
.: Playlist :.

1. Animal - Atsuover

.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Lumi
Pronunciation: Lu-me
Nicknames: Lu
Age: 22
Birthday: April 27
Birthplace: Celius City
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'8

.:Distinguishing features:.

Having a bumblebee-like color scheme. Lumi is known for her 'floops' on her head, acting as another pair of hands and ears. She also has permanent markings on her face, making it seem like she's always annoyed or tired.

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: Her underground laboratory (Lumi's Laboratory)
Occupation: Engineer
Relationship status: Happily Taken
Social status: Citizen, well-known engineer in the city

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: Bilingual, knows a couple of other languages
Style of speaking: Speaks very bluntly and straight to the point.

.: Personality :.

Lumi is very anti-social. Due to complications and issues as a child, she had to learn how to care for herself at a very young age. She became very independent and prefers not to work with other people. She owns a lab in the outskirts of Celius called Lumi's laboratory, that's primarily used for her research and discoveries. Other than that, she can be somewhat stubborn and snobby when you first talk to her. However, over time she tends to lighten up.

Likes: Battlebots, Pixel, Tournaments, Robotics
Dislikes: Water, Magic,
Hobbies/past times: Working on new machinery, watching battle bots or tournament fights
Guilty pleasures: People petting her 'floops', Hot ladies
Pet peeves: People constantly bugging her for little things.
Personal goals: To find out what happened to her parents, and to become a well know engineer.
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Extremely intelligent
General sociability: Not social around people, very antisocial.

.: Relationships :.




Astro - Despises him for what he did to her parents. However, after realizing what actually happened, she's slowly starting to warm up to him.
Dr. RuneWhile seeing them as a close ally in research and help, She has some issues with their magic work. She believes that it's a waste of time.

Friends (currently)

Pixel - Childhood friends, promised to help her regain her sight, and after a couple of years. Lumi succeeded
Palette - Childhood friends, admires her for her ability to be such a nice person to people and met lots of people like Pixel thanks to her.
Nova - Met her due to an encounter in the city, keeps contact with her due to her grief of her parent's death, wanting to find out the whole story.
Blaze - Met him through Palette. They tend to spar together to let off some steam.
Anon - interested in him because of his ability
Shimmer - Co-Workers, works surprisingly well together when given a task
Sakura - Met her through Blaze. Thinks highly of her for not having an ability yet being extremely strong.
Brio - Co-workers, helps them with fixing their microphone
Mino - Co-workers, doesn't fully trust him due to being so close to Pixel. Besides that, Mino often gives Lumi advice on various stuff.
Suni - Co-workers, the two of them work together on multiple things with Prismaflash, while Lumi doesn't approve of how loud he can be with his rapping, she does respect him for being loyal and honest, and gaining Astro's friendship.

Love interest

Pixel - Loved her for years on end before actually confessing. Promised that she would regain Pixel's sight so she would be able to see again. From there the two bonded so much. They are currently dating and could get married in the late future.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand to hand combat
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful, however easily provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: Her floops

.: Abilities :.

Lumi can summon electric sparks from the floop like ears she has on her head.

Lumi has floop-like ears that can stretch extremely far, being able to cling onto objects or pull something toward her, etc

.: Fears :.

Lumi is scared of losing people she holds dear due to a childhood incident 

.: Health :.

-Raccoon Face-
Due to an explosive incident as a child, Lumi has permanent markings on her face. Making it look like she has some sort of a raccoon face.

.: History :.



As of now, Lumi lives in Celius with Pixel, using her engineering skills to help others.

.: Other Details :.
