
7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






??? (definitely not a mouse)


without going into her whole backstory, most of mouse's power is derived from a rather impulsive demon that tried to possess her from before she had received formal training in magic. unfortunately for the demon, it didn't realize that she had magical aptitude, which caused its possession to backfire in mouse's favor- instead of the demon gaining control of her body and thoughts, mouse gained the demon's power as well as all of its past memories. a part of those memories was a database of everyone the demon had made a deal with, or allied with in the past, which essentially gave mouse a very convenient list of bad guys. mouse spends most of her time hunting down and eliminating the people she finds in her memories, and considers herself somewhat of a holy force of justice. however, given her callousness towards others and lack of sympathy towards people who dealt with the demon, regardless of circumstance, some wonder if she inherited more from the demon than just its powers and memories..

since mouse's powers are kinda vague-looking (and admittedly i did originally just make the gold shiny bits for aesthetic lmao) i'll explain 'em here. they work kinda like a midas touch, in that they swiftly and painfully turn anything they touch into a statue of gold, including people. unfortunately for anybody who's thinking about selling one of mouse's statues for profit, the statues are perpetually dangerously hot (like your-blood-will-boil-if-you-hug-it hot) and any attempt to chip gold off, regardless of protection to the heat, will cause the statue to explode in an even hotter, more dangerous explosion. they're generally treated as cursed and the once-living statues are thrown into deep pits or lakes (although your local lake will likely be more like a yellowstone hot spring than a lake after you throw a statue in it).

(the actual gold floaty magic isn't dangerous, seeing as she's goofing around with it in like half her art; just stuff it touches.)