Sot (STARBOUND | Sot AkA "Fool")



3 years, 7 months ago


Fool is a human amnesiac who narrowly survived the destruction of Earth by escaping via spaceship, only for the shock (and some other factors) to cause her to lose all memory of the experience and the life that came before it.

After entering a dormant state and having her memory fade as her ship drifted through space, was given all information about herself and the world around her through secondhand and mostly textual means (such as books, scripts for TV shows and movies, and word of mouth accounts from other people about their culture or lifestyles).

 Because of her background (or lack thereof) as well as her somewhat ineffective attempts at self rehabilitation and education, she sees the world and everything in it as part of a narrative, and uses this as inspiration to write an autobiography that she sees as her purpose and only means of having an affect on the world(s) around her. She chose her own name, and doesn't recall the one assigned to her at birth.

Due to having been infected with a parasite called the mindworm, she has some extreme biological and physiological damages and habits that aren’t shared with most other humans. 

Her ability to process and express emotions is fairly stinted. She often compensates for a feeling of emptiness or insecurity by acting in an outgoing and exceedingly eccentric way as part of a valiant effort to be an entertaining character and appealing to "the Narrative".

Fool lives in her ship, though she spends a lot of time around her boss or various other settlements.