
.: Playlist :.

1. In My Life (I Love You More) - Beatles
2. Lights - Ellie Goulding 
3. Do It All The Time - IDKHBTFM 
4. Run Boy Run - Woodkid

.: Overview :.

Astro is a timid, cautious white stick figure that is always on the run due to being a criminal. He is the anti-hero within his own story, 'Down To Earth'.

.: General Info :.

Name: Astro
Pronunciation: Ass-tro
Nicknames: 'Asstro', 'Sleepy man', Marshmallow, ‘Blue’
Age: 19
Birthday: September 10th
Birthplace: A small town near Felven
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5'6

.:Distinguishing features:.

Astro is a white, very slim figure with baggy blue eyes. He's always seen wearing his signature blue hood, gloves, and boots.

Current residence: Hadena City
Current home: Occasionally switches between places in the present time most of the time being either Hadena or Celius City, by the future he lives with Suni in Hadena.
Occupation: None
Relationship status: In the present time, he is single, however in the future, he meets Suni and from there they get together.
Social status: Criminal (Present time) 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Southern Accent
Language: Common
Other languages known: None
Style of speaking: Soft-spoken and blunt. Due to not having much social interaction throughout his childhood and teen years, He's not familiar with day-to-day terms.

.: Personality :.

 Astro is very quiet and reserved. However, being a criminal comes with a cost, having to run away constantly and having to deal with constant doubts in his mind. He developed serious trust issues. He's extremely cautious around anyone he first meets.  As a child, he barely got any social interaction with people his age, so because of this, he has difficulty with social interactions.

When Astro is in love, he can be shy and even more reversed than usual. But tries his best to show affection to his partner whenever he can. He gets more flustered if his partner makes the first move and will shove his face in his hood.

Likes: Sleeping, Chocolate, Crackers, His beanbag chair
Dislikes: Bees, People flirting with him, Loud people
Hobbies/past times: While not having many hobbies due to being a runaway criminal, he often finds enjoyment in sleeping and playing sports
Guilty pleasures: Physical affection
Pet peeves: People bothering him constantly.
Personal goals: To prove his innocence.
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Not too intelligent, however, can be clever at times.
General sociability: Horrible at social interaction and situations, though knowing basic social cues.

.: Relationships :.


Unnamed Mother and Father
Nova - His older sister, hasn't seen her in years


Phantom - Terrified of him, Astro lost everything thanks to him
Dew - Terrified of him as well, despite seeing him only once and once only.
Cynthia - Always on the lookout for her.

Friends (currently)

Suga - Remembers her from the faculty that he was kept in for some of his childhood.
Blaze - Looks up to him in how he can be such a nice person to everyone. And wonders why he wants to help Astro so much.
Sakura...? - At first, Astro is intimidated by Sakura and her overprotectiveness over Blaze. However, in the future, they eventually get along.
Kippit - Thinks she's adorable being a half frog, but also intimidated by how blunt she is, not to mention how easily she can read him.
Pixel - Admires her for her generosity and wants to pay her back one day for giving him an actual place to stay.
Palette - Thinks she's pretty crafty with how she's able to come up with masterpiece after masterpiece every single day with her artwork.
Lumi...? - Extremely intimidated by her due to the complications of the past and her parents' involved with Astro.
Shimmer - Feels a bit of tension whenever he's around her.
Mino - While they don't talk much, they always enjoy each other's company.
Suni - Admires him for being such a chill guy, and hangs out with him every day ever since Pixel gave him a place to stay.
Brio - Thinks he's a fun guy, despite being so loud with his music, they tend to get along and Brio helps Astro show off those vocals.

Love interest

Suni - Admires him for being such a chill guy, and hangs out with him every day ever since Pixel gave him a place to stay. Eventually confessing their love to each other and happily dating.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Hand-to-hand combat
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful, and prefers to not get violent.
Weapon(s) of choice: His hands

.: Abilities :.

Astro can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth, flatten objects, and generate miniature black holes to compress objects into oblivion. They can repel and attract matter and energy regardless of their mass or move objects like telekinesis. Astro might even be able to induce zero gravity, manipulate black holes or even be able to exert power over anti-gravity.

.: Fears :.

Astro has the fear of dying or losing someone you love

.: Health :.

Astro has some undiagnosed mental health issues like anxiety, depression, etc

.: History :.


Astro lives in a small cave in an alleyway of Hadena City, holding onto the little yet no hope of being proven innocent. One day, Astro hears some noise coming from outside, upon further inspection, He sees a grey stick with an orange scarf, being picked on by a group of thugs. Instead of hiding away, he defends the grey stick and scares off the thugs. Afterward, the grey stick thanks Astro and reveals himself to be Blaze. Over the course of a few weeks, Blaze visits Astro's cave to talk to him, Astro doesn't understand why he keeps coming back, he barely speaks to him nor trusts him whatsoever. Blaze makes an effort to get to know him. Little by little, Astro slowly opens up to Blaze. However soon Astro realized that he can't stay here forever. Finding out that the thugs reported him to the higher-ups. He had to escape. Blaze caught him before he left the city, and offers him a place to stay. Astro at first declines, Blaze insists and brings him to his hut. From there, Astro lived with Blaze. However, the path ahead of them was extremely difficult.

.: Other Details :.

- He's allergic to Bees
- His gloves and boots enhance/boosts his abilities
- His hood was given to him by his mother