in to reach out and steal things from other worlds.

One day after a bad argument with his mom he created a bigger portal and jumped in. As any kid would he was mesmerised by the world he was suddenly in. He spent all day exploring and playing, completely forgetting about the argument until he got hungry.

When he opened a portal to get back home he got trusted in yet another foreign world. After doing it a couple more times he realised he had no control over what dimension he ended up in and had no way of getting back home besides world-hopping at random.

Lost and Found

After a few weeks of hopping, feeding on random things that look familiar enough to be edible he finally ended up in a dimension that looked like home.

He even stumbled upon a woman that looked exactly like his mother. However it's soon understood that this wasn't his home, that woman had her own version of Lazarus but he had passed away as a newborn.

His "second mother" ended up raising him as her own, still very much aware and encouraging of Lazarus wanting to eventually find his dimension. She convinced him to stay with her safely until he could either precisely control where his portals led to or once he reached adulthood.

Second Departure

At age 20 he finally decided to resume his world-hopping in order to find home. His still travels to this day two decades later. He deeply regret leaving both his initial world and his second mother.

He never stays long anywhere he knows isn't his home and hardly makes friends. He wants to get close to people and make connections but he know it's pointless or even damaging to build relationships he know wouldn't last with his going to a different dimension and never coming back sooner or later.

While his name is or was Buddy Lazarus Anderson he currently he prefers to go by Lazarus rather than Buddy. He'll call himself Buddy again once he gets 'back home'... or perhaps not.

Portal Mecanics

He can open 1 mini portals (one you can fit your hand or face in) per hour, big ones his whole body could fit through can only be created once every 24 hours (he can mix & match).

He usually stay less than a day in dimension when he isn't human/know it cant be home (he sometimes doesn't even go through those dimension when only initially peaking with a small portal). Exit portals will only generate in safe places, a portal would never spawn high up in the air where Lazarus would fall to his death when exiting it unless he can fly or float in that dimension.

If Lazarus go through a portal it almost immediately closes behind him, in rare case where it doesn't going back through it would NOT lead him back the previous world he was in but yet another one.

Lazarus has yet to meet himself. In all the world he visited so far the version of him native to that real was either already dead, not born yet or never meant to exist. He's wondering if it's even possible for him to hop in a dimension with an active Buddy already there.logq.png


Default Appearence

Lazarus's body changes to fit the world he lands in, usualy to fit the "sapient majority". He has a "default" appreance that serves as a base for his shifting.


Body Build: Slightly thinner than average
Height: 1,60m/5’3
Weight: 55kg/121lbs
Skin colour: Brown with a slight greyish purple tone
Hair style: Messy curls
Hair colour: Black with some white on the front (brushed back over the top) .


Eye colour: Very dark brown/black (sometimes pink)
Distinguishing Features: His left pec is discolored.
Preferred Clothing: Anything black or dark.
Accessories: He always has a green ribbon tied in his hair gifted from his mother. He used to also have round pink sunglasses but they don’t show up as much anymore)

Appearance Fluctuations

When travelling through dimensions, Lazarus's appearance changes in accordance to the universe he lands in. Most key features remain the same such as he lack of pigmentation on his head and chest or his racial traits (even in a world where black people don't exist he might still display African genetic traits like his coily hair.

His clothes only stays if he lands in a world where it would chronologically make sense for him to wear them, otherwise they either disappear or change to match the setting and anatomy required. However it's interesting to note that regardless of the setting, time period, or species he’s in, his green hair bow will stay on. His pink glasses used often make it through too but nowadays they are absent more often than not. His "open Dashiki" also often make it through but is slowly showing up less.

What is important to note is that his body isn’t just turned into what the sapient majority is, his body is remodelled to what he would have looked like if he was born in that realm. What this mean is his surgery scars will not appear in a world where he didn’t have breast to begin with or the shape of them could be different depending on the world's medical advancement. Additionally Buddy might find himself with extra scars or healed wounds in some rare cases.

Health & TRIVIA


General health: Seems usually healthy but often sports random scars all over his body. These wildly vary in terms of shapes and size.
Posture: Used to slouch a lot, he still does so now but not as much as he’s actively trying to fix it.
Physical illnesses: Sometimes can be seen having a spiral scar on his stomach showing visible sign of his body being corrupted by interdimensional travel. His recent travels has had it gone for now making him think he’s actively fighting said corruption and taking better control of his shapeshifting powers. Other than that he is usually fine. It's not impossible for him to sometimes ending up missing a limb in some of his travels.
Mental illnesses: Probably has a lot going on but wont consider talking about any of it beside the occasional “mommy issues” joke.


Way of speaking: Very informal and rude.
Common conversation starter: Insults and roast-like jokes.
Swears: A fuck ton. It's rare for him to have a conversation without at least 3 "fuck" thrown in there.
Made-up words: He rarely add his own made-up terms in his vocabulary but can be percieved as such, influenced by slangs from other dimensions he occasionaly slips-up and add those other-wordly words into his speach. More often than not these get replaced by a close in-wolrd equivalent from the listener's perspective.
Languages: Can “speak” many real and fictional "sapient" languages thanks to his interdimensional travel, tho from his perspective he hear himself and people speak in english almost all the time. This is a huge advantage as it makes him 'omnilingual'. This 'onmilinguality' only work at his levent of sapiency: in worlds where he's human i he speak/understand any humanoid languages but not animal ones and vice-versa.

  • Has a know mother called Proserpine Hectate Anderson nicknamed Lotus who he’s looking for. There are many Lotuses across all dimensions
  • Has an unknown-to-him father he never saw called Atticus. There's only one of him across the universe and he is the father of every single Buddys.
  • There are other versions of him in many of the world, almost every single one of them goes by Buddy Lazarus Anderson as opposed to this Lazarus.
  • An old man Called Otto tagged along with him in his travel for a short period of time. As much as he hates to admit it, Lazarus misses him.
  • Never smoke or tried any drugs. He very rarely drinks.