01. Alison Crest



9 years, 1 month ago


Determined • Compassionate • Resourceful


Alison is a pretty tough individual who's very guarded about herself and those around her. She loves her friends and those she's willing to stand up for or even take a chance on her. Everyone has to prove their worth some how and she's always giving that chance to everyone she encounters. First impressions are the best but actions also speak louder than words. She has a tendency to act before thinking things through, which leads to her getting into sticky situations or just making things worse. Her intentions are never bad, she just wants to help people and genuinely puts the well-being of others over her own.

After she gets to know you, she's a pretty relaxed individual. Willing to share goofy stories, be there to cheer you up, and generally just be a friendly person. She does distance herself a bit but only because she doesn't want to feel she's overstayed her welcome. She feels like she's just there for the moment and when something bad happens, assumes she'll be the first to go. She's used to people having assumptions about her and wanting nothing to do with her as well. Mostly because this was the behavior exhibited with the Mages and Templars in Kirkwall as well as in Ferelden. She didn't have a particularly difficult upbringing but her own inner conflict about herself as well as being sympathetic towards mages fueled distrustful tensions for her.


Alison isn't the only personality within her, a spirit from the Fade also coexists with her. Draco, as she named him, is a very intelligent being and more prone to react after processing whatever information he's gained from a situation. He tries to exhibit a calming and understanding presence towards others seeing as he can only communicate with people through Alison. Whether it's through Alison's eyes, they hybrid form the two share, or even as a high dragon, Draco's means of communication are varied. Although, for the majority of his life with her, he could only communicate with Alison. It wasn't until recently that he started to communicate with the people Alison meets and spends time with. He expresses a pretty avid interest in the world around him and does want to know more about it. However, he doesn't have a desire to interact with the world on his own and would rather share his experiences with Alison. His being connected to her makes him have a more rooted desire to look out for her concerns and well-being. He's willing to do whatever she's not willing to do just to know that she's safe and alive. He's very protective of her and will lash out at anything or anyone attempting to harm her.


Overall, Alison is a very wary individual. She's willing to help people in need but does keep them at arm's length. She doesn't like doing that but her experiences with the mages in Kirkwall and Anders has left a bitter reminder that some people just claim to be a victim and victimize the world in response. During the events of Dragon Age II and Inquisition, she was left with various reminders that the world isn't as she assumed it was. Those she wanted to help, stabbed her in the back and the friends she thought she could trust, did the same. Only a few people were honest about their true intentions while everyone else hid them from sight. She also had trouble affirming her faith in The Maker as well. Mostly because of what Anders did near the end of DAII, but also over the Templar's claim to be His sword and shield. The Chantry beating that same drum also didn't help much as it only made her feel more conflicted. She feels like she's an abomination, a reminder that her concerns and life mean nothing. In actuality, she's just lost and unsure of what it is that The Maker is demanding of her in the current moment. She finds a reason to believe in The Maker again but isn't as convinced as she used to be. She's still trying to find a purpose and her sense of self-worth.

"You think I’m a monster? Well, look around then. We’re surrounded by monsters wherever we look. I just have the unfortunate fate of looking monstrous at times instead of hiding it like anyone else."

height 5’7” [Alison] | 6'6" [Hybrid] | (approx.) ~13' [Draco]

alignment Lawful Neutral

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Heterosexual

dob 9:10 Dragon

specialty Templar | Arcane Warrior

origin Redcliffe, Ferelden

occupation Mercenary


  • Circle of Magi (Ferelden) [Previous]
  • Circle of Magi (Free Marches) [Previous]
  • Templar Order [Previous]
  • Chantry [Previous]
  • Hawke/Champion of Kirkwall
  • Mage Rebellion [Previous]
  • Drake's Nest
  • Inquisition [Previous]


