Gabriel Rosa



3 years, 7 months ago


Gabriel Alexander Rosa

Easy Going Friendly Loves to have fun!
Name Gabriel Alexander Rosa
Age 24 years old
Height 6'2"
Build Fit
Species Atherian
Sex Cis Male
Gender Guy but not afraid to experiment
Pronouns He/Him They/Them She/Her
Orient. Bisexual
Taken Nope
Occup. Prince / Certified Rich Boy
Worth Priceless
Theme ;)
Creator ME



Gabriel is a bubbly and friendly guy who enjoys meeting new people and having new experiences. He likes to live life in the moment and will mindlessly jump into situations without truly thinking about them beforehand. Unfortunately he is a bit blind to dangers that await him in these new experiences.

One of the most important things to Gabe is his friends, he care deeply about them even if he is a bit of an airhead.



At first glance Gabriel is a good looking guy who seems to be into the latest fashion trends! And on closer inspection... that's exactly what he is! His golden complexion matches wonderful with any outfit he wears and his charming good looks always makes heads turn. However, when looking at him for a prolong period of time (mostly at his eyes) There is a weird sensation to look away. A slight fear bubbling up in your stomach... though... it must be the butterflies.


His appearance doesn't change much in his angel form. His wing are a fluffy dark grey, which is unusual for other Atherians, though not much can be commented on as he inherited them from his father. His halo is a square shaped which is another trait that is inherited by royalty. His outfits are just as varied as the ones in the human realm, ranging from his multiple princely outfits for various occasions to his trusty toga, which he tries to wear as much as he can.

Design Notes

  • No matter which version, Gabriel has a golden tint to him when he blushes.
  • His Freckles, Inside the mouth and blood are also gold no matter which version.
  • His iris's are square shaped.
  • In his Human disguise, his ears are still a little pointed.
  • Hair is pushed back when wearing formal outfits.


  • Socialising
  • Making new friends!
  • Exploring and discovering new things
  • Animals
  • Human Culture


  • Sollicitudin
  • Vivamus
  • Pellentesque
  • Vestibulum
  • Convallis arcu


Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor. Aenean fringilla, justo eget vehicula malesuada, tellus ipsum lobortis lacus, quis viverra sapien sapien vel metus. Maecenas egestas neque eu erat molestie interdum non nec purus. Aliquam nisl orci, egestas quis mi et, feugiat cursus nulla. Sed tempor interdum ante quis tempus. Maecenas non mauris vel elit fermentum porttitor. Sed id ullamcorper lectus.

Praesent pellentesque rhoncus dui, a efficitur magna tempor id. Cras euismod velit sit amet urna posuere, et dignissim urna fringilla. Phasellus elementum tristique lorem quis interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam nisl lorem, aliquet sit amet erat nec, maximus imperdiet augue. Proin laoreet mi quis est lobortis, id bibendum quam mollis. Integer id placerat eros, in bibendum massa.


  • Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
  • Proin semper libero non leo maximus fringilla.
  • Nullam scelerisque orci suscipit nunc venenatis facilisis. Duis eget urna vulputate augue mattis dictum. Morbi suscipit ac urna ac posuere.

Skills & Abilities

Skill Name
Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
Skill Name
Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
Skill Name
Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.


Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.
Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.
Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.
Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.
Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.
Name relationship
Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.