Noche Tenebri (Noche, Knower-to-be)



I really like this particular Noche alt and have drawn her more than once so she gets a tab.

An Arcinian noita who arrived at the mountain through entirely unknown means even to her. As far as she knows she could've just dropped out of the sky and landed there. Inexperienced with wandcrafting, the spells she casts tend to be quite simple, but fairly effective for what they are! She leans towards spells with a sort of physical quality and intensity to them, such as flying discs, lightning bolts, or a good old magic chainsaw.

Also, wherever she goes, things tend to end up on fire. She carries a flask of water with her at all times for a reason.

Has gotten absolutely fucking blasted out of her MIND on the Fungal Cavern's native bright pink fungal fronds more than once.