  • Templars
  • Chantry
  • Mages
  • Red Templars
  • Corypheus
  • Samson


  • Originally Alison was meant to be more involved in her family’s lineage. Becoming a necromancer even as the Crest Family was supposed to be renowned for their necromancy magic.
  • Because of Alison’s situation with Draco, Catherine has hypothesized that Alison might live longer than any human. Even going as far as stating that Alison’s aging possibly has slowed since Draco was able to manifest.
  • Draco’s first appearance in Kirkwall made him look more like a demonic, bipedal dragon creature. Something akin to darkspawn. Alison said it was a mix of how she and Draco had viewed him if he manifested. After being able to manifest separately from her, in the form of a high dragon, she supposed it was because he spent most of his time living in her body. To an extent, Draco sees himself in a more feminine way. However, they’re unsure if he truly has a masculine or feminine appearance.
    • Draco and Alison learned that they could physically separate themselves between Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. It was something they wondered if they could do and didn’t think too hard if they should. After Inquisition, they became more reluctant to do so and opted to simply keep it for them to do when they weren’t busy. To avoid the stress of reliving that event again.
    • While Draco is separated from Alison, she’s notably paler and looks slightly sick as well. Possibly because of the darkspawn blood in her system, but Alison claims it’s because Draco’s just exceedingly warm. What the cause of her pale features is, is unknown and it doesn’t look like Alison would reveal the reasons for it either.
    • There’s also a time limit on how long she and Draco can remain separated. So far, their maximum time is an hour. After that Alison does start getting sicker and has a chance of succumbing to the darkspawn blood.
  • Companion quests:
    • Dragon Age II:
      • Event trigger and issue
      • story about the quest
      • how it is resolved
        • High Friendship choice
        • High Rivalry choice
      • continuation of the resolved quest
        • how this effects the "frienship" choice
        • how this effects the "rivalry" choice
    • Dragon Age Inquisition:
      • Event will trigger after reaching Skyhold and completing the Siege of Adamant Fortress. She can be seen looking peeved about something in Skyhold's courtyard -- as is evident through her attacking a training dummy. During a conversation with her, it's revealed that she's upset because she's figured out who's responsible for leading the Templars to her men and Terrance. She asks the Inquisitor if they can travel to the old Circle Tower on Lake Calenhad.
      • Once there, Alison will reminisce about how strange it is to be back at the Circle Tower again. She hadn't seen it since the Fifth Blight and recalls some familiar memories here and there. The higher up the tower they go, the more she talks about what it was like being a Templar guarding the Mages. She recounts on a few times when some mages tried to take advantage of her sympathy towards them and ended up getting themselves killed for it. She also remarks how strange the Veil feels as well, as if a powerful magic sundered the barrier between the physical world and the Fade. She then says she can see apparitions of her mother running around as well as making a comment about how strong her mother is.
      • After reaching the top of the tower, Alison sees the person responsible. A former Templar who she's known nearly as long as Terrance. She confronts him about his treachery and is visibly angered by his presence and his gall to even hide out at a Circle Tower. The man, more coward than warrior at the moment, is scared by Alison's appearance and anger. He realizes what he did was wrong but he was terrified about what the Templars would have done to him.
        • Alison is faced with a decision: To kill him or let him go.
          • If she decides to let him go, Alison just threatens that she doesn't want to see him again and if she does, the Inquisitor's presence won't be enough to stop her.
          • If she doesn't decide to let him go, then Alison does kill him on the spot. However, in her follow up conversation with the Inquisitor back at Skyhold, she relents that she shouldn't have killed the man. The act reminds her how much of a monster people still view her to be and that's something she's very actively trying to avoid.
      • After whatever decision she makes, Alison leaves the Inquisitor and goes back to Skyhold. She laments to the Inquisitor about what happened to her after Kirkwall. How she wasn't immensely troubled by Draco manifesting, but she was by the looks that Cullen and some of people she cared about gave her. She could see the fear in their eyes and admits that it haunts her. When she met Terrance, she thought she had a chance to help people and find herself again. After he was afflicted with the red lyrium, she didn't realize how much he meant to her. She didn't want to give up on him and thanks the Inquisitor for helping her see that.
        • The decision above, is a result of Alison not killing the man. She'll add that because she didn't kill him, it makes her feel less like a monster and more human.
        • Alternatively, if she kills the man instead, Alison laments about how she shouldn't have caved into her worse instinct. She then believes that she's doomed to just fall into the parts of her that she hates. Such as using Draco's powers more frequently, using more magic, and even acting more monstrous in battle. She's decided if the world sees her as a monster, she might as well become one.
  • Companion Approval:
    • Dragon Age II:
      • Templar swords
      • The Chantry's written idioms
      • Whetstones
    • Dragon Age Inquisition:
      • Dragon artifacts
      • Templar artifacts
      • Books about the Chantry


Alison Crest was born in 9:10 Dragon, near Redcliffe Village in Ferelden. Her parents were both Grey Wardens and because of this, she nearly died because of the excess darkspawn taint from her mother. She never got to know much about her parents until she was older. She grew up believing that they had simply abandoned her. She was raised by the Chantry and was easily swayed by the religious upbringing she had. As she grew, Alison showed an interest in wanting to join the Templar Order -- although the Chantry Sisters tried to convince her otherwise. She stubbornly stuck to what she wanted regardless of how much the Chantry Sisters tried to talk her out of it. She saw their eagerness to push her away as a challenge instead.

When Alison enlisted into the Templar Order, she expected things to be super difficult. More so because she was a girl and not a boy. Which wasn’t a far off guess as she did have to prove herself a bit more than the others that were with her. It wasn’t a problem as she just saw it as another challenge and reason to prove herself. If she was able to prove her worth, then it would be better for her in the long run. The training she enjoyed the most was the education and meeting different people. After getting to know her fellow recruits, she realized that she wasn’t alone in being abandoned as a child and was glad to find people that understood her.

