Penny LeClair



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Pen (Gen) Clair (Townspeople)




Organizing the systematic killings of each member of the Royal Family, as revenge for her fathers unjustified execution.


August 1st








After the death of her father, the vast family fortune has been bequeathed to her. She now helps manage her fathers business.






Her father, window shopping, turning away the advances of creepy people (breaking hearts), coffee, vibrant colors, collecting pennies.


The misjudgment of others, being put down, being viewed as lesser, dirty houses, cooking, loud drunkards on the front lawn.


Penny LeClair is on a quest for justice, and nothing will stop her.

With the set-up and execution of her father by the countries royal family, the honest Penny LeClair could not hide her grief or malcontent. Remembering a story told to her long ago, she ventured into the basement of her family estate in search of a "family heirloom" that could right any wrongs. With vengence on her mind, growing stronger by each passing day, this is not a good trinket for her to possess...


Physical Description:


Penny is a average woman with a curvy build. Many people catch their eyes on Penny, not only because of her vast fortune, but her good looks as well.

She has neck length ginger hair with pale, blue eyes. She is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Japanese and White).

After the death of her father at the hands of the Royal Family, Penny LeClair seeks revenge and justice. Calling upon the power of a "family friend", Penny and this unknown cohort plan the systematic murders of the Royal Family. This will create both chaos and justice in the world, in Penny's eyes. Penny doesn't do any of the killing herself, but her powerful and confident personality soaks up the feelings of bloodlust...

Penny wears a golden necklace chain with a bright coin adorning it. When the name of the coin is called, it summons someone very special to do her bidding. Until then, however, its a nice fashion statement.




Once upon a time, Penny LeClair used to be an honest and warmhearted young woman. 

Penny always stuck to her morals more than anyone else. She had a strong sense of justice, and her obstinate and stubborn personality heavily dictated her actions. She was always tenacious, always a believer, and one whose loyalty is still unbreakable.

When she loves, she loves with all her heart. She puts her emotions into everything she does, and is highly manipulated by them. If she wants something, she gets it. If she doesn't, she refuses outright without any deliberation. Sympathetic and heartfelt to both herself and the people around her, Penny was a trusted confidant to her friends. She was generous, a good listener, and helping hand and confident friend to have by your side.

Since the execution of her father, Penny has entered the darkest depression of her life, one even the happiest of events could not drag her out of. Her unwavering spirit has plunged her into what she would describe as an "unending sadness", and she feels it drag her down everday. Penny is a person who feels as if she needs control of a situation, and if not, she becomes lost and depressed. She's become a recluse in her mansion, only seeing her best friend occassionally, and going through a days a ghost of her former self. She is still a kind, empathetic human being, but the anger that now festers in her needs an outlet.

Many years ago, Penny's father, Franc, lead her down the basement's deepest chamber. There, Franc LeClair told her of a mystical item, one that could right any wrong and bring justice to the world at her hand. In the aftermath of her father's execution, and her steadfast belief in his good name was tarnished and framed, Penny recalls this long-forgotten memory. While she was once lost, Penny LeClair then realizes what she must do if her dreams are to be realized...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Penny is intellegent and cunning. Although fueled by her emotions, she rarely goes in without an orgainized plan, and it is this dedication that has kept her and her plot under the radar. With her total control of Daric, an honest to god instrument of death, she feels embolded--as if she can accomplish anything. She goes out and takes what she wants, and reaps the spoils. She's good at problem solving when she has a grasp on her situation, and has a good understanding of people. She can assume how they will react, and prepare accordingly. 

But Penny has an addictive personality, and her tenacity can whisk her away. She's so used to giving 100%, that she's unused to taking away and waiting. When angered, she can become overheated, and lose track of logic and sense. In the beginning of her plot, Penny vows to keep the bloodlust in check--not wanting to become like the other LeClair's who have used this trinket before. However, over time, we'll see how long this lasts...


Bonus Facts:


- Penny is a confident dancer, and used to frequent them with her best friend, Gen. She loves balls most of all, and that includes getting dressed up for them.

- Her mother died when she was a young girl, but Penny keeps her memory alive through cooking. She's kept her mothers receipes, and cooks them when she is down, as if to remind herself that she's still with her.

- A very, very bad liar. Penny has many tells, one of which includes fidgeting with her clothing or jewelry. She has to learn how to keep her body still and confident, if this plot is to succeed...