


3 years, 8 months ago


After the chemical spills from Dr. Thromb's experiments leaked into a nearby forest, various different creatures began feeling its effects. One of them was a bunny who would soon transform and go by the name Summer.

Summer would quickly be found by Thromb, as she was spotted by him on one of the surveillance cameras. He seem rather unfazed and took her in to live in the laboratory- now abandoned by everyone but Thromb. It was here that Summer would take up a fascination with human culture, and proved to have an accelerated learning speed, as well as an accelerated...normal speed! Not only was her form heightened, but her abilities as well! 

Though her abilities only consist of enhanced movement, she more than any other mutant is able to mingle with humans with little issue, even making some friends and playing sports, as well as buying many different outfits (the money to purchase them being supplied by Thromb, of course.)

Summer has a very kind and sweet disposition, and while she is a bit of an airhead, she's the most normal of the mutants.