During her training, Alison realized that odd things were happening to her… rather around her. One day, she was sparring with a friend and got carried away -- wanting to win the fight. During her slight frenzy, a fire started around them. The two put it out and chalked it up to a random ember fluttering from a nearby torch. However, Alison knew better. As a child, strange things like this happened to her quite a bit. Either random objects moving around or water spouting from a well. Something strange always happened to her and she was never able to explain it. She always assumed she was cursed or something. The strange happenings kept occurring even during her Templar training. This was one of the reasons she joined the Order -- she wanted to find a way to stop these strange things from happening. It wasn’t a major issue until she was training with her mentor. Another fire started when he was teaching her how to subdue magic and he ended up with a serious burn. She was suspended from her duties for a week after a Knight-Captain assessed the situation and Alison felt like she was being abandoned again. A week went by and she found herself even more panicked as she was being taken to the Knight-Commander. The Knight-Commander, and the First Enchanter as well, had tried to understand what was going on with Alison. Having received many reports about “strange things” happening whenever she was worked up. An investigation was done as well, as they inquired about past behaviors and strangeness with the Chantry Sisters she grew up with. Seeing and understanding how scared Alison was, the First Enchanter told her that she was displaying magical powers. Her fear turned to confusion and after hearing his explanation, was less confused. All the strange things that happened around her made sense all of a sudden. The First Enchanter continued by saying that it was probably something she inherited from her mother -- who was a mage. He suggested trying to hone her magic instead of subdue it and Alison agreed, not really seeing an alternative. After a few weeks of testing her magical powers, she was relieved to see she wasn’t a mage after all. She couldn’t conjure magic or manifest it in any form. She resumed her Templar training and officially joined the Order. After going through her vigil, she felt whatever magic powers swelling inside of her going away. Like snuffing a flame on a candle. She was glad that it was gone and didn’t need to bother her again. More or less, she started to feel normal and was appreciative towards the feeling. However, the feeling didn't last long.

Sometime after joining, Alison continued to see the First Enchanter. As he was curious about her magical abilities and if they had truly disappeared. He often spoke about her mother whenever she saw him. She grew to develop a disdain towards her, feeling that it was her mother’s fault that whatever happened to her had occurred. She just wanted a normal life and instead, she got unwanted difficulties instead. Her view on magic was also slightly disjointed because of how the Chantry taught her to view them. Magic was a sin of men who were too curious to stop wondering about godly power or something. She didn’t drink the kool-aid per se but did understand the message. Alison wasn’t against mages or abusive towards simply because they used magic. She was sympathetic towards them and treated them as her equals for the most part. Even after getting to know who her mother was, she didn’t look poorly towards the mages at all. “Everyone’s responsible for their own actions and inactions” was her main thought towards them.

Sometime after she became an official Knight of the Order, Alison did inquire about her parents. Asking the Chantry in Redcliffe first then the First Enchanter himself. Much to her surprise, her mother was inquiring about her as well. When she first saw her mother, Alison was overjoyed. The person she saw lived up to her younger imaginations nearly to the “T”. A strong woman who was as courageous as she was beautiful. However, what soured it was the prolonged talks about Alison’s family lineage and magic. Something that shocked her because Alison the “strange occurrences” were behind her -- and for the most part, they were. Catherine Crest, Alison’s mother, explained the circumstances that led to Alison’s birth and what happened after. After hearing it, Alison felt like the mother she imagined as a child was just that, an imagination. She refused to hear anything her mother tried to tell her and claimed that she was only interested in Alison’s magic. Didn’t hear from her for years and this is why she appears out of the blue. Some time later, Alison inquired to the First Enchanter if what her mother had told them was true. That Alison wasn’t magical herself, but had a magical being living within her. He confirmed it’s possibility but the type of being it was, he couldn’t fathom. She then persisted on asking him if it was possible to try and draw it out. In her mind, if it was out of her body, then she didn’t need to worry about it. However, the way about it wasn’t something she preferred. She’d had to undergo the Tranquil Rite. She continued to stress over it for the following weeks until she heard a voice. She replied back to it and, after a bit, realized the voice wasn’t coming from anyone around her. It was coming from her head. Putting two and two together, she realized that it must’ve been the spirit that was residing in her.

A few more weeks passed and Alison had gotten to know her other half marginally better. She learned it was responsible for the strange occurrences she had and that it was also responsible for keeping her alive… to a degree. Alison, having been the daughter to two Grey Wardens, had enough darkspawn taint in her body to kill her as an infant. If this spirit were to release its grip it had on her, she’d die in a matter of moments. Though thought was terrifying and she realized that any way to split them apart would meet with her demise regardless. That aside, it did give her aid when she needed it. Such as giving her more history on certain magical subjects, how to better wield her weapon, and so on. Their relationship was both peculiar and hidden. She didn’t dare to tell anyone until the First Enchanter inquired about her behavior. She hoped that he would tell the Knight Commander about her, since she was technically an abomination. Instead she wanted to know if it was possible to better harness its power. Relying all the information about the spirit to the First Enchanter. He, along with some others, attempted to make an item to act as a conduit for the spirit’s power. However, without knowing how strong the spirit was, it was hard to gauge. However the project itself was unfinished because Alison was reassigned to serve in the Kirkwall Circle of Magi.

After arriving in Kirkwall, Alison met with the First Enchanter there and inquired if he could help finish what the previous First Enchanter had started. Orsino in fact did finish making the conduit. Although it was rather crude in design, its effect was still there. The gauntlet she had channeled the spirit’s power and it’s only physical properties, was the black and blue imprint it left on the gauntlet. Through the gauntlet, Alison was able to use magic. Although she had no formal training as a mage, the spirit was able to share its knowledge with her. To avoid raised eyebrows, Alison trained for a year with the spirit to better use their combined strength. When she was done, the crux of their power appeared to look like enhanced Templar abilities.

