


3 years, 7 months ago


Meta Info 


  • AGE Unknown
  • BIRTHDAY January 16th
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • HEIGHT 5'3"
  • WEIGHT 101 lbs
  • RACE N/A
  • Pronouns They/them or she/her


Sot is a short and deadpan-looking storyteller. She stands at about 5'3"  tall, with brown skin, brown hair, and two eyes with pupils that look  like ever-shifting scribbles. Wearing brightly colored clothing is a  rarity for her. Her face is usually hidden by a piece of paper attached  to it, with the word "S o t ." vertically written on its surface. Her  name translates to "Fool", even though she tries not to act as such. Sot  doesn't really care about pronouns, but usually goes by She/They for  simplicity's sake. She has a fairly dry sense of humor and has a hard  time emoting; she'll only make a concerted effort to do so in front of  people she wants to impress or friends she wants to comfort. She lives  in an abstract house outside of any timelines to allow her to observe  the outcomes of stories more effectively.


Due to their nature of being flexible enough to fit into almost  any story should they choose to interfere in it, they can sometimes be  found in worlds associated with multiplayer games (and 'redesign'  themselves accordingly). Alternatively, they can create "presences" for  themselves if the world is too complex, simple or just plain different  for Sot to be able to enter it and fit in normally.

These  presences are basically customizable mirages. They are tangible, but  really physically unstable. Presences will self destruct if they're  taken outside of the universe they were designed for. Other than that,  presences have the same physical properties as whatever species they're  modeled after.

The presences share the same demeanor and memories  as Sot, so it doesn't really matter which you're talking to. The same  mind is behind both entities.

Other info 


The storyteller Sot suffers from a parasitic infection.  It’s a sort of mindworm, one that allows her to be more easily controlled by her counterparts or have her personality altered to suit various narratives. It weakens her abilities and makes her internal quality of life  unpredictable. The monotony of surveying the worlds she is in charge of  only makes coping with the thing more difficult, but she manages.

This parasite  spreads to her Presences, who cope with the parasite in different ways depending on their environment or what personality they develop. (Among  Us!Sot, for example, doesn’t cope with the parasite at all. Instead,  this parasite is the reason they become the impostor at times. This  starkly contrasts other presences, who try to keep the thing under wraps  and sometimes even hidden.)

The parasite also weakens Sot physically to a degree, and reacts to strong emotions such as stress. These reactions are very volatile and cause Sot's skin to split apart. After this happened enough times, she coined the term "Stress Ruptures" to describe them.

Mindworm symptoms/music

Sot's parasite shows itself through a few symptoms, however unobvious they may be.

The parasite feeds partially on sugar, and the rush from sugar keeps Sot on a brief energy kick while the parasite balances it out by sapping some of it away. 

The parasite is weakened by alcohol. Sot is compelled to occasionally damage the thing by consuming as much alcohol as she can. It damages what organs she knows she does have, but in her opinion it’s the lesser of two evils. She can recover.

Sot occasionally coughs up blood and bits of the parasite. She nicknamed these “Scribbler Worms” based on their coloration, how sporadically they move and how they combust into thinner strands a short time after being coughed up. The blood in the immediate area of the worms is tinted black and stains fabric easily if it’s not dealt with in a timely fashion. 

Instead of risking damage to her clothes, she keeps buckets handy wherever possible.

The “scribbles” often shown in or as her pupils are a dormant form of the parasitic worm. It moves in and out of view under various circumstances, usually painlessly and thankfully with minimal discomfort.

The parasite also reacts positively to music, and enters a symbiotic/semi-dormant state when Sot is exposed to songs. At this time Sot's abilities are stronger and she becomes more focused, however her personality may violently shift.


Enoch is another vessel, and someone who Sot considers to be an assistant. She herself doesn't even know where Enoch came from or whether or not she wrote him into existence. 

They share a fairly similar sense of humor, much to Sot's dismay.


Della is yet another vessel, and someone who Sot considers to be similar to a caretaker or PR person. Sot knows little about Della's origins, but she doesn't really care all that much.

They share a similar moral compass, and have the same desire for recognition.


Plutarch is a robotic puppet created by Sot herself in order to add "more balance to her environment" and to do small tasks and other chores so she can focus on other things. She has yet to imbue it with a proper personality, which is a point of contention between creator and creation. She's still trying to perfectly upgrade and design it to this day. 

They share the same deadpan demeanor, which encourages Sot to act differently when interacting with Plutarch.

3:16 AM

Code by AviCode