
.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Nova
Pronunciation: No- vah
Age: 26
Birthday: April 26
Birthplace: ???
Gender: Female (She/They)
Sexuality: Aromantic, Asexual
Height: 6’2

.:Distinguishing features:.

Nova has a very dark purple color, often seen wearing a purple hood with a golden amulet attatched. Her purple and white eyes tend to be very cat like.

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: Lumi's laboratory
Occupation: Therapist
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Citizen 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Garnet (Steven Universe)
Language: Common
Other languages known: ASL 
Style of speaking: Soft spoken, Tends to sugarcoat things.

.: Personality :.

Nova is known to be an independent and strong person, while always relying on herself, she’s not afraid to ask for help.

Likes: Cake, Children
Dislikes: Loud people
Hobbies/past times: Reading, Cooking
Guilty pleasures: Getting headpats
Pet peeves: Bugs,
Personal goals: To find her brother
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Very intelligent
General sociability: Very social and upbeat when you get to know her.

.: Relationships :.


Astro - Younger brother, care about him immensely and would do anything to find him.


Phantom - Despises him for taking Astro away from her.

Friends (currently)

PixelWas offered help by her and became good sparring partners, feels like she needs to repay Pixel for her kindness.
LumiAlso feels the need to repay Lumi somehow for staying at her lab occasionally. 

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand to hand combat
Peaceful or violent? Very peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.

-Stellar Manipulation-
Nova is able to manipulate different types of stars and control them at will.

Nova is able to teleport large distances, however she mostly uses it for escaping and running away.

.: Fears :.

Due to a childhood experience, Nova has gained a severe fear of heights.

.: Health :.

Nova is perfectly healthy!

.: History :.



.: Other Details :.