When a wave of refugees came to Kirkwall after the onslaught of the Fifth Blight had started in Ferelden, Alison was there to help. She tried her best to help them as best she was able but she even had her own limitations. That’s when she met with a peculiar individual she wouldn’t soon forget, Hawke. She helped him and his friends get through the wall of refugees, if only to try and work out some sort of deal with someone else. After that was situated, she assumed that was the last she saw of him.

In her second year in Kirkwall, she reunited with a familiar face. Her and Cullen Rutherford had spent some time talking about what happened since they last saw each other. Although it took an immense amount of coaxing on Alison’s part, she was surprised about his disposition towards mages. After hearing his story however, she was less surprised. It sounded like he was in his own ring of hell and opted to hide some of what happened to her since they last saw each other. She tried to help him whenever she could. Such as: chasing down Templar recruits that skipped on training, making sure some of the officers had everything in order when Cullen approached them later, and so on. Anything to make his day a little easier. However, her work was mistaken for his and she was pretty sour that he got promoted over her. She assumed many things but was happy for her friend regardless.

However, that was only the start of her issues. The growing tensions between the mages and the Templars grew by the day it felt like. She tried to do her best to mediate between them and often met success. If not the ire of her Knight-Commander whenever she did so or failed to do so. She simply wanted things to not be strenuous between the two groups. Life was hard enough in Kirkwall, why add mindless animosity to it? When Hawke offered to help, she leapt at it and afterwards, helped him when he needed it. She always met him in the same place, The Hanged Man in Lowtown, when she wasn’t on duty. Being able to get away from the Gallows for even a moment was a relief and loved being in his company. Though some of his associates were mages, she turned a blind eye to them for the most part. They weren’t hurting anyone or doing anything that would warrant her going after them. However, her encounter with Anders was entirely different from that of Hawke and Merrill. Anders was combative of her being a Templar and someone to not trust. After spending some time arguing with him about it, he finally relented. That aside, she took to Hawke and his companions very well and looked forward to future adventures with them.

However, all the wonder was whisked away. Reality kicked in through the Templar officers above her station. Simply because she was sympathetic towards mages, Alison was given tremendous amounts of trouble. Although Cullen helped her from time to time, she didn’t have too many issues with them. She assumed they just wanted to throw their weight around and, for the most part, that’s what it was. This continued through the years and became more of an issue for her. More so because the spirit residing within her wanted to stand up against these people. Knowing how much trouble they cost her every day and how much it wore her out, it just wanted it to stop. Although Alison talked the spirit out of it. At this point, the spirit had its own personality and name. Calling it “Draco” simply because of a fanciful affiliation towards dragons. For both being powerful and strong, which is how Alison thought of him. She often referred to him whenever she was around Hawke and their friends. They didn’t shun her for the idea that Draco was a being from the Fade nor did they ridicule her.

As the years passed by, Alison felt more and more worn out by the Templars. Anyone with the emblem, just about, had some sort of trouble with her. She had it, wanting to simply disappear whenever they saw her. The rise in blood mages made the situations worse and she had a slightly hard time hiding the fact that some of her friends were mages. She did look out for them all the same however. She tried to keep the peace between the waging groups in the Gallows, but she wanted to just leave.

There was one incident in particular that made her want to resign. There was an apprentice mage that went missing and Alison set out to her him. After asking for Hawke’s help, they found the young mage trying to fight off some bandits. They chased him around for a bit before finally catching up to him. When they did, another group of Templars had found him and were ready to take him back to the Gallows. However, they wanted to make him a Tranquil, believing that he’d been “tainted”. Alison fought against them, saying that he wasn’t and didn’t get very far. They didn’t believe her and, after a few out of hand comments, the young mage tried to escape and died. In disbelief that her fellow Templars killed an innocent boy, she traveled back to Kirkwall by herself. After a few days, she left the Order and booked a room at The Hanged Man. She couldn’t believe that they simply killed him because of an ill-informed assumption. So she wanted to stay away from them and she did her best… until the streets were flooded with Qunari warriors. The stranded Arishok attempted to overthrow the Viscount and only ended in his own death at the hands of Hawke. Although, because of how strenuous the encounter was, Alison felt as if something was off.

In the following years, Alison kept busy. Mostly working as a mercenary and doing whatever she could to find work. She mostly worked with whatever tasks Varric had for her and was grateful for it. She was also trying to figure out what was going on with her. Since Draco’s power seemed to be fluctuating, growing more and more. Not even he had an answer. She tried to find an answer with the Chantry, asking the Mother there for any and all advice. Although none of it helped out, it made her only more confused and unsure of things. She and Draco tried to figure things out but to little avail.

As the tensions between the mages and the Templars grew, so did everyone’s anger about the situation. Hawke and his friends were tired of the numerous confrontations and they did try to stop them. However, they got out of hand as one thing escalated into another. Soon the city of Kirkwall was a warzone and it was the Qunari all over again. Except, instead of foreigners, it was the faces people have seen every day. The battle in the city eventually led them all into the Gallows, where the Knight-Commander was getting ready to attack and dissolve the Circle. Alison felt that strange feeling she felt when Hawke fought the Arishok. Something inside her wanted to come out and she didn’t know what to do. As the fight escalated, something did happen. Alison collapsed from a crushing weight and was enveloped in a dark light. When it subsided, a monster appeared. Looking more darkspawn and nightmarish than anything else. She attacked the Knight-Commander and helped her friends during the fight. Once it was over, she looked back and disappeared.

About a year later, Alison finds herself in a better place. Mentally, physically, and with how she carries herself. She still has issues but she’s leading a mercenary group calling themselves “The Drake’s Nest”. The group consisted of former Templars and mages, wanting to just help people instead of spreading chaos. Alison wanted nothing to do with them at first but she couldn’t let them do anything stupid that would get them killed. The Drake’s Nest, which she disliked at first, grew on her. She did everything she could to help and protect them. Even going as far as giving them a “tough love” approach to help the former Templars break their lyrium addiction.

Terrance Underhill was both her second-in-command and close friend. He had originally been saved by her from a group of mages and asked for her help in various matters prior to forming Drake’s Nest. To her, Terrance formed the group and she was simply the figurehead -- although it was far from that. She couldn’t lead Drake’s Nest without his help or support. Together, they led their growing group to support the people that were caught up in the Mage Rebellion. Mainly concentrated in the Hinterlands of Ferelden, they had their work cut out for them as they spread themselves through most of the Bannorn.

When word about The Conclave reached Alison, she was curious about how it would be received and set out to learn about it. Much to Terrance’s chagrin, she was seen flying around Haven as a dragon. She only helped the people caught up in the sudden outburst of magical power and fled before anyone could seek her out. However, when she returned to Drake’s Nest, she found out that the newly founded Inquisition had scouts in the Hinterlands. She sought out the Inquisition, offering her services to the scouts and soldiers wherever she could.

Before she offered to assist them further, she was off again. Following a strange revelation amongst her own in which the former Templars were disappearing. Her investigation led her to finding red lyrium. Worried, she revealed this to Terrance and wanted to express her desire for help from the Inquisition. Knowing that the red lyrium she found couldn’t be anything good. She left to go ask for assistance only to arrive in Haven. She returned shortly, disappointed that she didn’t get her assistance, but surprised to find out that Terrance continued where she left off. After a couple nights, he too disappeared and she was worried. She followed the trail he left to try and “bait out” the kidnappers only to find more red lyrium and signs of a struggle. After examining everything, she realized that the people who kidnapped Terrance were Templars and found Therinfal Redoubt. She once again went to Haven and presented her findings to them. Demanding aid instead of asking for it. However, without waiting for a response, Alison left to go save her friend. She intended to attack the Templar stronghold only to learn it was being overrun by Red Templars. Templars that had consumed red lyrium and grew more malicious because of doing so. She aided the Templars where she could before finding her friend and leaving for Haven.

Returning to Haven for a third time, Alison found it under attack by the Red Templars she was running away from. She gave the Inquisition her aid and helped them fight against the Red Templars. Diverting their attention so the Inquisition soldiers could help civilians escape. After seeing an Archdemon, Alison immediately turned her attention to it. Her and Draco work together to keep its attention on them before being thwarted by it. Seeing the Herald of Andraste being overrun by it and its master, Alison tried to save her but failed. She tirelessly searched for the Herald in the ruins of Haven and followed the Inquisition to their new home: Skyhold.

Once at Skyhold, Alison was formally recruited by the Inquisition. Whatever remained of Drake’s Nest also offered their assistance as well, dissolving the group as well. Alison's concerns at the moment were on the survival of her friend -- Terrance. He had been recovering from his “time” with the Red Templars. Going through lyrium withdrawals and looking sickly from having ingested the red lyrium the Red Templars forced him to consume. Knowing that he would recover, she was alleviated but still concerned.

Her concerns were quickly drawn away as the Inquisitor learned that the Grey Wardens were falling under Corypheus’s control. Corypheus being the creature that could wield an Archdemon at its side. Claiming to be one of the infamous Magisters that entered the Black City. Alison was reluctant in seeing where the trouble with the Wardens would lead and wasn’t wrong to assume her mother was somehow involved. Although, she didn’t care too much and still helped the Inquisitor regardless. She fought at Adamant Fortress but fell unconscious fighting Corypheus’s dragon. When she “came to”, the battle had ended and learned what happened from Draco. She was glad that the Inquisitor offered to allow the Grey Wardens to aid them -- seeing as banishing them sounded dumb to her in the off chance a Blight were to occur during all this. She was also glad her mother was all right as well but kept her distance all the same.

After returning to Skyhold, Alison was given a strange object by the Inquisitor herself. She claimed that the person who gave it to her said that Alison would know how to use it. Although, she was baffled by the entire thing. She opted to look into it after Corypheus had been dealt with -- given there was enough to do and this looked like it could wait for another time.

Soon Alison joined her comrades in their adventure to Halamshiral -- the Winter Palace of Orlais. She was personally overjoyed to go, being immensely giddy at the idea of going. She found Orlais to be immensely fascinating with the spy culture that had developed and was looking forward to what sort of trouble they would encounter. She was also elated that Terrance was better enough to go with her as well and spent most of the night making sure he was all right. She had fun too; watching Cullen being pestered by numerous people and drawing more nobles to his side as well. Completely embarrassing her old friend with ease while the Inquisitor ferretted out the identity of the assassin sent to murder Empress Celene. After the night ended, she was more than elated by the whole thing. Murder, mystery, and getting to embarrass her friends. What more could she ask for?

After the events of Halamshiral ended, Alison received a letter from someone. A boy claiming to be her younger brother and wanted to meet her. She was furious to learn that she had yet another sibling and went to confront her mother about it. Although it ended with them both arguing, Alison felt conflicted about it. The Inquisitor offered to help her through it and suggested meeting her sibling -- that he seemed genuinely interested in her. She reluctantly agreed and met him. She didn’t keep her hopes high but wasn’t upset about the whole thing. She learned about her step-father, Arl Teagan Guerrin, as well and as her younger half sibling, Maric. Although the time she spent with them both was brief, she realized how much both meant to her mother. She also realized that she wanted to spend more time with Maric as well. Once again, however, she promised to do so after she wasn’t so busy. She even offered for him to meet some of her friends as well and was looking forward to it.

Since the Inquisition had thwarted Corypheus’s plans, they found out that it had relocated its forces towards the Arbor Wilds. During the fight to get to the ancient temple located there, Alison and Draco used their powers to try and clear the way. Fighting off as many Venatori, Red Templars, and Grey Wardens as they could. However, after seeing Corypheus’s dragon once again, the pair wanted to settle their difference with the beast once and for all. Although, it ended with Draco forcing them towards the temple to aid their friends. When she got there, she saw Samson and the Inquisitor fighting and arrive in time to stop him from trying to kill her friend. She fought Samson, to buy the Inquisitor time to do whatever she needed to do. Afterwards, she returned to Skyhold with him in chains.

Now with Corypheus on the run yet again, the Inquisiton was getting ready to mount another attack on him. One last battle to end his reign of terror once and for all. With Terrance and a few close friends at her side, Alison offered that Drake’s Nest help fight against the demons Corypheus had at its side. Since the majority of the Inquisition’s forces were still in the Arbor Wilds, it could be months before they returned and organized themselves to fight Corypheus again. She led her companions towards Haven, rekindling the idea of the Drake’s Nest possibly returning once more. Like she had before, when Corypheus’s dragon appeared, Alison and Draco instantly went after it to keep its attention. During their fight with the dragon, Alison and Draco had separated -- Draco forming into a high dragon to fight the beast while Alison prepared to tackle it. However, she slipped off the edge of the floating, rocky terrain she had been on. She freefalled to the air, calling for Draco to help her. Draco did merge their consciousness together but a moment too soon. He couldn’t hear or sense her and was shaken about it, going to Alison’s mother for help. Thankfully, Catherine had accompanied them, with a few Wardens, and she brought Alison back to life. The pair became shaken and had a hard time getting over what happened.

As the Inquisition celebrated their victory, Alison was looking for a way to go back to how things were. She looked into the strange object that the Inquisitor gave to her after dealing with the Grey Wardens. She asked her mother about the object and learned it was an artifact from their ancestor -- Tanaleth Crest. A mage that had once served with the Grey Wardens before mysteriously vanishing the night before fighting an Archdemon. Apparently, she had been trapped in the Fade since then for the last few Ages and who knows how many centuries. They leave Skyhold to search for Tanaleth, to save her from her prison. In doing so, Alison was reacquainted with another couple of half siblings of hers. Something she resented but tried to pay little attention to as she hoped Tanaleth would help her and Draco out.

She entered the Fade, with her family, and searched for her ancestor. She slew the demon, with Draco’s help, and saved her ancestor. After helping Tanaleth recover her strength, she learned that Tanaleth also had a spirit living inside of her. This one supposedly took the appearance of a griffon -- something Alison thought to be very on the nose. With Tanaleth’s help, Alison was able to manifest Draco and talk things out about what happened between them. With everything situated, they returned to Skyhold. Tanaleth and Alison were very keen on learning more about the other’s abilities. Upon returning to Skyhold, Alison introduced Tanaleth to the Inquisitor and her advisors. Hoping that maybe this would help her relative learn about the world around her.

A couple years passed and an Exalted Council was called to determine the fate of the Inquisition. To keep it or dismantle it and reallocate its resources. During those two years, Alison spent her time training and keeping their military in shape. She had been appointed to be one of Cullen’s advisors. Although the Inquisition hadn’t used its might since Corypheus had fallen and the odd skirmish with its followers, there wasn’t a real reason for them to engage anyone. She joined Cullen and was looking forward to the Inquisition disbanding. To her, they had outlived their use and it was time to move on.

However, her idea of being able to lay low and relax was too much to ask for. A dead Qunari had been found in Halamshiral -- where the Exalted Council was taking place. With a friend’s help, she was able to learn that the Ben-Hassrath were involved somehow. Digging deeper, that’s exactly what was uncovered. A group of Qunari were using ancient Elven magic to do the bidding of “The Dread Wolf”. She helped the Inquisitor fight off the forces and all the while planning her next steps for after the Inquisition disbanded. She wanted to bring back Drake’s Nest again. Being a part of the Inquisition had satiated her desire to help people but being stationary made everything feel stagnant -- especially as the years went on. She wanted to see the world, witness more adventures, and help anyone in between all of it.

After declaring Drake’s Nest active again, she got married. She had been involved with a Dalish man she had gotten to know since joining the Inquisition. They had shared a lot of moments together and started seeing each other as well. Wanting to make celebrating Drake’s Nest a bigger deal, they were married at Halamshiral -- something that they had been planning as well.

After the events of the Exalted Council, Alison left Halamshiral with Drake’s Nest and started to venture through Thedas. Rumors have claimed that a group of mercenaries had been seen exploring the Free Marches and even into the Imperium.


Warden-Commander Catherine Crest

[ Mother ] Alison and her mother have a estranged relationship. Alison detests her mother simply because she uses blood magic -- totally knowing that the Crest family uses various forms of magic and blood magic is one of them. Alison hasn't talked or seen her mother since she started her life in Ferelden's Circle of Magi (so over 20+ years). However, despite Alison's hate for her mother, she can't help but admire her. Alison admires how her mother fights and how she is someone people look up to as both a leader and a Grey Warden. Adding to it, despite how much Alison may not agree with her mother's methods or ideas but she would offer that anyone or everyone should listen to what she has to say or even accept her help -- whether it's offered or not.



[ Brother | Familiar ] Alison relies on Draco to help her out whenever she needs it. Draco is a source of reason and knowledge for her; giving her advice with some decisions or dealing with others and even gives her a reason to not trust or rely on certain people. Like anyone who're as close as they are, they do squabble and get into various arguments however they can't separate from each other or go to different areas. Alison and Draco are ideally the representation of inner conflicts and self-doubt; both don't want to live up to their full potential and will go to whatever lengths necessary to evade it and each will help the other to avoid it. In the end, Draco and Alison usually have to rely on each other to get through whatever is going on.


Rihra Crest

[ Younger Half-Sister ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Tamriel Storm

[ Younger Half-Brother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Arl Teagan Guerrin

[ Step-Father ] Alison doesn't have much of a relationship with him. She does admire how he stood up for Redcliffe during the Fifth Blight and how he helped the arling recover afterwards. But other than that, Alison sees him as another lord. She has made one promise to him -- if he upsets either her mother or her brother, in any way,the last thing he'd see would be Draco.


Maric Guerrin

[ Youngest Half-Brother ] Alison's half-brother who is only 10 by the time she joins the Inquisition. After spending a decade not knowing he had existed, Alison was encouraged by Cullen and The Inquisitor to actually meet and talk to him. During their first encounter, Alison simply answered any and all questions Maric had to ask and eventually asked why his mom was always away from the castle. Which, to her surprise, she responded by saying Catherine was always away so she could protect Maric and his dad from the bad guys who might try to hurt them. After the encounter, Alison proceeded to visit and write to him as much as she could. Seeing Maric gave her hope that one day she will find some form of happiness herself.


Tanaleth Crest

[ Ancestor | Friend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Ruthven Levellan

[ Best Friend | Husband ] Alison first met Ruthven shortly after joining the Inquisition and meeting Itylra. At first, she assumed he was like many people who were solely interested in her being a Templar and a mage but later grew to understand that he was just curious about the world outside his clan. Alison confides in him about what has been troubling her and convinces her to at least try to get back to what life was like before she left Kirkwall -- and with his help she does. She admires how he is willing to listen to both her and Draco and even moreso admires his patience with understanding Draco. After the events of Inquisition, they eventually marry.


Tanaleth "Tana" Crest

[ Daughter ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Commander Cullen Rutherford

[ Best Friend | Brother-In-Arms ] Alison and Cullen have been friends since they were recruits. They used to agree that the mages they were supposed to protect were often mistreated and would do what they can to help them. However after the Fifth Blight in Ferelden, they had a difference of opinion once they met up in Kirkwall. Both started to get into fights about how to treat mages whenever the opportunity presented itself. Other than that, they get along and rely on each other when outside or within Kirkwall. After meeting up again as soldiers for the Inquisition, the pair bicker like they had before but are also realizing that they're going to be stuck with each other every time she leaves. Overall, the two have a close and unbreakable bond. Alison likes to think of Cullen as a brother and is very protective and lackadaisical towards him.


Itylra Levellan

[ Friend ] First meeting in Haven, Alison didn't think much of Itylra at first other than not to make her mad with her bow around. Later she started to become a little worried over how she was garnering Cullen's attention and, after a while, confronted Itylra about it -- in a nice way of saying it, Alison was worried about what Itylra has in mind for her relationship with the Commander and subtly mentioned to watch herself if Cullen was hurt in any way. After that awkward experience however, they began to get along better. Alison has nothing but respect towards Itylra and hopes she and Cullen have a good future together.



[ Ex-Boyfriend ] During their first meeting in Kirkwall, Anders was judgmental of her simply because she looked, acted, and was a templar. However after he learned that Alison was more for helping mages and openly stood up for their rights, he seemed to be slightly appreciative towards her. After a few years of travelling together, the pair became close but became more worried about the fact of who they were. After the events of Dragon Age 2, Alison and Anders parted ways --- never seeing each other again because of what he had done.


Champion of Kirkwall, Garrett Hawke

[ Best Friend | Role Model ] Alison has a huge admiration and respect for Hawke -- even before becoming the Champion. She admires his diplomatic approach to everything and even is envious of his courage. Hawke was the ultimate source of her confidence in accepting her title as a mage. She was more than overjoyed to see him when he came to Skyhold and even spent some time with him before he ran off.


Terrance Underhill

[ Best Friend ] Both were at each other's throats when they first teamed up but later realized that they work pretty well together despite the odds against them. Terrance is Alison second-in-command and is very protective over her -- having a strong admiration for her battle prowess and even her way to approach things peacefully -- traits she learned from the Champion of Kirkwall. Alison and Terrance have a strange relationship -- willing to talk and tease one another about everything but the moment either of them disappears, it's all about finding the other. Terrance, despite the crap Alison gives him, is willing to follow Alison to the Fade and back.


The Inquisitor & Herald of Andraste, Thea Trevelyan

[ Best Friend | Role Model ] Alison admires Thea's determination towards aiding the Inquisition and helps her out wherever she can -- giving advice or even helping her train. Over time, Alison began to see Thea more as a friend than an Inquisitor and even more so as someone to rely on after Thea helped her replace her gauntlet. Alison looks up to Thea as someone to aspire to.


Sister Leliana

[ Friend ] Alison honestly found her frightening when they first met, the whole "spymaster for the Inquisition" made Alison worried Lelianna would find something out about Alison she didn't want anyone to know. But on the contrary, the pair get along well talking about various things -- one of which is Orlais. Alison enjoys learning more about Orlais' history and even about the infamous "Game" everyone plays.


Cassandra Pentaghast

[ Friend ] Alison respects Cassandra but is very wearisome about what Cassandra would do if Alison even thinks about trying to cross her. Overall, given a chance to fight Cassandra or fight against an army of demons, Alison would chance the demons -- at least her chances of survival are more plausible.


Varric Tethras

[ Best Friend ] Alison has known Varric almost as long as she's known Hawke. He's seen her at her best and worst during their time in Kirkwall and now the pair are together once more making trouble with/for the Inquisition. Alison loves the stories Varric tells and comes up with and she can hardly wait to read whatever book he's writing or in the process of making.


The Iron Bull

[ Friend ] Alison loves Bull's attitude and the camaraderie between him and his Chargers. They like to train, spar, drink, and trade various stories with each other. Both Bull and Alison usually somehow get in trouble with Cullen or Cassandra but they have fun doing it. They also like to cause a lot of trouble for those around them whenever they try to spar together -- usually getting in trouble with Cullen. And, to top it off, the pair try to convince the Inquisitor that they need to try to find more High Dragons to fight.


Blackwall/Thom Rainier

[ Best Friend | Role Model ] Alison admires Blackwall for his status as a Grey Warden. Whenever she gets the chance, she tries to listen to what he has to say and takes it to heart. She does enjoy talking to him and even sparring with him every now and then. Alison loves hearing about the various stories that he shares with either her or other members of the group. She also puts him on the same level of respect for her father -- simply because out of the few memories she has, Blackwall reminds him of her father. However after learning about who he really was, Alison did lose some respect for him and how he lied to everyone but felt slightly disgusted by his constant apologies. She told him to stop apologizing for things that happened because there's no changing it and that regardless of what happens she does respect him for how he attempted to repent for his wrongdoings and that she also had too much respect for him to even think about disregarding him. Overall, Alison knows she can trust him -- as either Blackwall or Thom Rainier -- because she knows he has her back in whatever comes their way and she has his.


Madame Vivienne

[ Acquaintance ] Alison has respect for Vivienne but only goes so far. As far as Alison is concerned, she's annoyed with how the First-Enchanter thinks of Draco as a demon and is more upset that she doesn't understand why Draco can't leave Alison. Aside from that she does respect Vivienne and takes whatever advice she gives for what it is.



[ Acquaintance ] Alison was indifferent about Solas and figured he was simply "off" because of his supposed limited interactions with people but she later grew to slightly dislike his opinions about Draco. She likes that he sees Draco as a spirit but again, it was like her arguments with Vivienne. She does respect him but doesn't show it as much as she should. She also dislikes how he has an answer to everything and how he thinks highly of himself.


Dorian Pavus

[ Friend ] Alison loves bantering with Dorian and even talking about anything. When these two are together, no one is safe from their sassing or loving harassment -- even Draco.



[ Friend ] Alison doesn't appreciate how he always appears out of nowhere but enjoys messing around with him. She also likes to talk his ear off about whatever is bugging her -- like a living diary.


Nanin "Randy" Lavellan

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Marcus Trevelyan

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Eir Blindeye

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Male Amell

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Siona Lavellan

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Varharel Surana

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


H'fehn Tia

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Samga Bolir

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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